dfg suction dredge report is out

i don't know where your getting your info but this is how it reads

(g) Number of Permits. The Department shall issue a maximum of 4,000
30. permits annually, on a first-come, first-serve basis. Any permits
31. issued in 2011 will apply toward the limitation of 4,000 permits for
32. 2012.

so who picks and decides if they will use the alternatives.....and do the area classifacations stay the same under the alternatives? or get worse........im in El Dorado county...why for the love of God is Webber creek completely closed now when it wasnt before???? thats lame.. im opening each of the dfg folders and readin them one by one..whwen is the decision made to let us back in the water.

These new proposals just show what the true intent of the law is,nothing I see has anything to do with "fish"!

PUBLIC COMMENT: Written comments should be received during the public review period
which begins on February 28, 2011 and ends at 5 p.m. on April 29, 2011. Comments must
be postmarked or received by April 29, 2011. Please mail, email, or hand deliver comments
to CDFG at: Suction Dredge Program Draft SEIR Comments, Department of Fish and Game,
601 Locust Street, Redding, CA 96001, Written comments may also be submitted by email:
dfgsuctiondredge@dfg.ca.gov (Please include the subject line: Suction Dredge Program
Draft SEIR Comments) or by going to the Program website at
(http://www.dfg.ca.gov/suctiondredge). All comments received including names and
addresses, will become part of the official public record

2cmorau said:
i don't know where your getting your info but this is how it reads

(g) Number of Permits. The Department shall issue a maximum of 4,000
30. permits annually, on a first-come, first-serve basis. Any permits
31. issued in 2011 will apply toward the limitation of 4,000 permits for
32. 2012.

Read chapter 6.........under 6.3.4

Its gonna be no program or their Alt, program. :help:

I cant read anymore of this sht.
Anybody want to buy a claim???
Im gonna move up to Lannys :tongue3:

read Draft Proposed Suction Dredge Regulations (February 28, 2011)
your reading alternatives there are four alternatives
The Draft SEIR evaluates the potential environmental impacts of the Proposed Program and
four alternatives: a No Program Alternative (continuation of the existing moratorium); a
1994 Regulations Alternative (continuation of previous regulations in effect prior to the
2008 moratorium); a Water Quality Alternative (which would include additional Program
restrictions for water bodies listed as impaired pursuant to the Clean Water Act Section
303(d) for sediment and mercury); and a Reduced Intensity Alternative (which would
include greater restrictions on permit issuance and methods of operation to reduce the
intensity of environmental effects).

Hefty1 said:
I give up!!!

I believe that is what they want. Don't give the SOBs the satisfaction....

yea so whos the decider?????? the court? whos reading the feedback?

hefty1 read chapter 3 page 6 line 25
nuff said

:icon_pirat: FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM and I ain't talkn' radio :icon_pirat:

Personally I think the time for knee jerk reactions is done, use our brains(those who still have one) and figure the best way to light a fire under these frickin politicians in our favor.
Any and all of us with vested interest in this need to stop whining, it just an excuse not to do anything.
1) Submit rational comments on their proposals, backed up with facts if possible.
2) Call, FAX and E mail every politician you know of, to put pressure in our favor. ( If they don't I personally vow to do anything possible to make sure they can't get reelected, even as dog catcher)
3) Get everyone you know to respond, prospectors or not.
4) Take the time to explain to those who don't know, lack of education we can cure, ignorance is fatal.
5) We who do this as hobby or profession are the authority's on this, start acting like it, rebut the BS with good science and experience.
6) Those who want to complain and snivel, with out proposing solutions, Shut the F#*k up

Good luck
I've got letters to write

Hoser John
i fukin agree, doesn't matter if it's proposed program or the four alternatives were screwed

Thanks Tarkus well said
Three new pro-mining bills have been introduced in California. Senate Bill 657 by Senator Gaines changes the law to exclude suction dredging from the ongoing administrative process which is reviewed in the new Proposal outlined above, and allow dredging under the earlier regulations until 2014. There is also a pro-rated refund for those of us who got knocked out of our dredging permits during 2009.

Assembly Bill 566 (Galgiani) and Senate Bill 792 (Steinberg) are the same bills which require California to formally acknowledge mineral-rich areas and prevent other priorities from eliminating mining as the primary use.

Tarkus said:
Personally I think the time for knee jerk reactions is done, use our brains(those who still have one) and figure the best way to light a fire under these frickin politicians in our favor.
Any and all of us with vested interest in this need to stop whining, it just an excuse not to do anything.
1) Submit rational comments on their proposals, backed up with facts if possible.
2) Call, FAX and E mail every politician you know of, to put pressure in our favor. ( If they don't I personally vow to do anything possible to make sure they can't get reelected, even as dog catcher)
3) Get everyone you know to respond, prospectors or not.
4) Take the time to explain to those who don't know, lack of education we can cure, ignorance is fatal.
5) We who do this as hobby or profession are the authority's on this, start acting like it, rebut the BS with good science and experience.
6) Those who want to complain and snivel, with out proposing solutions, Shut the F#*k up

Good luck
I've got letters to write

I agree,and plan to continue,but....its like our vote,does it really matter?I mean look at our pres.,who voted for him??I wrote letters before till my fingers bled,did it make a difference?Sometimes I hear an echo to my voice.When you talk to these "descion makers face to face,its like talking to a 4 year old,you can tell they arent listening to you,they act like they really care yet they are thinking bout meeting there next Tee time!

i dont think anyone here is even whining, and if your refering to the comments of Mr. Oates hes been at this and in the Biz a long time....hes not whining hes fed up....thousands of positive comments have been made about the financial gains of littles towns the fun friends and families are having while their out there on THEIR lands...its been shown time and again that there are only a sad shameful few who go out and destroy out of spite....and the legal respectful recreators( new word maybe..he ..he)like us here, who, do comment and help and disprove the incorrect, uninformed, arguments presented...bear the new restrictions,resolutions, and rules...so where does it say the outcomes of these four alternative programs...and their impacts???????????and is it one judge or some commitee that is going to look at these results ans say oh that seems like the best one.. i dont see anywhere in there anything that looks like the positive feedback and just arguments presented by us helped at all :help:...and really the stuff i read in the general fishing community was either not there or not that bad...other than the stuff up by Klamath...and the public in my community as far as the coverage of the meetings here etc. was on the miners and recreatotrs...so......ahhhhhhhh >:(

I agree Pville,but if you go on some of the fishing forums you will witness some MAJOR dredge bashing!!I have offered to take a few and see how much benefit dredging does.I even posted underwater pics of trout from minnow stage(the same fish)to 6-7 inches long habitating my hole by the hundreds.....all I got was hate mail!

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