Danimals lunchtime unearthments-10/26 update-ok dig


Bronze Member
Aug 16, 2006
Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio
Detector(s) used
duh...duh... DFX
Danimal's lunchtime unearthments-10/26 update-ok dig

So yesterday I started hunting an area just behind where all my lunchtime digs have taken place. Same woods, just deeper and older. Hunting alongside an old roadbed (just two deep ruts running through the woods) I found a 1887 Indian Head Penny. This REALLY is my first found IH. My other one was kinda a gimme from Mirage's son Nate, who allowed me to listen to and dig a signal he though might be an IH, as it was near some he found.
This one I found on my own!...felt real good. It's in real rough shape, but the date was easily readable after a peroxide soak and brass brushing.
I also found a musketball in beautiful condition, unfired (but I can't find it now!...might be in my car somewhere).
Since this is still near where I work, I will devote the next few weeks hunting this older area and see what else I can find!

HH all!


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Re: Danimal's daily digs-10/13 update-small city

I am trying. Really I am. I am trying to be patient and work slowly and stay focused. While I would just about jump outta my shoes at another 1800's coin to match the 1887 IH that got me STUCK in the spot I am now working, I am convinced that there MUST be more coinage here. The items from the last few days seem to date from the same era, but it's almost like I just walked right up to the only coin in the woods!
Today's finds include two tiny items.
-two old shotgun shells
-2 22 cal. rounds
-some weird old rusted buckle
-a tiny copper flat button. The shank and button are one piece, with the shank having the back of the eyelet broken off. No writing on either front or back. It was found about 6"
-what I THOUGHT was my third musketball here, ended up being a ??? after cleaning.
It's copper (green crust)
It's hollow
It's opening is approx star-shaped
maybe a teeny tiny bell?

Anywho...it is what it is...

HH all!

BTW, I've got plans for Sunday that have me excited. Hopefully some goodies to post on Monday!


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Re: Danimal's daily digs-10/13 update-small city


sounds like you have the same problem as I do with my spot. First day there pull out a large cent, next week (and next time there) I pick up off the friggin ground another large cent, then dry up for the next 5 or so times there. Go to another spot and get some goodies, couldn;t do the new spot last saturday so back to this spot and find a 1800's choker necklace and an 1897 indian head. I have told myself (as I sit here, but will most likely change my mind when there) that I will dig ALL METAL up to get rid of iron, which should net me some interesting finds, but maybe some of it is masking some more coins for me.

hope sunday works wonders for you and good luck with this dig also.


Re: Danimal's daily digs-10/13 update-small city

I always run my ACE250 in all-metal (doesn't mean I dig every target), and usually run it wide-open. I have tried explaining why before, but most time folks (other ACE users on other sites mostly) just dismiss my reasoning as delusional. I swing nearly all the time in pinpoint mode, releasing pinpoint only to try to ID.
If I am in an area where I can run sens. wide open without chatter and noise while NOT in pinpoint, I will do so at times.
I am well aware that the sensitivity control is NOT a depth control, but my machine really picks up an extra few inches only on the last bar or two when cranked.
We should hunt sometime!...I have yet to get a large cent, and that is my next objective!
Then I want seated silver (any type at first)
then so on :)

Re: Danimal's daily digs-10/16 update-IH!!!!

Today I worked quickly. I mean I really didn't cover ANY spot slowly, as this area is so big, and my lunchtime hunts let me cover so very little area if I work slowly.
I used Mirage's son Nate's technique of letting the "force" guide me lol!!!
In my 45 minutes I unearthed:

only my SECOND dug IH, a corroded 1888!!...still date easily read, nice green patina.

A silver thimble!!

what looks like the valve from an old car tire/wheel

an...an unfired 44 cal hollowpoint round!...on the casing it reads: W-W Super and across from that 44 REM MAG
I don't think it's that old...but can anyone offer a date range?

This IH came JUST IN TIME to keep me enthused enough to keep working this area. NOW I truly believe there is old silver to be had there.

HH all!


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Re: Danimal's lunchtime unearthments-10/16 update-IH!!!!

Very cool. Yes, one old coin can sometimes be a "fluke". But two IH's sounds like a decent spot. Now don't get to carried away with the wandering method. Get back to discipline and grid that area! ;)


Re: Danimal's lunchtime unearthments-10/16 update-IH!!!!

Mirage said:
Very cool. Yes, one old coin can sometimes be a "fluke". But two IH's sounds like a decent spot. Now don't get to carried away with the wandering method. Get back to discipline and grid that area! ;)


There's so many fallen branches here that to really grid and work effectively, you would need to literally scrape clear the surface.
What I WILL do is begin slowly clearing 10' sq. sections near where the two IH were and begin that way.

Besides, whatcha' got agin' the force buddy?

Re: Danimal's lunchtime unearthments-10/16 update-IH!!!!


I knew you would get another old coin outta that site. I tried your techniques but still have to get a feel for it or force myself to use the pinpoint all the time. Nature just wants me to swing and listen for the bell tones. I am still waiting for my silver out of this spot also. Tried a new area and got the 1862 English one penny coin. Just had to fight the weeds and vines for control of my detector. They were grabbing it a lot!

Anyway congrats on your second found IH and may you and I now find the silver that must be at our sites!!


Re: Danimal's lunchtime unearthments-10/18 update could it be a FE??!!!!

Didn't get out yesterday due to heavy rains, so today I trudged back through the slop to the area where the IH's were found. Because of the mud, I decided not to dig anything iffy.
I followed the two furrows (remains of an old road that I cannot find on any old maps and near where both IH's were) towards a thicket area. There the road converged with another set of ruts (an intersection?) and I had been out 30 minutes with not a peep.
Suddenly the headphones were alive with a cacophany of squawks. The first target dug was an old bullet. Then, on my second good sounding target I dug up an old flat button (no design) in decent shape. In the hole were pcs. of brick!!
In the next hole was a rusty belt buckle and more brick!...NOW we're onto something!! Had to be a dwelling here.
As I was about to leave, I got a faint good sound and dug the coin pictured.
It is so thin and badly corroded I didn't try peroxide or anything, just rinsed off with warm water and soap. On one side I clearly see an "E" right about where it should be for an IH.
On the opposite side (the closeup) the only discernible feature was a "U" shape near the rim, which doesn't match anything on an IH's obverse.
What it DOES match is the u-shaped area above the eagle's head going towards it's back on a flying eagle cent!
Looking at the pics, it's not clear, but in person that U-shape is clearly there.
Anyways...it's old, and now I am convinced that I have found the area of a dwelling near the road and will focus my future lunch hunts there, wasting less time wandering.

Bob...if ya like...I'll show ya the spot.

HH all!


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Re: Danimal's lunchtime unearthments-10/19 update-I break into the 1700's!!!



Re: Danimal's lunchtime unearthments-10/19 update-I break into the 1700's!!!

Excellent find Danimal...Look's like it read's 1798....Congrat's

Re: Danimal's lunchtime unearthments-10/24 update-Back to the 1950's

The area where the 1792 half penny came from is nearly underwater, and digging there at lunch is impossible right now, so I returned to the three-foundation area where I have pulled so many silver coins and wheaties from the 1920s-1950s it isn't funny! Today produced silver in the form of a spoon, but no silver coins!
The finds today were typical of this area, and included TWO MORE 1950s cap guns (one complete) and part of the handle of a third. This makes 11 cap guns to come from this area.
Also, 3 wheats (oldest 1922), 1961 memorial, couple keys and..
the coolest find of the day, a very old looking cast iron toy car..much smaller than the tootsie toys I have dug here (15 total) and totally intact. It rung as a nickle and came from a spot where two buffalos came from, so down to my knees I went!

Enjoy the pics, and HH all!


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Re: Danimal's lunchtime unearthments-10/24 update-Back to the 1950's

Sounds like a good hunt. In all my hunting and older finds, the IH still eludes me.

Re: Danimal's lunchtime unearthments-10/24 update-Back to the 1950's

renegade_7 said:
Sounds like a good hunt. In all my hunting and older finds, the IH still eludes me.

Keep at it!..(listen to me..I have only dug three in 7 months of detecting)

Really though...the age of the area your hunting has a lot to do with it. If the parks in your area are old enough, try hunting more in the wooded areas or areas of high brush. these areas might have been clear >100 yrs ago

Re: Danimal's lunchtime unearthments-10/24 update-Back to the 1950's



Re: Danimal's lunchtime unearthments-10/26 update-ok dig

Well, with the weather improved from earlier in the week, I headed back to the area where the older items were found, only to find it still a soupy mess. Discouraged I jumped back in the Element and headed back to the 3 foundation area and, with little time remaining, swung my coil like I was trying to cut down trees! (boy is THAT sentance a run-on or WHAT)
Ended up with 7 wheats, oldest being 1915, most the 40's
Dug a weird lag-bolt stamped "Made in USA" on one of the flats
cool item is the Sunoco Classic Car coin (1903 Winton Touring Car). This is my 4th of these tokens since I started this oddball hobby 7 months ago!
Time to do additional research to find a few more spots nearby work. I have the hungering fer' sum SILVER lol!

HH all!


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Re: Danimal's lunchtime unearthments-10/26 update-ok dig

Whoda thunk lunchtime could be so much fun, eh?

Re: Danimal's lunchtime unearthments-10/26 update-ok dig

:o Beautiful find DAMINAL, Ya got ta love this hobby!! CONGRATS!! ;) ;)

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