I've read all the posts about the ACE 250, how it won't go deep, how it will go deep, how it won't work hunting a site with re barb in concreate, heck no detector will hunt a site like that.
I myself have several detectors. I have a Whites XLT, a Minlab Sovereign, a Tesoro Tiger Shark, a DepthPro Headhunter and a Fisher 1235 and the ACE 250. I have a SunRay Probe on 3 of the detectors. I mostly use the ACE 250 now, because it's so much lighter than the other detectors. Having swung a detector for over 25 years now, I've dug more junk than probably anyone or as much anyway.
I like the ACE 250, I've dug coins at 10 inches. But the soil was right, it was wet and it was good top soil that had never been hunted. My partner on the same day that I dug my coin at 10 inches also dug one at the same depth. He also uses a ACE 250. I am not saying I dig coins at the depth everyday, but I have dug a coin or two at that depth.
What my partner and I have found, is that we like to hunt in all metal a lot. We dig every signal that hits in the right side of the meter. We dig almost everything, especially if we are hunting a site that has little trash.
I know, at first I just dug in the coin or jewelry modes and dug what sounded good. Then one day, I was ex-permitting using other modes. I started using the all metal mode, coins will still sound off good like in the coin mode or jewelry modes. But the iffy signals, I and my partner dig them all. Try it, you might like it.
I still use the other detectors, but my choice of detectors is the ACE 250. Having found over 4000 coins clad coins last year and finding well over 100 IH's, several hundred wheaties and countless silver coins, watch fobs and tokens, I myself will stick with the ACE 250. I might add also that most of the targets were found at around 2, 4, 6 and 8 inches. I guess with that kind of return, who has to go deeper.
For those that are having a hard time with noise, turn down your sensitivity. I usually run around 4 or 5 notches. Higher if I can get away with it. Also slow down, your not out there cutting crass with a weed whacker. Also use a High Quality Headphone. One that you can adjust the sound for each ear. A hundred dollar headset is not out of the question. Your local dealer has a good selection.
I also hope your using some sort of probe. With the soil so darn dry up here in Ohio this year, I dug for targets, I could see them in the hole, but the coil would not pick them up, using a probe was the answer. I use a SunRay Probe. Yes it will sound off all around the probe. You must go slowly in the hole, check the sides and then move down. It is a handy tool.
Best of Luck to everyone. The ACE 250 is a fine detector, you just have to learn your detector, just like you would have to learn an expensive detector.