NJ,this is the last I will speak of it as it is a subject that a lot of emotion based BS is babbled on.Wolves are supreme predators and need a large area to to do what they do...areas where there are not large populations of people that not only depend on the wild game but live on livestock.Coyotes are bad enough,but not capable of killing a full grown cow,or moose....wolves can.The wolves they first brought in were from Canada,and there main food source there was Moose...they didnt even know what an elk was.The Gov. tells you they didnt release any until the mid 90's....I have news....they showed up on our place in the early 90's.They released them before they even went public because they knew there would be a great chance they would be "shot" down in there bid to re introduce them....so,the first animals these Canadians preyed on were the Mosse,because hey,thats what they knew,well the problem is moose,elk,etc like horses have no ability to "see",size,a wolf(which is three times the size of a coyote)is just a "coyote",which they can fight off,right?So they stand ground and fight....bad idea,wolves make quick work,and quickly all but wiped out our entire Moose population in the Madison Valley.Then they started work on the THRIVING elk population that our town depended on heavily for the thousands of hunters that would come every year to pursue........in a mere 20 years since the wolves have showed our elk numbers have plummeted,to the point half the people that used to come to hunt return now,hitting our economy hard.Not mention in hard winters witnessing elk starve because they are staying on their winter ground all summer because they are afraid to go to the mountains.Regardless what you hear,and have been told,wolves frenzy kill,its not any of the BS you have been told.Its well documented,and like I said,I have seen it with my own eyes,just like all this info I am telling you,I KNOW IT FOR FACT,because we live with them,we see it,we deal with them.It makes me sick to read the lies,the "experts",blurp,why cant they tell the truth?Also...by the way coyotes have never wiped out any ecosystem,thats rubbish,as said before our ecosystem was just fine when it was just coyotes(also you should know I am a professional predator control trapper)Wolves have thrown that ecosystem into a whirlwind.........I could go on and on,but wont.In ending I will say,dont beleive all you hear and read about all this wolf romance,its a bunch of propaganda.Come see for your self.It would be like me telling you all about how you shouldnt kill deer in New Jersey because they are endangered.....I know nothing about your deer aside from that we both know they are far from endangered huh?