dangerous animals of the midwest

I wish I had the dash cam video I seen of an L.A. cop getting the hell bit outta him by a coyote when was removing a food dish people were feeding coyotes from,and a girl was attacked....the cop was beating the yote with his night stick and heard rumor he was fired after pressure from the animal rights whacko's.The DEPT. claimed un authorized use of a service weapon?

that coyote on video was playing i did not hear this animal growl or bark i believe this a adolensence animal he probebly was fed and was checking if this person had food if he really wanted to he probebly could have hurt him idl coyoters they are much more dangerous in packs

The ones we worry about most

Nocturnal & Crepuscular Most, then Diurnal ones
Some snakes will change there activity in different seasons though
ex. Copperhead snakes will be Diurnal in Spring & Fall, but in hot Summer months they will become Nocturnal or Crepuscular

Mountain Lion(Cougar/Puma)

Brown Recluse (Fiddleback) - NASTY! & Lots of them!
Black Widow

Prairie Rattler
Western Diamond-Back Rattler
Massasauga (Ground/Pygmy Rattler)
Timber Rattler


The ones we worry about most

Nocturnal & Crepuscular Most, then Diurnal ones
Some snakes will change there activity in different seasons though
ex. Copperhead snakes will be Diurnal in Spring & Fall, but in hot Summer months they will become Nocturnal or Crepuscular

Mountain Lion(Cougar/Puma)

Brown Recluse (Fiddleback) - NASTY! & Lots of them!
Black Widow

Prairie Rattler
Western Diamond-Back Rattler
Massasauga (Ground/Pygmy Rattler)
Timber Rattler

I am most afraid of a cow moose with calf and Grizzlies

that coyote on video was playing i did not hear this animal growl or bark i believe this a adolensence animal he probebly was fed and was checking if this person had food if he really wanted to he probebly could have hurt him idl coyoters they are much more dangerous in packs

Of all the coyote attacks I worked never once was it committed by a "pack",I think you are underestimating a coyote or the bite from any wild animal....it is different than a dog that is twice a coyotes size.Its just a good thing coyote attacks are not real common yet.........oh,yea........most attacks from coyotes are because someone has fed or is feeding them

that coyote on video was playing i did not hear this animal growl or bark i believe this a adolensence animal he probebly was fed and was checking if this person had food if he really wanted to he probebly could have hurt him idl coyoters they are much more dangerous in packs
That video is right beside a typical bushcamp, probably 'Oilfeild or Logging"...numerous through-out Northern British Columbia and Alberta.
I wouldn't doubt it had been into the camp garbage or fed by guys that don't know any better..by his 'absence of fear of him or the camp.
Believe me, he wasn't 'playing'...he was testing him for 'injury or weakness' ...Luckily...He was big and strong;)
A 30-40 lb. coyote isn't an adolensent...one like him can/will bring down deer in winter!
The young lady in this news bulletin attached "wasn't" Big!..or..Strong!

Coyotes kill Toronto singer in Cape Breton - Arts & Entertainment - CBC News

that coyote on video was playing i did not hear this animal growl or bark i believe this a adolensence animal he probebly was fed and was checking if this person had food if he really wanted to he probebly could have hurt him idl coyoters they are much more dangerous in packs
And this is another example of misbeliefs of people who never have been "in the bush..and around them " for any length of time!
Here below, is another 'so-called' pack-hunter....attacking alone!

Attacked by wolf, Manitoba woman drives to hospital - Manitoba - CBC News

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I wish I had the dash cam video I seen of an L.A. cop getting the hell bit outta him by a coyote when was removing a food dish people were feeding coyotes from,and a girl was attacked....the cop was beating the yote with his night stick and heard rumor he was fired after pressure from the animal rights whacko's.The DEPT. claimed un authorized use of a service weapon?
That is sad, and that's a man fearing for his safety/Life! :/

That is sad, and that's a man fearing for his safety/Life! :/
Yes it is,but I could tell ya some stories.....like getting death threats for killing coons to test them for diseaese,killing coyotes,lions,and a fox (we all but got run out of town for that fox.....and it chased and bit a young girl....gave her 13 stitches and we needed it for rabies testing...of which it was negative)sad and rediculous....sure ya heard about more money being raised for the cubs of lion that killed the lady,than was raised for her young children?Our society has become one that animal life is more important than a human life....unless its directly effects them....the Animal Rights types

Hell of a 'thankless' job Kuger...
I Don't think the 'public' living in the Northwestern Canadian Provinces (myself included) are as sympathetic as the rest of North America!....
They are allowed to know/read the papers, watch the news etc..and are not "left-out in the dark" when it comes to 'the media/news' of what happens when wild animals "Turn Deadly or Dangerous"! and I'm not talking Zoo Animals in cages!
Anyone in the wrong place..at the wrong time! would be glad to see someone like yourself...and literally "SAVE THEIR....YOU KNOW WHAT"!!
Really odd the fox that 'attacked'..then you had to put down wasn't 'Rabid'! Was it 'healthy'...I know you know what I mean..'was it not starving' from injury/old age/broken or rotting teeth/ jaw bones fractures etc....or even had been tested for a brain disease?
No, The story of the lady killed by the lion I can't recall...any reading material you can relay?
The last four words of your reply! ;).."They better be dressed from 'head-to-toe' in NO Leathers!...purses, boots, shoes, hats coats, gloves etc. etc....instead,keep buying plastics & synthetics..that the manufacturing of is 'Killing our Planet'!.....Even perfumes, cosmetics, deodorants, cologne etc...are made from animal parts...But most Don't even know that/or Don't want to know that...and have that "Guilt" in the back of their minds now do they!
BOY!!! I better stop! Heh heh heh! ;

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Much of todays problem is society has no clue as to why we have the animals we do,and what management it has taken....absolutly no clue,yet they want to tell us(and they are through asanine laws)what we need to do,or want to do more studies.....#1 anything worth studying in the animal world has already been studied,#2 studies do nothing as in todays political $$$$ money driven society the descions have already been made...the biologist in the field is just for show.#3 todays generation is "siisified",they arent like our grandparents generation where your pet lamb or calf was tomrrows dinner,or ya went out and hopped the heads off a couple chickens for dinner.....its sad.I used to go to a lot of farm days......deals where school kids were brought through to know where milk and such came from....I would set off a #3 pad jaw trap(Thats what I used,on the job)over 20 times a day on my hand...to show just how "un-brutal",traps are.Anyway.....I would ask "where does your Meat you eat come from",I swear to you that 1 in 5 kids ...5 - 8 graders...would say "Mc donalds",Safeway,......thats wrong!!!

That fox.......yep he was VERY healthy,was being fed by people....and the little girl.I was seriously concerned about it being rabid,and it was in a downtown park of a VERY LIBERAL city...very jungle like brushy terrain...and trying to be stealthy,with a possible rabid animal at night(we didnt dare work during the day...likely would have been attacked by people)long...very funny story...boy,what a story....we finally got him on the third day.It was just like the coyote attacks we see,its animals that have been fed since pups,they depend on people for hand outs...they dont hunt mice,etc....totally evolved predators....that is something they need to study!!!We seen t on a regular basis,nobody ever asked us to document it(although we did for our records)they dont want that kind of info....goes aganst the beliefs of the people "groups",they are getting their kick backs from....its no longer about whats best for the animals

Your first paragraph....Soooo true of the younger generations to come!. Often wondered if a 'Reminder' to them of..How did anyone of us, let alone (they themselves) 'the kids' happen to be here today to 'be alive' if not for our blood-ancestors amazing survival of living DAILY off the creatures from our land, water and sky.

Kuger, Ever think of writing a Biography? I'd love to read it....with all your true thoughts, recollections, memory's and stories!...and not just me guaranteed! ;)
Not many or next to none...has anyone put in writing..
with hands-on knowledge of the world of "Man, Nature and The Politics of Governing It"
and.. How it works/and/doesn't work! ;)
Just a thought! :)

Much of todays problem is society has no clue as to why we have the animals we do,and what management it has taken....absolutly no clue,yet they want to tell us(and they are through asanine laws)what we need to do,or want to do more studies.....#1 anything worth studying in the animal world has already been studied,#2 studies do nothing as in todays political $$$$ money driven society the descions have already been made...the biologist in the field is just for show.#3 todays generation is "siisified",they arent like our grandparents generation where your pet lamb or calf was tomrrows dinner,or ya went out and hopped the heads off a couple chickens for dinner.....its sad.I used to go to a lot of farm days......deals where school kids were brought through to know where milk and such came from....I would set off a #3 pad jaw trap(Thats what I used,on the job)over 20 times a day on my hand...to show just how "un-brutal",traps are.Anyway.....I would ask "where does your Meat you eat come from",I swear to you that 1 in 5 kids ...5 - 8 graders...would say "Mc donalds",Safeway,......thats wrong!!!

That fox.......yep he was VERY healthy,was being fed by people....and the little girl.I was seriously concerned about it being rabid,and it was in a downtown park of a VERY LIBERAL city...very jungle like brushy terrain...and trying to be stealthy,with a possible rabid animal at night(we didnt dare work during the day...likely would have been attacked by people)long...very funny story...boy,what a story....we finally got him on the third day.It was just like the coyote attacks we see,its animals that have been fed since pups,they depend on people for hand outs...they dont hunt mice,etc....totally evolved predators....that is something they need to study!!!We seen t on a regular basis,nobody ever asked us to document it(although we did for our records)they dont want that kind of info....goes aganst the beliefs of the people "groups",they are getting their kick backs from....its no longer about whats best for the animals

You and people like you, that live in a bubble, have no idea what concern is, what facts are, or what reality is. While prospecting in northern NV last September, I almost got stung ( a few inches from my hand) by a white Scorpion 70 miles away from a black top road. You have 30 minutes to get to a hospital for antihistamines or you will need to be put on antiscorpion serum. I also was challenged by a Badger that would not allow me, my dog, and my ATV to pass and finally, we were attacked by a pack of coyotes that were trying to get into the RV to get to the cats that they saw in the RV windows. All of this happened in a 2 week period.

What caused all of this were the conditions. The water was nonexistant in the Black Rock Desert that year and the game was scarce due to a lack of water and grass. The wild horse herds were dying off due to lack of water and grass. It was every animal for themselves. Climate conditions, caused by man, is making conditions worse and you must take that into consideration if your head is not up your ass. The scorpion was squashed with a rock, the badger dispensed with a Glock 23 and the coyotes had there way because who in their right mind was going to open the RV door while the coyotes were jumping up and down on the steps. All I needed was a RV full of rabid, starving beasts.

You and people like you, that live in a bubble, have no idea what concern is, what facts are, or what reality is. While prospecting in northern NV last September, I almost got stung ( a few inches from my hand) by a white Scorpion 70 miles away from a black top road. You have 30 minutes to get to a hospital for antihistamines or you will need to be put on antiscorpion serum. I also was challenged by a Badger that would not allow me, my dog, and my ATV to pass and finally, we were attacked by a pack of coyotes that were trying to get into the RV to get to the cats that they saw in the RV windows. All of this happened in a 2 week period.

What caused all of this were the conditions. The water was nonexistant in the Black Rock Desert that year and the game was scarce due to a lack of water and grass. The wild horse herds were dying off due to lack of water and grass. It was every animal for themselves. Climate conditions, caused by man, is making conditions worse and you must take that into consideration if your head is not up your ass. The scorpion was squashed with a rock, the badger dispensed with a Glock 23 and the coyotes had there way because who in their right mind was going to open the RV door while the coyotes were jumping up and down on the steps. All I needed was a RV full of rabid, starving beasts.

:icon_scratch: did you quote me by mistake?I am not following why you are angry with me,but I am fully prepared to hear and debate any dis agreement you have with anything I have stated......I pretty much agree with everything you said above.As I have said before.....if we didnt have man,we would have no animal problems,but we do,and there are no human population controls for humans so the animals are what need to be managed....please tell me why the animosity toward me

You and people like you, that live in a bubble, have no idea what concern is, what facts are, or what reality is. While prospecting in northern NV last September, I almost got stung ( a few inches from my hand) by a white Scorpion 70 miles away from a black top road. You have 30 minutes to get to a hospital for antihistamines or you will need to be put on antiscorpion serum. I also was challenged by a Badger that would not allow me, my dog, and my ATV to pass and finally, we were attacked by a pack of coyotes that were trying to get into the RV to get to the cats that they saw in the RV windows. All of this happened in a 2 week period.

What caused all of this were the conditions. The water was nonexistant in the Black Rock Desert that year and the game was scarce due to a lack of water and grass. The wild horse herds were dying off due to lack of water and grass. It was every animal for themselves. Climate conditions, caused by man, is making conditions worse and you must take that into consideration if your head is not up your ass. The scorpion was squashed with a rock, the badger dispensed with a Glock 23 and the coyotes had there way because who in their right mind was going to open the RV door while the coyotes were jumping up and down on the steps. All I needed was a RV full of rabid, starving beasts.

.......the more I think about this the more its pizzing me off.....I dont take kindly to be accused of "living in a bubble",or having my head up my azz.........I dearly hope you were not reffering to me.......also you contradicted yourself....you are blaming man(climate change has been going on for millions of years...I will not get into that...if you like Gore...thats your issue)and conditions,lack of food,water...then you say"Rabid",beasts....?I happen to have participated in a several year rabies/ coyote study in the Black Rock.....there was two animals that were possibly positive...not definitive....no packs..so what was driving those "Beasts",climate conditions,or disease?Good thing you had a bubble....I lived under the stars for the 30 years I spent out in the "bush"

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treidm said:

The ones we worry about most

Nocturnal & Crepuscular Most, then Diurnal ones
Some snakes will change there activity in different seasons though
ex. Copperhead snakes will be Diurnal in Spring & Fall, but in hot Summer months they will become Nocturnal or Crepuscular

Mountain Lion(Cougar/Puma)

Brown Recluse (Fiddleback) - NASTY! & Lots of them!
Black Widow

Prairie Rattler
Western Diamond-Back Rattler
Massasauga (Ground/Pygmy Rattler)
Timber Rattler


I am most afraid of a cow moose with calf and Grizzlies

If we had moose and grizzlies, we would worry about them too, but in Kansas we don't have them :wink:


If we had moose and grizzlies, we would worry about them too, but in Kansas we don't have them :wink:


:thumbsup:......not much gold either...and why I wondered why he asked about the "Midwest",in the gold section to begin with??????????

.......the more I think about this the more its pizzing me off.....I dont take kindly to be accused of "living in a bubble",or having my head up my azz.........I dearly hope you were not reffering to me.......also you contradicted yourself....you are blaming man(climate change has been going on for millions of years...I will not get into that...if you like Gore...thats your issue)and conditions,lack of food,water...then you say"Rabid",beasts....?I happen to have participated in a several year rabies/ coyote study in the Black Rock.....there was two animals that were possibly positive...not definitive....no packs..so what was driving those "Beasts",climate conditions,or disease?Good thing you had a bubble....I lived under the stars for the 30 years I spent out in the "bush"
arizonaames musta 'clicked' on the wrong 'quote'.......I think???
If not...:icon_scratch::icon_scratch::icon_scratch:

:thumbsup:......not much gold either...and why I wondered why he asked about the "Midwest",in the gold section to begin with??????????
:dontknow: We do have lots of cow patties though :laughing7:

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