Deus 2 can be operated to be a better monster around and in iron - HOW?

I recently watched a video on this very program, and how it didn't work and how it wasn't tested out in the field.
Sure somethings work in controlled environment and the TNSS is a tester and should of done this probably.

I spent some time with it and deleted it on Oct 18th as I knew right there I didn't buy this machine and install a program to dig square nails. That can be achieved other ways and I have no desire to add to the nail collections. ev

This should of been tested in the field (meaning a heavy iron patch) before uploading it to the world.

I used program in 3 sites. And found 2 coins in one. And one in the rest.
Key is to watch meter behavior. I never said it was perfect. Actually I stated it was flawed. But could expose some finds. It did for me.

One problem Deus 2 has. And this is sorta related to this program, is it canā€™t expose all targets vis audio itā€™s capable of. NOw I will say this. Site dependent iron wise on how good it works or how troublesome.
Yeah there are finds out there that have been swept over yielding iron
This might be called pushing the Deus 2. You know what can happen when you push any detector? Right,,,,

Yeah I know folks want a program that will find, dig and put it in their pouch automatically. Good luck finding one of those.

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I used program in 3 sites. And found 2 coins in one. And one in the rest.
Key is to watch meter behavior. I never said it was perfect. Actually I stated it was flawed. But could expose some finds. It did for me.

One problem Deus 2 has. And this is sorta related to this program, is it canā€™t expose all targets vis audio itā€™s capable of. NOw I will say this. Site dependent iron wise on how good it works or how troublesome.
Yeah there are finds out there that have been swept over yielding iron
This might be called pushing the Deus 2. You know what can happen when you push any detector? Right,,,,

Yeah I know folks want a program that will find, dig and put it in their pouch automatically. Good luck finding one of those.
First, I'm not sure what you mean by "meter behavior".... watching the TID? the XY Screen? We haven't got meters on the Deus.

But aside from that... please explain how setting discrim to 0 and applying notch is any different than leaving discrim and setting iron volume to 0? As far as I can tell, that is all you are doing is silencing the iron.

My Deus 2 has a meter. Maybe yours donā€™t. My WS6 has a meter too.

My Deus 2 has a meter. Maybe yours donā€™t. My WS6 has a meter too.
OK, you can call it a meter if you'd like, but you still haven't answered my real question, and that is, what does this do? How is it different from turning iron volume to 0. I like to know how and why things work.

I used program in 3 sites. And found 2 coins in one. And one in the rest.
Key is to watch meter behavior. I never said it was perfect. Actually I stated it was flawed. But could expose some finds. It did for me.

One problem Deus 2 has. And this is sorta related to this program, is it canā€™t expose all targets vis audio itā€™s capable of. NOw I will say this. Site dependent iron wise on how good it works or how troublesome.
Yeah there are finds out there that have been swept over yielding iron
This might be called pushing the Deus 2. You know what can happen when you push any detector? Right,,,,

Yeah I know folks want a program that will find, dig and put it in their pouch automatically. Good luck finding one of those.
Granted that you state that the program was used at 3 sites yielding 2 coins and 1 coin at the other.
Pre hunted sites
How many iron targets vs non-ferrous were dug
Was the area (where coins found) done first in another program
Time spent detecting

I can understand the last line of your post-and that is the quest of certain folks that also believe buying the next new machine that drops off the conveyor belt will be the end of their inadequate detecting abilities.
Put a 1000 hrs under the belt using a machine and then one can pretty well get a good feel that the are one with the machine.
Sure some believe that they master the new machine after a few weeks, because they upgraded from another and it's producing results.

Prehunted sites allā€¦.one copper read 83. But turning I could hear the nail. Turned out to be a big nail too. So hearing the nail and copper I could put less stock in meter reading 83. Hence I dug. Wheat heads donā€™t generally read 83.
Saw similar in other sites.
Granted not many recoveries.
Was select digging though.
All previous hunts numerous models select digging done as well.
Including Deus 2,
Manticore, Etrac, Nokia models, etc.

Prehunted sites allā€¦.one copper read 83. But turning I could hear the nail. Turned out to be a big nail too. So hearing the nail and copper I could put less stock in meter reading 83. Hence I dug. Wheat heads donā€™t generally read 83.
Saw similar in other sites.
Granted not many recoveries.
Was select digging though.
All previous hunts numerous models select digging done as well.
Including Deus 2,
Manticore, Etrac, Nokia models, etc.
Are you deliberately ignoring my question? Because I am definitely feeling ignored.

First, I'm not sure what you mean by "meter behavior".... watching the TID? the XY Screen? We haven't got meters on the Deus.

But aside from that... please explain how setting discrim to 0 and applying notch is any different than leaving discrim and setting iron volume to 0? As far as I can tell, that is all you are doing is silencing the iron.
Great question BTW
I use to run all the Minelab explorer series wide open, the I did with the Deus l
Something I have to try with the Deus ll is opening it right up.

Not my video. Hmmm. Notice nail orientation. And notice nail was below nickel. Hmm. Imagine in a sports field. And one would have swung over and got iron tone and kept walking, leaving and the target lurking was gold ring. Yet bird dog just might alerted signal with 1 in meter and user rotated saw saw higher ID in gold ring range. Hmmm

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So now you have a video of a recovery in a sports field setting.

Totally 180 from what an iron laden site would produce.
No meter shot/no sound so the view just has to believe that it was a single target in the swing zone that was being shown.

I wouldn't call this a iron infested at all.
Now throw in a dozen more mixed iron signals around that little area, then I might be giving the program some credit.

Single target-nope.

Seriously if one was to even recheck every single target between 3 different programs in an iron site-well that's just isn't feasible in any real world setting.

Though I have to give you credit for finding/responding to the guys video after he @you a month ago. Then posting up it here to reassurance that it works.
It's good that you put the little disclaimers in also. "Is bird dog for all sites? Not necesssrliy."

Probably does work in a certain site as a sports field, or an open target site.
Then there's also a good chance a blind squirrel will find a nut also.

It only takes one nail to kill off a target (gold ring) Or one piece of shorter wise, a junk ferrous chain.
Yeah you want to get the most for each sweep in a sports field, dry sand beaches, etc. . Bird dog good choice. One can dismiss some of the nails should they encounter, with no good sounding tone around sweeping.

Bird dog offers higher probability of hitting some masked gold rings and even coins in sites. Per sweep of the coil.
This is a fact.

I can walk behind a Deus 2 user on dry sand beach/sports field and I have chance to nail targets threy never hear. Hmmmmm
Like the sound of thatā€¦.hmmm

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No one ever before me ever talked about this.
Depending on site detected can give advantage.
I also btw said it has flaws. I was honest.

Btw Manticore can be run to give users some advantage too. I have showed this as well. Again no one before me to my knowledge has ever showed or talked about either.

You see beaches or sports fields could be hard hunted. Whatā€™s left could indeed have some thing wrong with it (masked) via a detecting direction when swept.

Hence what I have showed ups the odds of locating some of these masked targets perhaps. The situation has to exist for advantage to be gained. Can it exist? Certainly. Does it? Unsure. Only way a person will know is to go detect and see what hsppens. Or another way would be to grid every 4ā€ square of ground on a beach or a sports field. Like the sound of that? I donā€™t.

Laws of average says what? Hmmm

One cheesy piece of smaller wire game over maybe for a $200-$5000 gold ringā€¦..hmmm. To live to see another day and the next day a user of even a cheaper detector hits from different direction and BINGO! They nab the ringā€¦..hmmmmm
Like the sound of that. I donā€™t.
It could have been prevented. Hmmm.
I sound evil donā€™t I?
No, I am not evil. Just honest.

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No one ever before me ever talked about this.
Depending on site detected can give advantage.
I also btw said it has flaws. I was honest.

Btw Manticore can be run to give users some advantage too. I have showed this as well. Again no one before me to my knowledge has ever showed or talked about either.

You see beaches or sports fields could be hard hunted. Whatā€™s left could indeed have some thing wrong with it (masked) via a detecting direction when swept.

Hence what I have showed ups the odds of locating some of these masked targets perhaps. The situation has to exist for advantage to be gained. Can it exist? Certainly. Does it? Unsure. Only way a person will know is to go detect and see what hsppens. Or another way would be to grid every 4ā€ square of ground on a beach or a sports field. Like the sound of that? I donā€™t.

Laws of average says what? Hmmm

One cheesy piece of smaller wire game over maybe for a $200-$5000 gold ringā€¦..hmmm. To live to see another day and the next day a user of even a cheaper detector hits from different direction and BINGO! They nab the ringā€¦..hmmmmm
Like the sound of that. I donā€™t.
It could have been prevented. Hmmm.
I sound evil donā€™t I?
No, I am not evil. Just honest.

Let me try one more time: How is it different from leaving discrim and just putting the iron volume to zero. In other words, what is the difference between discrimination and notch aside from the fact that notch makes no sound while discrim makes the iron sound?


Big deal you can detect a .22 cal. beside a nail-STOP THE PRESSES folks what a game changer.

I guess getting lead out of an iron site previously with another program wasn't possible even.

Seriously just because hundreds/thousands of users don't post up videos of their settings/finding doesn't mean they aren't recovering the lead beside the iron nail.
Nothing new here-maybe for you it's the greatest thing since slice bread-but it doesn't really change anything that will unmask that hasn't already been used out in the field.

Thatā€™s not a 22 bullet.
And many detectors wonā€™t give the audio signature or even hit that bullet! At all. Equivalent coil size.
Even version .6 and .71 Deus 2 wonā€™t do as well audio wise on this scenario. This is exactly what Xp did with Sens ft versions 1.00/1.10/2.00.
Make those scenarios sound better for user so they donā€™t miss or be less confused.

The offset with full tones is a big deal.
Deus 1 never had. Just like version .6 and .71 Deus 2 never had.

You know Xp when they add something to their models it usually means or does some thing. Something beneficial to users using. Not exactly bells and whistles bs. Yeah. Thatā€™s Xp the way I see it.

Thatā€™s not a 22 bullet.
And many detectors wonā€™t give the audio signature or even hit that bullet! At all. Equivalent coil size.
Even version .6 and .71 Deus 2 wonā€™t do as well audio wise on this scenario. This is exactly what Xp did with Sens ft versions 1.00/1.10/2.00.
Make those scenarios sound better for user so they donā€™t miss or be less confused.

The offset with full tones is a big deal.
Deus 1 never had. Just like version .6 and .71 Deus 2 never had.

You know Xp when they add something to their models it usually means or does some thing. Something beneficial to users using. Not exactly bells and whistles bs. Yeah. Thatā€™s Xp the way I see it.
OK it's not .22 cal.
So what is it then?-certainly a smaller Caliber.
There's lots of previous detectors that would detect that lead.

I've dug equivalent sized lead in all those versions no problem.
Yet you make out that earlier versions won't do as well-they did. (for detecting it)
Sure the sounds in high square is better than the early versions.

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