Deciphered Pages From People That Claim They Are The ONE

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This is not the BUCK WRIGHT mountain man of the Blue Ridge who claimed to be a member of the James gang and died at Bear Wallows Gap, Virginia in 1915?

One and the same. But let me say that Buck Wright hunted with the Hart Brothers and Toler Ransen and a descendant of Buck Wright hunted with Pauline and Walter Innis.

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By incorrect, do you mean they were wrong when written or I had them incorrect in my decipherment? I did get two out of every three repeat cipher with the same letter some eight or ten times. But anyway. A word or two could be incorrect and if corrected could make my decipherment eight of ten or even nine of ten correct. Which word or two is it?

My point is this, if no code corrects were required in C2 then why do people assume corrects would be required in C1 & C3 if they indeed had the right solution? This is what the author was counting on, folks assuming error on his part when there are none, folks "making adjustments" to his cipher so their plagued theories, expectations, and solutions can be made to work. In essence these folks are just adjusting the cipher to fit their desires and simply rewriting the code VS allowing the existing codes to produce a correct solution as they are. Not a chance that your solution is correct if you can't produce a 100% match with the cipher as it is. You do realize this, yes?

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This is not the BUCK WRIGHT mountain man of the Blue Ridge who claimed to be a member of the James gang and died at Bear Wallows Gap, Virginia in 1915?
Well, my R & I indicate that "Buck" Wright was REALLY Franklin Alexander "Buck" James; he had the same scars... "pics" of 'em are of the SAME man (IMHO).

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My point is this, if no code corrects were required in C2 then why do people assume corrects would be required in C1 & C3 if they indeed had the right solution? This is what the author was counting on, folks assuming error on his part when there are none, folks "making adjustments" to his cipher so their plagued theories, expectations, and solutions can be made to work. In essence these folks are just adjusting the cipher to fit their desires and simply rewriting the code VS allowing the existing codes to produce a correct solution as they are. Not a chance that your solution is correct if you can't produce a 100% match with the cipher as it is. You do realize this, yes?

There were a bunch of corrections in C2. Do it yourself and find out, I did. The author even wrote down his decipherment of C2 wrong. A lot of mistakes some counts were off by one letter some by ten and others by eleven.

The reason for our decipherment today having corrections is because the author wrote them down from memory. You remember he said he had all of them in their correct order memorized. I do not think anyone could do that. I knew a line or two of ciphers after working on them for about four years but no I did not have them in their correct order in my mind. But to answer your question yes there were a lot of mistakes in C2.

There never will be a 100 % clear text of C1 or C3 as there never was a clear text of C1

Two "pics" seen of "Buck" W.T. Wright, Mountain Man & CSA Sentinel; one with his dog, Tippy; "Buck" is on his donkey, with a bag of Chest-Nuts... with his umbrella "up", meaning "Treasure" is still covered/buried; second is similar to the first... BUT! Umbrella is DOWN... meaning "treasure" is found/gone/moved. One was in the book on BUILDING THE BLUE RIDGE; gotta find it... "Buck" was known as THE MYSTERY MAN OF UPPER GOOSE VALLEY. Book was in Bedford, Va. Library - Reference section on 2nd floor.

Two "pics" seen of "Buck" W.T. Wright, Mountain Man & CSA Sentinel; one with his dog, Tippy; "Buck" is on his donkey, with a bag of Chest-Nuts... with his umbrella "up", meaning "Treasure" is still covered/buried; second is similar to the first... BUT! Umbrella is DOWN... meaning "treasure" is found/gone/moved. One was in the book on BUILDING THE BLUE RIDGE; gotta find it... "Buck" was known as THE MYSTERY MAN OF UPPER GOOSE VALLEY. Book was in Bedford, Va. Library - Reference section on 2nd floor.

I have the picture of him with his dog Tippy. I could post it if you don't have it?

... Then there is Eren Ransen kin to Toler Ransen of Buchannon, Virginia. Hunted the Beale Treasure with Pauline and Walter Innis... Eren Ransen and Patrick Hamilton were the two men that went to Lynchburg with TJB and they were from Fort Charles City near Richmond.
Is that Toler Everett Ransone of Buchanan, Botetourt county, Virginia?

There were a bunch of corrections in C2. Do it yourself and find out, I did. The author even wrote down his decipherment of C2 wrong. A lot of mistakes some counts were off by one letter some by ten and others by eleven.

The reason for our decipherment today having corrections is because the author wrote them down from memory. You remember he said he had all of them in their correct order memorized. I do not think anyone could do that. I knew a line or two of ciphers after working on them for about four years but no I did not have them in their correct order in my mind. But to answer your question yes there were a lot of mistakes in C2.

There never will be a 100 % clear text of C1 or C3 as there never was a clear text of C1

Read the bold....and yet the pamphlet solution was perfect in every detail....:laughing7:.....even with a key count that was off. Franklin, you've been hoodwinked. "PERIOD!" And your author even tells you so, shows you so.

One and the same. But let me say that Buck Wright hunted with the Hart Brothers and Toler Ransen and a descendant of Buck Wright hunted with Pauline and Walter Innis.
W T Buck Wright, the mountain man of the Blue Ridge who to have rode with the James-Younger Gang is NOT mentioned in the HART PAPERS, the only source of the Hart search for the Beale treasure.
Are you sure that William Buck Wright was a descendant of mountain man Buck Wright?

William Buck Wright was Buck Wright

Please do; let ppl compare him to "pics" of Franklin Alexander James...

I hope I can download it. Puter not the best. View attachment Buck Wright.bmp

I saved the next page that mentioned all of his wounds and how everyone believed him to be Frank James. Sorry but it has now been lost. Maybe you can find the book and read it. I can not recall the name. Good luck.

YEP! THANKS! That is one of 'em... had a close-up of him that REALLY indicated the "connection".

William Buck Wright was Buck Wright
You mentioned a William Buck Wright that the Innis's search with, but mountain man Buck Wright died in 1915.
Just trying, as you said, to get this timeline straight, and a definite who's who on all this names you keep throwing out. :thumbsup:

Franklin, you must admit, you have been constantly back and forth between the story being a decided fiction work and a sure treasure tale with many different conclusions, suspects, etc. So very clearly you aren't that confident in your solutions, this is pretty obvious. So no doubt you didn't exactly crack those codes with any degree of certainty or without alterations.
...and that causes many questions to arise, most of which, is there a kernel of truth concerning the perilous adventure of Beale in any of these versions, or are they all back and forth possibilities founded on pure fill in the blanks speculation.

You mentioned a William Buck Wright that the Innis's search with, but mountain man Buck Wright died in 1915.
Just trying, as you said, to get this timeline straight, and a definite who's who on all this names you keep throwing out. :thumbsup:
Was it Harry Wright...? He allegedly found it & went to Mexico...

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