EE just for you. go to -->,30210.0.html
See posts 14, 17, 18, 21, 22, 33, 36, 38, 39, and on.
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Then -->,65416.0.html
# 2, 7, 9, 10, 11, # 12 <-- especially.
Regarding validity of the dowsing tests -->
It's a dowser, ladies and gentlemen
Yep ? if you say so, i guess? Err comments about the following post?
hi CARL, Yes to minimize, not "ELIMINATE" , hence all such tests are subject to question and intimate review, especially when the emotional/mental/physical aspects of the people are involved. In this type of case, it is impossible to do so. Even if all try to the best of their ability to be impartial or to succeed, it is still impossible, due to what you called "self delusional beliefs" triggered by perhaps the subconscience from a past experience or reading, or even in being subjected to a feeling of inferiority because of present surrounding and type or attitude of the testers. Hence any conclusions based upon pure statistics in this type of test, is at best a semi-educated guess.
For a dowsing test to be "VALID", the SAME dowser should be subjected to a large no. of tests in the same exact manner in many different conditions and under (A) all testers that believe in Dowsing , (B) All of those that do not, plus (C) an equally divided group. Only under these conditions can one draw a "reasonable" idea.
Anything less is completely unacceptable as true Scientific testing since we are dealing with a complex interwoven group of Psychological as well a Physiological feeds all modulating each other.. Any of which can be altered easily by the present testing conditions.
Tropical Tramp