If you were south of Yecora and east of Bermudes , then you were at the Real de Tayopa .
IMO , not any stone map and CP map lies in Mexico .
I wonder if the Cursum Boulder is the boulder pictured in the Perfil Mapa?The one that looks like it has a nose...I really don't know much about the Cursum subject but I find the subject fascinating...Maybe one day I'll read up on
Could you enlighten us that are not very knowledgeable on the subject Mike?What is the Cursum boulder and where is it located?
Ed T
Except for the cursum perficio rock and parchment which surfaced long before Tumlinson came to Arizona. Abe Reid was talking about it to Hoolie Bacon in the early 1910-1920's, perhaps even before that.
Cursum is dubious. Can you explain the exact origin of Cursum? Cursum also has no identical symbolism to the Stone Maps (unlike the Stone Crosses found by Michael Bilbrey). All the verbiage on Cursum is easily translated, and if someone knows the location of the Cursum Boulder, then someone should have access to "the end of the journey".
The "erroneous" Spanish phrase El Tesoro de Los Iglesia de Santa Fe are on both the Stone Cross and the Cursum Perficio, except on the CP, Iglesia is spelled Eglesia, and for good reason.
The slash-in-triangle, heart, and circle-in-circle are symbols that are found on the CP parchment, Stone Crosses, and the Stone Maps.
By "exact origin" do you mean the definition of the word "cursum"?
There ya go, thinkin' too much! HAHAHA Who said/wrote Abe Reid had it in the 1920s? Where di Abe Reid get it from? At what point did it show up? Provenance?
I deciphered all the Latin on CP Parchment a long time ago. I just thought the two different inks and pencil writing to be the most suspicious part.
There ya go, thinkin' too much! HAHAHA Who said/wrote Abe Reid had it in the 1920s? Where di Abe Reid get it from? At what point did it show up? Provenance?
I deciphered all the Latin on CP Parchment a long time ago. I just thought the two different inks and pencil writing to be the most suspicious part.
The "erroneous" Spanish phrase El Tesoro de Los Iglesia de Santa Fe are on both the Stone Cross and the Cursum Perficio, except on the CP, Iglesia is spelled Eglesia, and for good reason.
The slash-in-triangle, heart, and circle-in-circle are symbols that are found on the CP parchment, Stone Crosses, and the Stone Maps.
By "exact origin" do you mean the definition of the word "cursum"?
Abe Reid was said to have found the CP boulder on his Silver Belle claim. There was also a tunnel on the claim and that is where he supposedly found the book of sermons (what he called the "Latin Book") with the CP parchment tucked inside. When he passed away, the book ended up with Billy Martin, who gave it to Al Reser, who gave it to Jim Hatt near the end of his life- what has happened to the book after Jim Hatt passed away is anyone's guess. Clay Worst, Al Reser, and another person whose identity I will keep confidential at this point have seen the CP boulder on Abe's claim. This CP boulder is not to be confused with the CP rock at the end of the trail.
Ed Buckwitz is also said to have found a similar book. The interesting thing is he never knew Abe Reid, and his claims were out by Needle and EBC. Sorta follows a very old trail, methinks.
Marius...Is Tayopa and the treasure of Santa Fe one and the same...I have been to a Real of minas that fits into a number of treasure tales as I have mentioned...I am even beginning to wonder IF the = in a box represents the arc of the covenant...But who can say for certainMaybe one day we may know for certain...
I have been to the mine represented by a heart in the CP and I have seen the mine represented by a circle in a circle and I walked by the mine with a triangle etched in the stone in front of it...But at the time I did not have a clue of the importance of where I was at the time...Maybe one day some lucky treasure hunter will find said site...
Ed T
IMO , The symbol ( two lines ) in a box , don't represents the arc of the covenant but something like a grave . The orientation of the cross at the specific side of a Christian grave , shows the direction the Trail starts . Also the cross is the symbol for the upper stone Trail map , which is carved on the back side .
The tombstone looking symbol with 2 lines in it and the cross next to it, indicates that there are 2 church treasure somewhere on or near the trail. The priest stone also indicates 2 treasures. Three lines in a tombstone would mean 3 treasures or caches and so on.
IMO , The symbol ( two lines ) in a box , don't represents the arc of the covenant but something like a grave . The orientation of the cross at the specific side of a Christian grave , shows the direction the Trail starts . Also the cross is the symbol for the upper stone Trail map , which is carved on the back side .