You can run higher sensitivity on the smaller coils because they see less ground. The 4.5 inch sniper will beep a dime at 6 inches plus because you can usually run the sens wide open. The larger coil you have to run a lower sens.
oldbill said:When you go to bury the test coins place an anple supply of saly warwe in the hole and fill with dirt letting the dirt get wet from the mixture of salty water, heck that will age it like is had been buried to 2oo years for signal purposes in less tan 2 days time. It works I invented it and use it. bill
Monty said:I know how deep I have found some of my targets out in the field but just for fun I decided to plant some deep coins and see if I could find them with the ACE 250 and the large coil and my GTI 2500 with the standard coil.
I buried a wheat cent and a silver Roosie dime at a measured 10 inches.The soil was barely damp and we don't have a mineralization problem here. The air temp was about 73 degrees and the relative humility was about 70%.
I first tried the ACE250 with fully charged batteries and ran through all the various preset discrimination modes, sensitivity at my usual 4 bars. Nothing, not a peep, not a hint of anything being in the ground but dirt! I kicked the sensitivity all the way up and then backed off two bars so it would stabilize, ran through the identical set and nothing again. I then held the pinpoint button down and tried it again but could not detect either coin. Disappointing but not surprised. I once detected a silver dime at 9" in a controlled hunt, but only that once and never again. I do have several finds at 6" and that seems to be about max.
The GTI 2500 was even more disappointing. I was using the standard coil and ran through the discrimination modes but no sign of a target. I switched to all metal and sensivity of 12 and just barely got a faint tone. It was not of sufficient strength that I would dig it in evary day use. I was really disappointed because of the almost thousand dollars difference in price of the two detectors and no more depth than I was getting with the "Cadillac". I have detected and dug steel targets from that depth with the 2500, but they were all in the iron range.....and large, very large!
So, from my results I would have to say my beloved Garrett machines are not the deep hunters I thought . Now I am not going to get rid of them because of that, at six inches or less they both are killer machines. For those of us who put much stock in depth, I would look elsewhere. Monty