You amaze me by being so sophisticated as you are. LOL. .
If you object to spending a few dollars on a book, then you are like a man named Sam.
Joe and Sam were friends. One day Jim told Sam he had a very rich gold mine and invited Sam to come and dig in it all day long and he could keep all the gold he could haul away.
Sam was excited. “I will be there tonight at midnight to dig all day tomorrow.” he said.
So from midnight on, Jim waited, He waited and waited and waited all the next day long, but Sam did not show. At midnight, Jim closed his mine and went home.
A few days later, Jim met Sam. “Sam, why did you not come to my gold mine and dig all day long? You could have been a rich man by now.”
Sam replied: “I was very excited about your offer for sure. But when I saw how much the hardware store wanted for a pick and shovel, I refused to pay their price.”
Tom, you and Sam are one and the same.
You posted some time back that if there was ever a way to do this, you would be the first in line. Well, truth be told, you will be the last, if ever, and so will those who follow your lead. So sad.