Deciphered Pages From People That Claim They Are The ONE

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Just like the 1885 Beale Papers copyrighted by James Beverly Ward.
Fiction from fiction is still- FICTION!

You can tell when you are afraid of the truth all you do is respond the only way you can. It's not real, it's not real! It's fiction! LOL

108 to 10, 8,

If you have all of the words with letters before "108" and all the letters after "108" with two letters of a word in between on the "108" then common sense would clearly tell you the "108" is a type-set mistake and should be "10" and "8" If you can not see this then you will never see.

You can tell when you are afraid of the truth all you do is respond the only way you can. It's not real, it's not real! It's fiction! LOL
Now that is a real good one coming from you! :icon_biggrin:

If you have all of the words with letters before "108" and all the letters after "108" with two letters of a word in between on the "108" then common sense would clearly tell you the "108" is a type-set mistake and should be "10" and "8" If you can not see this then you will never see.

Just like the 480 and 480? Or was that the correction that they thought they needed to make it right? The Hart's corrected all the ciphers so much you can not tell they're Beale's!

...don't you mean one "can not tell from the original 1885 Beale Papers"?
There is NO proof that the Thomas J Beale of the pamphlet was actually a real person.

Just like the 480 and 480? Or was that the correction that they thought they needed to make it right? The Hart's corrected all the ciphers so much you can not tell they're Beale's!

Masterpoe The 480 and 480 are from a photocopy of the Beale Papers which was in the Marshall Papers at Jones Memorial Library in Lynchburg, The author made the two 480's I have not changed anything neither did the Harts concerning the 480's. Get a grip.

Masterpoe The 480 and 480 are from a photocopy of the Beale Papers which was in the Marshall Papers at Jones Memorial Library in Lynchburg, The author made the two 480's I have not changed anything neither did the Harts concerning the 480's. Get a grip.

The Hart's did not have two 480 line's in there DOI in the Hart Papers!

...don't you mean one "can not tell from the original 1885 Beale Papers"?
There is NO proof that the Thomas J Beale of the pamphlet was actually a real person.

That must be some other thread! Deciphered Pages From People That Claim They Are The ONE is this one?

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That must be some other thread! This is for Deciphered Pages and people that believe they have done it!

Now you're speaking it like it really is, "people who believe they have done it."
HUGE difference between believing one has done it and having actually done it. Thanks for clearing that up, finally. :icon_thumright:

That must be some other thread! This is for Deciphered Pages and people that believe they have done it!
Everyone who has come up with a deciphered message of the Beale codes "believe they have done it".

Everyone who has come up with a deciphered message of the Beale codes "believe they have done it".

At least now he's admitting that he and his professor gang only have a theory instead of a certain solve. I figured that once he came face to face with enough actual fact he'd eventually snap out of it. :thumbsup:

At least now he's admitting that he and his professor gang only have a theory instead of a certain solve. I figured that once he came face to face with enough actual fact he'd eventually snap out of it. :thumbsup:

No sure why you have such a certain amount of anti-beale everything?
Please keep up with the subject we are on. You seem to be confused!

No sure why you have such a certain amount of anti-beale everything?
Please keep up with the subject we are on. You seem to be confused!

:laughing7:...I'm not anti-Beale, I'm just very pro-fact. The worse thing that ever happened to treasure hunting was the manufacture of so much premeditated untruth for profit, people trying to convince the public that what they are selling is fact, these unscrupulous and self-serving folks have distorted the facts so badly that today's version of the truth can be anything anybody desires it to be, just as we continue to see in the Beale threads, etc. Folks think they can just manufacture whatever "facts" that they want to fill in the blanks.....misrepresentation has become the norm these days. I'm just here to help expose such untruths and deceptions. Apparently you have an obvious problem with that. Why? :laughing7:

:laughing7:...I'm not anti-Beale, I'm just very pro-fact. The worse thing that ever happened to treasure hunting was the manufacture of so much premeditated untruth for profit, people trying to convince the public that what they are selling is fact, these unscrupulous and self-serving folks have distorted the facts so badly that today's version of the truth can be anything anybody desires it to be, just as we continue to see in the Beale threads, etc. Folks think they can just manufacture whatever "facts" that they want to fill in the blanks.....misrepresentation has become the norm these days. I'm just here to help expose such untruths and deceptions. Apparently you have an obvious problem with that. Why? :laughing7:

You seem to have a massive confusion error! Are you trying to say that the deciphered pages we are looking at here are fiction? We have only two we are looking at here. Franklin has used 50years of his life on this and it is not very nice of you to call his life work manufacturer!

:laughing7:...I'm not anti-Beale, I'm just very pro-fact. The worse thing that ever happened to treasure hunting was the manufacture of so much premeditated untruth for profit, people trying to convince the public that what they are selling is fact, these unscrupulous and self-serving folks have distorted the facts so badly that today's version of the truth can be anything anybody desires it to be, just as we continue to see in the Beale threads, etc. Folks think they can just manufacture whatever "facts" that they want to fill in the blanks.....misrepresentation has become the norm these days. I'm just here to help expose such untruths and deceptions. Apparently you have an obvious problem with that. Why? :laughing7:

Misrepresented facts is what you do best! According to you post and threads on this site.

Misrepresented facts is what you do best! According to you post and threads on this site.
I don't know about that Masterpoe, wasn't my misrepresented "flood fact" that went up in flames. Now that's pretty bad when water can be so easily made to go up in flames. :notworthy::laughing7:

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