I will be again testing version 4.1 Deus today.
My goal.
To see if possibly using TX power 3 is in fact more useful in my soil with ground sensitivty set to level 6.
With earlier versions Deus, Tx power level 3 in my area's soil- washes out signals.
I may play with tx power setting 1 also.
These tests will be on undisturbed targets in the wild.
So I have to find some.
Not easy in this testing site I have declared.
Wish me luck.
My goal today not met.
Not enough data to give good info on the above.
Did use Deus with 9"LF V4.1 in the wild today.
First let me say, Deus V4.0 is now in my rear view mirror.
All my units have 4.1 loaded since last nite.
Again today some what I think is very good performance.
V4.1 ground sensitivity setting for me is secret weapon.lol
Although it's no secret anymore.
Using this ground sensitivity and varying over suspect targets, reminds me sorta like iron check on both Garrett ATX and Minelab GPX series.
I find it quite reliable.
I also know Mr Sharpshooter has been previously leaving nonferrous finds in the ground too when using Deus V4.0 and previous versions, and get this- just maybe even when using round and elliptical HF coils.
I definitely came home today with a few extra finds attributable to V4.1.
All nonferrous finds.
The items on the left less challenged, meaning all gave equal or very similar tonal,signature when comparing ground sensitivty 6 vs 10.
Settings used today
Hot program
93 sensitivty
Freq 18khz
9"LF coil
Located with ground sensitivity level 6
Reactivity 2.5
Silencer -1
Disc 0 full tones
GB manual to actual ground 73 in meter.
Tx power 2
No ground notch.
All of the items on the right more challenged. Meaning when I went from ground sensitivty 6 to 10 some thing happened to the tonal signature in one way or the other.
If I would have been running groud sensitivity level 10, and hunting none of the finds on the right would have been dug by me today.
Additionally had I been hunting using ground sensitivty level 6 setting, good chance none of the finds on the right not found by me today either.
Sound strange?
It might to some.
First of all, it is my opinion, folks wanting to be all they can be using Deus looking for all and any nonferrous, highly recommend audio response 5 or higher.
This area where I found the above has seen CTX, Etrac, V3i, Deus 2.0/3.2 action by myself previously, been a while back though.
The finds on the right, all but 2 of them (smaller musket ball and bigger lead) gave real small static signals (ground sensitivity 6) very low volume hard to hear even wearing full headphones with module for at 6 and audio response at 5. I rate these signals on these as consistent noise.
Sounds more like Deus coil sensing small ground anomaly. Very coil position particular and sweep speed sensitive. Using pinpoint showed a big signal. So after hearing these only setting changed is going to groud sensitivity (GS) level 10. Signal what little signal there was at GS at 6, going to 10 signal either disappeared or got even more shaky.
The 2 targets that did have higher volume bigger signals ( musket ball and bigger lead) but these signals sounded extremely low like iron. Again pinpointing showed what I thought was a large pinpoint. If I would have based my dig decision on pinpoint size Inwould have walked. So both of these targets above sounded a whole lot like each other. What to do?
I sure don't like digging iron if I don't have to.
So I monitored my sweep speed while listening to these 2 targets listening to the tone as the coil was moved. Then I went to GS level 10, the signals both got chopped slightly.
And when digging the nonferous was there, both targets about 6" deep.
Gotta love version 4.1.
Another arrow in one's quiver.
I did also today do a few checks on some signals (crappy) while detecting using GS setting 6. After composing to GS level 10, if the signals improved going to GS 10 turned out to be iron or nail.
I did get fooled one time. Turned out to be s nail vertical and deeper.
Will be interesting to see what other users see and hear when they start using V4.1.