Deus V4.1 vs 4.0 (comparison data, test, actual targets in the wild

A summary PDF of the 4.1 changes including the new ground sensitivity setting can be found here. manual/SUMMARY_MANUAL_DEUS_V4_V4.1_UK.pdf

With respect to Mike G.'s comments regarding whether it acts as a bias offset for GB tracking mode. My answer is sort of. It is more sophisticated than that and because of that holds the potential for more detection benefit for highly mineralized soils. The downside is that it is more complex and tricky to set. Too high, and you will just generate noise, too low and you will cause tracking to just default to a set ground phase reading of 88. I think if you set it to 5 or 6 you will be ok for most situations and if you soil is mild, the setting probably doesn't matter (IOW the default ground setting should work ok). Like I said, I wish XP had seen fit to just provide an on/off setting (similar to Silencer's -1 setting) so you could emulate the 4.0 behavior, then if you were brave enough, you could set it to something other than that and play with it. Now you have to pay attention to it and its just one more thing you have to keep track of when you are setting up your programs.

I can't speak for milder soil.
But on top of the ground tests done using different levels of ground sensitivity setting does influence separation/ unmasking performance. Should also say, this far using 11" coil the finds that V4 is struggling with are not the deeper ones so far, midepths to shallower. This suggest to me masking by ferrous, rust etc.

Would I expect to see increased performance in milder ground in an old site? Yes.

Tn - based on your research, my take on how to set this thing is that if you just keep it at 5 or 6 you should be ok and may see improved LF coil performance under many conditions. The trick is finding the higher setting sweet spot (i.e., setting higher than 6) that peaks performance (separation/responsivity) without introducing noise due to over sensitivity to the ground phase setting.

The word ground in "ground sensitivity" is misleading when it comes to what I think a lot of folks would think as far as this setting. Electronically what goes on? I could care less. Secret XP
Now, some folks in the last year or even longer, some have said XP platform LF coils done for.

Gotta watch those XP folks.
Everyone had their eyes on the eye candy know as the MI-6 pinpointer with its screws ups with Deus integration.

Here's another thingy I think threw folks for a loop.
Remember I haven't seen HF coil performance increase with fooling with ground sensitivty setting. So since the ground sensitivty setting materialized with V4.1, folks I think we're thinking this settings option applied across the board all Deus.

But a person with HF coil, remote, headphone module. Yeah they update but don't update coil.

So, this increased performed with LF coils has to do with actual updating coil, not the remote so to speak, granted the remote had to be updated offering the settings option. But the remote is not where the real action is.

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Agree. They did something to the LF coils. I think more tricks are coming for the HF coils too. Hopefully, simultaneous multi frequency which is were XP needs to go to catch back up to Minelab.

Something else to say here.
Can the 11" LF coil hunt behind 9" round LF and HF coils and make nonferrous finds? And here I'm not ven talking about deeper finds.
The answer is yes, and a BIGGER yes with V4.1 11" LF coil.
The way the coil windings are spaced and yes now this better performance with V4.1.

The best looking flat button (not bent) I posted above, not over 6" deep. On edge? Or close?
If I would have had the detector and coil,I had with me today,,and not knowing diddly squat about 4.1 version.

If someone from this forum would have been videoing me when I swept this target with ground sensitivty at either 6 or 10.
I would have gladly bet $100 it was iron. On camera too.
So I would have lost.
I should also say, folks who find these slightly better signals at GS setting 6 and they get worse or dissapear at GS 10, if you pinpoint and find a big pinpoint. Don't walk off!!! Trust me on this. Now if the pinpoint is monster tone volume wise yes, walk, but milder and bigger, be careful.

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So its making shallower iffy targets sound better that may sound like iron in mineralized ground clutter. I think that is what the HF coils are doing already, so this makes a difference for the LF coils. Of course, as you say, the other benefits (and drawbacks) associated with running the coils at HF don't apply, but maybe XP had some secret sauce already in the hf coils and were trying to figure out how to get it into the LF coils, hence 4.1.

I ran mine on the preset of 6 in manual GB. I was running my GB at 86. I need to take a serious look at this feature. I didn't think it was affecting my manual setting?????

I also have been running mine on default Ground Sensitivity 6 and Manual GB set at 86, but I think it has affected my manual setting going from V4.1 beta to this V4.1 now. Quite often I notice that there is no actual ground conductivity number shown (top right number) and was wondering if anyone knows what this means?

I think that is when it defaults to 88 because ground mineralization is so low (if you are in manual, it doesn't change anything you just get the bars, in tracking it will change GB to 88 if it senses mineralization low - check the my link above for the PDF info sheet on it). If you lower the sensitivity setting you might have less "no reading" occurrences but, like I said, doesn't really matter if you have it in manual. And it doesn't matter if you are running an HF coil either (regardless of whether you are in manual or tracking). I like how XP just dumped it out there without a real explanation on how to use it and without identifying the differences in application for LF and HF coils.

I don't mind experimenting, especially if it can enhance operation, but don't put something out there that can screw you up if you don't set it right. IOW give us a usable default setting or OFF switch and detailed instructions. SMH

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I think that is when it defaults to 88 because ground mineralization is so low (if you are in manual, it doesn't change anything you just get the bars, in tracking it will change GB to 88 if it senses mineralization low - check the my link above for the PDF info sheet on it). If you lower the sensitivity setting you might have less "no reading" occurrences but, like I said, doesn't really matter if you have it in manual. And it doesn't matter if you are running an HF coil either (regardless of whether you are in manual or tracking). I like how XP just dumped it out there without a real explanation on how to use it and without identifying the differences in application for LF and HF coils.

I don't mind experimenting, especially if it can enhance operation, but don't put something out there that can screw you up if you don't set it right. IOW give us a usable default setting or OFF switch. SMH

Yeah, I constantly use the actual ground conductivity number to reset my manual setting if it changes drastically. Now I don’t know the actual ground number. No problems with consistent neutral ground like in the woods. But foresee some possible issues on my trashy city sites.

Yeah, I constantly use the actual ground conductivity number to reset my manual setting if it changes drastically. Now I don’t know the actual ground number. No problems with consistent neutral ground like in the woods. But foresee some possible issues on my trashy city sites.
From what I understand, set it to 10 and the number comes back.

I also have been running mine on default Ground Sensitivity 6 and Manual GB set at 86, but I think it has affected my manual setting going from V4.1 beta to this V4.1 now. Quite often I notice that there is no actual ground conductivity number shown (top right number) and was wondering if anyone knows what this means?
I think this is correct.
I see it it my soil too, running manual GB, ground sensitivity at 6.

Basically in manual, the top number, when it goes blank. What this is a result of is soil mineralization not high enough to trigger tracking circuit,,but you are in manual and if your Manuel number (bottom) is set to ground phase all is good.
Now, even running ground sensitivity level 6, you may see your top number come in every now and then.
Could be caused by 3 things.
Higher mineral soil
Faster coil sweep
While sweeping your coil your arc may give a coil pumping affect.

If you will go back up in this thread, you will see where I actually did bobbing coil even though I was in tracking Gb.
And when I did this the GB would hold when I started sweeping then it would fall out of meter.

Default 88 should only come in when you have tracking GB selected or manual 88 selected. And when Deus while in tracking GB defaults to 88, the bottom number will have 88, top number a dash.

Hope I was clear.

At Cullpepper running tracking GB, very possible to have ground sensitive set as low maybe as 2-4 and Deus will hold a track phase on the soil.

Not so in Florida, would take 9 or. 10.

In my area ground sensitvty setting level 8 is minimum setting to keepmDeus tracking using Tradking GB, or even manual,GB.

Folks need to remember Deus tracks in both manual and tracking GB. But tradking circuit not input when manual GB selected.

You can dial your Deus (bottom number ) to 70. But sweeping Deus top number will yield actual ground phase( this is conditional though on soil level minerals and ground sensitivty setting)

You only have one way you the userecan control top number-- ground sensitivity setting.
But using a lower groud sensitivty setting you lose control meaning dash will appear in window.

I can actually in my soil keep a tracking GB at ground sensivity level 6 or 7.
One problem, if I quit sweeping or slow coil movement to a crawl it will default to 88.

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I think this is correct.
I see it it my soil too, running manual GB, ground sensitivity at 6.

Basically in manual, the top number, when it goes blank. What this is a result of is soil mineralization not high enough to trigger tracking circuit,,but you are in manual and if your Manuel number (bottom) is set to ground phase all is good.
Now, even running ground sensitivity level 6, you may see your top number come in every now and then.
Could be caused by 3 things.
Higher mineral soil
Faster coil sweep
While sweeping your coil your arc may give a coil pumping affect.

If you will go back up in this thread, you will see where I actually did bobbing coil even though I was in tracking Gb.
And when I did this the GB would hold when I started sweeping then it would fall out of meter.

Default 88 should only come in when you have tracking GB selected or manual 88 selected. And when Deus while in tracking GB defaults to 88, the bottom number will have 88, top number a dash.

Hope I was clear.

At Cullpepper running tracking GB, very possible to have ground sensitive set as low maybe as 2-4 and Deus will hold a track phase on the soil.

Not so in Florida, would take 9 or. 10.

In my area ground sensitvty setting level 8 is minimum setting to keepmDeus tracking using Tradking GB, or even manual,GB.

Folks need to remember Deus tracks in both manual and tracking GB. But tradking circuit not input when manual GB selected.

You can dial your Deus (bottom number ) to 70. But sweeping Deus top number will yield actual ground phase( this is conditional though on soil level minerals and ground sensitivty setting)

You only have one way you the userecan control top number-- ground sensitivity setting.
But using a lower groud sensitivty setting you lose control meaning dash will appear in window.

I can actually in my soil keep a tracking GB at ground sensivity level 6 or 7.
One problem, if I quit sweeping or slow coil movement to a crawl it will default to 88.

I will be doing some tests, but didn't you say in the thread earlier that ground sensitivity levels at 8 or above yielded bad tones (like iron)?

I have not had good experiences with GB tracking prior to V4.1. Would you recommend general hunting in GB tracking with this new V4.1 now?

Has anyone tested the this new ground sensitivity on the salt beach yet? Were the results good?

I will be doing some tests, but didn't you say in the thread earlier that ground sensitivity levels at 8 or above yielded bad tones (like iron)?

I have not had good experiences with GB tracking prior to V4.1. Would you recommend general hunting in GB tracking with this new V4.1 now?

Yes I did say higher ground sensitivity settings generate poorer signals generally.
My talking of running ground sensitvty setting of 8 was to just show how Deus performed in the ground balance department using the setting.
I haven't recommended any one actually detecting use it.

I think XP needs to improve V4.1 here in this area if feasible.

They should have allowed for ground balance tracking override feature.
Meaning allow folks to run medium and lower ground sensivity settings, yet allow Deus to track like indeed a ground sensitivty setting of 10 is set.
Now I don't think if XP does this any performance is take away.
I could be wrong.

A fair statement here.
May apply to me as well.
Someone in USA has indeed swung Deus using LF coil using earlier version to V4.1 over a smaller gold, 3 cent silver or nickel coin, Smaller CW relics, nonferrous masked by ferrous, and when these folks swung their coils over these, didn't hear them or heard what they thought was ferrous, even Deus chatter.
If these same folks get the hang of V4.1 and actually reswing over these missed targets, some of these missed will be NABBED!!

Folks should definitely use the ground sensitivity as a way to get intel on less than stellar signals, especially the more crappy sounding.

It won't take long I don't think as weather improves to see stories related to all I have said in this thread.
I am very confident here on this.

I will be again testing version 4.1 Deus today.
My goal.
To see if possibly using TX power 3 is in fact more useful in my soil with ground sensitivty set to level 6.

With earlier versions Deus, Tx power level 3 in my area's soil- washes out signals.

I may play with tx power setting 1 also.

These tests will be on undisturbed targets in the wild.

So I have to find some.
Not easy in this testing site I have declared.
Wish me luck.

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Fantastic Technical thread!

Thank you for sharing! :occasion14:

You guys please forgive my ignorance as I struggle to understand what has been posted. If one updates his 9" LF coil/remote etc to 4.1 from 3.2, then he should still see some respectable gains in performance. I understand that this will not give it the performance of an HF coil but it should allow it to be somewhere midway between them? Am I seeing this as a way to spruce up or "hot rod" my current set up? if so, this would allow those not in position to step up to the HF coils to at least get more out of their deus. Thanks for putting up with me. DL


I believe that to be the case, however, I am concerned about the ability to tweak the ground sensitivity setting consistently to get that performance and, more important, concerned that if not set properly it could actually degrade performance under extreme soil conditions. If you just keep it at what I believe to be the default setting, 6, you should be ok for most situations and may even see improved performance IF you use GB tracking (it really does nothing for you if you use Fixed GB). Hope this helps.

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