Different Ways of Testing LRLs

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Pretending to not know what I'm talking about isn't help your credibility any at all.

I asked for your version of a fair test, for the purpose of establishing Scientific Proof.

Not another home movie of plastic eggs and Tic Tacs, or shiny silver dollars coming out of the ground after being "buried for many years."

Don't be a doof---show the proof!
P.S. When will you man-up and take Carl's test?
ref: Are LRLs More Than Just Dowsing?

Pretending to not know what I'm talking about isn't help your credibility any at all.
I asked for your version of a fair test, for the purpose of establishing Scientific Proof.
Not another home movie of plastic eggs and Tic Tacs, or shiny silver dollars coming out of the ground after being "buried for many years."
Where can one find a Double Blind test that will establish Scientific Proof..Art


1. Carl's test. You have admitted that it will show whether you can succeed with your LRL or not.

2. Make up your own, as long as there are reliable witnesses, and it is true double-blind test.

Don't be a doof---show the proof!
P.S. When will you man-up and take Carl's test?
ref: Are LRLs More Than Just Dowsing?

I think I will back off for a while..I just don’t want to be held responsible when those guys in the white jackets show up on peoples door steps…Art

EE THr said:
Different Ways of Testing LRLs

So, having failed to find fault with Carl's test, here is their big chance to eliminate any possible misunderstandings, and tell what the really want a good test to be.

Nothing could possibly be more fair and unbiased than this!

Maybe someone else will step up and specify exactly what they do want, in a fair test?


aarthrj3811 said:
This is my version of a Blind test. I use halves of 6 Plastic Easter eggs and a coin. I give my wife the coin and she goes out the back door and I stay inside while she places the coin under one of the egg halves. She then goes around the house and knocks on the front door. I go out, not having any contact with her. I start Locating thinking of anything else except for the Rods. Sometimes it is what I'm going to do tomorrow or a movie I saw the night before. I locate the coin, go in the house and give it to the wife and start over again. I make 10 to 15 passes and then take a break. My results are all ways the same. I find the coin every time.

With only very minor adjustments, this test is acceptable for my $25k challenge. 6 locations, 15 attempts, one coin (yours, not mine). Caveats: eggs must be fully opaque; coin no bigger than a US quarter; I will also place under the 5 other eggs dummy targets of identical shape/size as the coin; eggs must be placed on a smooth surface with no gaps; Art cannot get any closer than 6 feet to the eggs; test will be videotaped.

Here's the good part: no need for success every time; 13 out of 15 will make you a winner!

No travel or expense hotel rooms

None needed.

Art, lemme know if you can actually "do it" and I'll start writing up a contract.

Well Carl you know my answer..My test is as good as yours..It proves to me that I can use my equipment to find gold..Simple fact..It will not prove that LRL’s work or if Dowsing has anything to do with using LRL’s or MFD’s..only that one man knows how to use his equipment..Art

I'll take that as a "can't do it".

Carl, a serious question. Have you never seen someone hit with a rod or LRL?

I know you have seen more of these units than the rest of us put together and it would seem that somewhere you would have come across someone or something that could somewhat function.

aarthrj3811 said:
Well Carl you know my answer..My test is as good as yours..It proves to me that I can use my equipment to find gold..Simple fact..It will not prove that LRL’s work or if Dowsing has anything to do with using LRL’s or MFD’s..only that one man knows how to use his equipment..Art

That would be fine, if you didn't claim to others that you can do that.

When you start insisting that something is true, you must either back it up, or back down.

Don't be a doof---show the proof!
P.S. When will you man-up and take Carl's test?
ref: Are LRLs More Than Just Dowsing?

Carl-NC said:
With only very minor adjustments, this test is acceptable for my $25k challenge. 6 locations, 15 attempts, one coin (yours, not mine). Caveats: eggs must be fully opaque; coin no bigger than a US quarter; I will also place under the 5 other eggs dummy targets of identical shape/size as the coin; eggs must be placed on a smooth surface with no gaps; Art cannot get any closer than 6 feet to the eggs; test will be videotaped.

Again, this BS??


hung said:
Carl-NC said:
With only very minor adjustments, this test is acceptable for my $25k challenge. 6 locations, 15 attempts, one coin (yours, not mine). Caveats: eggs must be fully opaque; coin no bigger than a US quarter; I will also place under the 5 other eggs dummy targets of identical shape/size as the coin; eggs must be placed on a smooth surface with no gaps; Art cannot get any closer than 6 feet to the eggs; test will be videotaped.

Again, this BS??

A #16. Congratulations!

Of course yours includes a #18 and #29, and your ongoing, ever-popular, #27.

Which all add up to #24.

Ah, Scientific Prediction is wonderful, isn't it?

:laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7:

Don't be a doof---show the proof!
P.S. When will you man-up and take Carl's test?
ref: Are LRLs More Than Just Dowsing?

fenixdigger said:
Carl, a serious question. Have you never seen someone hit with a rod or LRL?

I suspect it would hurt. But if you mean, Have you never seen someone get a "hit" with a rod or LRL? then, yes, I have. Even felt the "hit" myself. But I knew even the first time I felt it that it was only a mind trick. A self-induced response.

What I've also seen is that 100% of the dL'ers I've ever worked with only get correct "hits" when they know where the target is located. In every single case, as soon as I apply even modest blind controls to their demonstration, their "hits" become purely random, or vanish entirely. They simply can't do what they think they can do.

Art knows that as well, and so do you. In fact, everyone here knows full well that Art can't really do what he says he can do. Have you noticed that not a single True Believer is encouraging Art to go fer it?

I know you have seen more of these units than the rest of us put together and it would seem that somewhere you would have come across someone or something that could somewhat function.

Not a single case, not even remotely. Pun intended.

Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp said:
Fenix: CARL has stated that he can dowse, but has never mentioned how he did it.

You sure like to keep repeating this one, dontcha? And what is dowsing? A combination of knowledge, intuition, and blind luck. Who doesn't "dowse"?

Just a few days ago I went dowsing for my ski gear. I successfully and quickly dowsed my ski boots, but my goggles evaded even my most intense dowsing skills. But then I employed remote viewing, and I saw my goggles in a blue plastic tub sitting at work. I'll bet when I get back to work tomorrow my remote viewing skills will be validated. Whaddya think?

I suspect it would hurt. But if you mean, Have you never seen someone get a "hit" with a rod or LRL? then, yes, I have. Even felt the "hit" myself. But I knew even the first time I felt it that it was only a mind trick. A self-induced response.
What I've also seen is that 100% of the dL'ers I've ever worked with only get correct "hits" when they know where the target is located. In every single case, as soon as I apply even modest blind controls to their demonstration, their "hits" become purely random, or vanish entirely. They simply can't do what they think they can do.

Art knows that as well, and so do you. In fact, everyone here knows full well that Art can't really do what he says he can do. Have you noticed that not a single True Believer is encouraging Art to go fer it?
You sure like to keep repeating this one, dontcha? And what is dowsing? A combination of knowledge, intuition, and blind luck. Who doesn't "dowse"?[/quote]

So you are saying that all finds with a LRL is a self-induced response ? So could you please tell the membership just how you plan on telling this if someone should take your fake double blind test ? This should be an interesting answer if you even bother to answer..Art

HI CARL YOU POSTED --> You sure like to keep repeating this one, dontcha? And what is dowsing
Yep, if swr can keep repeating certain things why can't I?? However, in this case it isn't debasing
intentionally. and you DID dowse he he he.

Don Jose de La Mancha

Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp said:
and you DID dowse he he he.

Yeah, but I don't feel the need to pay $1,000 or $10,000 for a box of silly. And my results are every bit as good as anyone else's. Time to go dowse for my shop vac hose. X-country moves are heck.

Yeah, but I don't feel the need to pay $1,000 or $10,000 for a box of silly. And my results are every bit as good as anyone else's. Time to go dowse for my shop vac hose. X-country moves are heck.
So your only claim is you don’t want to..Thank You

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