I just love the Indiana Jones type stories. Vertical jumps of Olympic type feats and large crocodiles, huge pythons, and the massive man eating turtles are a sure sign you're on the right spot. A mental patients dream world of raiders of the lost arc
Not sure about the rest, but I've had a "vertical jump" episode that saved me from serious injury.
Was banging out a bunch of fluorite, quartz, galena, barite, etc. beautiful stuff deep underground in the pitch black. Someone else had worked my hole in an unsafe way, so I was sitting on the rim instead of being laid flat working up inside the best part of the pocket. Solution cavity gypsum "snow" was all around the beautiful vugs, which was part of the weak structure.
I was sitting cross-legged, banging away on the gad, peering down and under into the vugs with my LED headlamp, when I heard what sounded like ice cracking (I will never forget the actual sound!) Without thought, I instantly sprang up and out of the hole below the column I was working around, probably about 4-5'. It was like my ears had direct command of my legs. I did not have time to think at all. As I cleared the hole, the column collapsed with a whoosh, a great whumph of dust, and filled not only the hole I was in, but also the area where someone else had previously been working all laid out flat. Had I been slower, I'd have been injured. Had I been the idiot who undercut the area by laying flat to get way back in there, then I might have been dead.
Not exactly a lifting the pickup truck off of someone thing, but definitely a "lizard brain" safety mechanism kicked in and kept me safe somehow.
Speaking of, snakes can make you move fast, too...