Detecting trip finds!!!.... part 2

j.d. in the usa

Bronze Member
Sep 21, 2003
Allentown Pa.
🥇 Banner finds
Detector(s) used
DFX 300
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Well the next day we wound up at an old train depot it had about a 30ft wide by 150ft long grass area on four corners in the town...we fan out over the area and about 1/2 hour later near a water fountain and bench I got an 88 VDi on my XLT usually means a quarter 1in. down took the lesche digger and pulled the plug over... there looking right at me is a standing liberty quarter, turned out to be a 1929-S, 1 foot away was a mercury dime, I figured id dig every signal got a 17 VDI 1in. dug out a buffalo nickle, then another, got a 79 VDI dime signal, out pops 2 silver dimes, got a 17 VDI again... thought to myself cool another buffalo... boy was I wrong out pops a ring I can see it has a diamond I quickly put it in my pocket, then got 2 more nickles all no more than 1 in. down... detected another 2 hours only clad. this is one of the best rings I ever found its an 8 diamond wedding setstsmped 14k. I dont think the coins were in that spot more than 5-10 years the nickles only just started to get corroded...I could be wrong but every single buffallo, V, shield nickle I've found before were brown or black and theses are in awsome shape still look mostly there silver color and light discoloration.. jd


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Nice stuff j.d. Those nickels are in great condition. I know what you mean about the black nickles. The one's I find are always crusty. I did find one spot though like you did were the nickels were still silver. You were either in great soil. Or those coins came from a small broken cache. Was there a structure maybe that has been torn down in the last decade. It's a possibility that it was hidden and when the structure went down they scattered all over. I hit a very old home yeares ago that produced a Morgan and a peace dollar and about 25 other silver coins. Even the nickles were in great condition. I came to the conclusion that when the company that owns the land tore the house down in the 80S right. I believe since the stuff was all in a 15ft by 15ft area in front of the house. That there was a small cache hidden in the wall. And when the house went down so did the coins. I guess it's one thing we'll never know. But it's fun to think like that. The reason I still do is because I never find a nickel a 100yrs old still with it's silver nickle patina left on it. Makes me think that the stuff wasn't in the ground to long. Just some of my thoughts man. Maybe you would agree.

Take care good going Jeremy

JD, Great finds! Love the coins and ring. Is there a part 3 and 4 to this story? If so I can't wait. Jim Cal

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