Curse Of Oak Island aired 12/27(spoilers)-rant


Hero Member
Aug 27, 2011
Detector(s) used
ctx 3030 nokta impact Equinox 800
First, I am a big fan of the show and I am excited to see if they will find anything.

Second, I know that it could all be staged, so no need to bring that up.

Lastly, if we all can keep this related to metal detecting in the above mentioned episode, I would greatly appreciate it!

Spoilers below!

They have Jack with a CTX 3030, which is a machine I used since it was released and I own two of them. So suffice it to say, I know this machine.

So I watch Jack get a hit in the mud pit about 3 feet down, then the dig another foot or so and no hit.

It didn't even occur to anyone that the hit he got may have been from the bucket of the digger(which was too close to where Jack was swinging).

So they fill the hole in and, bring in Gary Drayton(metal detecting "expert"(subjective term IMO)) with the same CTX machine. He finds an iron spike just a few inches??? I dont' see how that can be, seeing that when he found it, he nearly sank up to his waist. It really feels like a plant job.

That 300 year old spike in fluid mud should have been a lot deeper. In a recent dig of mine in a muddy area coins were a foot deep and they were dropped in the forties(the only reason I found them was because there were dozens of coins in lump clusters).

It just seems fishy to me.

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how many times do they have to show them pulling that long plank out of the mud ?
The plank..... yeah...... Ok, the swamp is triangular shaped used to be like a bay or cove, basically a funnel facing seaward. As all of you who've lived on or near the beach knows that piece of wood could've come from thousands of miles away, and wave tidal actions threw it up in the cove / now swamp. We've never seen it close enough to tell how old it is let alone if it is in fact a deck plank. I seriously can't call anything but BS on the plank unless they dig up the ship it came from. Dating it by "experts" doesn't lend ANY evidence, it could still be a 2000 year old board from a house in japan.......

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And that coin... that one is suspicious. They searched what appeared to be an hour and came up with that. And it wasn't deep and it was barely corroded in sea water. Look, I don't doubt the main searchers are sincere, just the carnival side shows for TV audience spoil the credibility. It's Hollywood and anything for money and TV ratings otherwise it would be too boring for anyone other than a hard-core th'er.

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It just occurred to me they probably don't care what other people think as long as the TV show is successful. I've always wondered about shows like this one and Gold Rush--they must get paid or some kind of royalties.

Did you miss the story they told of the runaway slave who settled on Oak Island. He bought a piece of property and the neighbors knew him as a poor cabbage farmer; Yet when he died it was revealed he owned several properties on the Island and was wealthier than they knew. My spidey sense seems to figure that he found some treasure while digging on his first property and kept it a secret wisely....

Walnuttree, this doesn't necessarily logically follow. I bet if you studied the demographics, from the 1800's, of "people who owned several properties" (and had wealth, etc...) at the time of their death .... I bet it could be shown they started off poor.

Heck, I'm 55. I started my business at 25 yrs. old dirt broke and in debt. But now, 30 yrs. later, I'm owning a few properties, well-off, etc.... Yet .... gasp .... I didn't find a pirate treasure that led me to this change over time. It can be done via hard work.

Hence the simple accumulation of wealth over a life-time doesn't necessarily point to something sinister or conspiratorial.

But this common-sense explanation in my post #45 will fall on deaf ears. That's how powerful treasure lore is to the imagination. People will put aside all common sense, and grasp for straws, to bolster crazy treasure legend ghost stories. "Lest you be left out". That's why the treasure magazines of the 1970s sold so many issues, is that they were packed full of such "Lost mine" and "Stolen bandit loot" stories.

All you had to do when writing one of those stories was throw in a few "... It has been said that ...." type conjectures. And then add a few faded newspaper clippings. Throw in a a drawing of a miner posed next to his burro. And then .... by golly ... it MUST be true.

For once, Tom made sense. Karl V Mueller said and write that the best books on buried treasures do not have those two words in their titles. History books and old newspaper stories are great for research. Talking to people living in the same towns and cities for a long time including seniors are also, can give you great information for your research. Good hunting and good luck.

.... Talking to people living in the same towns and cities for a long time including seniors are also, can give you great information for your research.....

Even then I'd approach treasure stories that elderly people tell .... with caution. The conjectures people can draw from events of their youth, can run wild with the imagination by the time they're now 80+ yrs. old. They can be very sincere, and relate 1st hand observations, yet .... can have alternate explanations.

I've seen this evolution first hand in some humorous examples in my area. Stories that would make you fully convinced that some treasure exists. Or that a "treasure was found", etc... Yet when researching further, found that it had an entirely different explanation. Not saying not to look into them , but ... just saying be prepared that they will all sound iron-clad certain, at the time the story gets passed on to you :)

Well last year in a interview on Oak Island show they asked ... Dave Blankenship .. What he thought about all the expert's ideas and all the ones they brought on the show up to that time ..And i thought his answer was very good ..- He said he thought they were all full of ..shi_ meaning crap...

My very first find was a rail road spike for the small mining carts, I was so thrilled. But that spike looked like mine just longer. So I didn't think anything of it until mentioned. I thought most of the boats were lashed back in the 1600-1700's, but then what can I say.

Vpnavy: Love your frog... munching away !! cute cute !!

Hate to admit that I watch this lame show, but I do if nothing else is on and I want to relax, usually while surfing tnet or something else.

I tell my wife that I feel dumber after each time I watch it.

One of my most favorite quotes was from Mark Twain, he said: "A gold mine is a hole in the ground with a liar on the bottom".

I'm actually watching the show and really hope they find the "big one" !

Good thread, when they fond that spike the energy was lame I thought. And to me it's a R/R spike and not 300 years old but this is TV. In the hunt for mines we've found many a kind of spikes used for planking, bridge's, mine rail, and R/R track. Still fun to watch this show as I've watched from Day one. But, getting hard to watch this season, I just zip the DVR forward for good'R stuff.

Yeah, guess i shouldn't be criticizing so much. I like the show even if it is slow paced. They could probably do the whole season in one show and have room left over. I admit I never believed anything about Oak Island, but now I am trying to be neutral, even leaning a little towards the "maybe" side.

New here and yes I watch the show as well, as for this last episode... well I'll just say this, I looked at my wife and said, "that is a railroad spike, what's he talking about deck plank spike?".... guess I should have held on to a few when I worked for the railroad to have some fun with treasure hunters here on the Florida beaches... hehehehe

I like the show at lease they do not run up a tree and scream when they find something... I had to quit watching diggers right after it started i still say it was a kid's show..

WOW! Thanks for all the responses! It's hard to believe that people think there is nothing that happened there when there is concrete proof that there was activity on the island pre-1750. That fact that Mcginnes asked his friends for help digging the pit, then, years later 1849, Anthony Vaughan, was still trying to get at it, proves that there was something there.

Why would Mcginnes bring two fiends to help dig?

Why would he enlist help and try again?

Why would Mcginnes STOP after that attempt?

Someone said there was a logical reason for coconut fibers to be found on the island and in the pit, HUNDREDS of miles away from the nearest coconut tree. What is the reason?

Why would they make up such an elaborate description of what they found: flag stones in a circle, wood with putty, coconut fibers, etc.

My theory states that the treasure was already recovered by Mcginnes the second time he tried.

As for the show, it's obviously a money mill. But I want to have closure with the money pit. For me, that's what it is about, getting the Oak Island monkey off my back once and for all.

WOW! Thanks for all the responses! It's hard to believe that people think there is nothing that happened there when there is concrete proof that there was activity on the island pre-1750. That fact that Mcginnes asked his friends for help digging the pit, then, years later 1849, Anthony Vaughan, was still trying to get at it, proves that there was something there.

Why would Mcginnes bring two fiends to help dig? They were pretending to hunt for Pirate Treasure

Why would he enlist help and try again? His make-believe turned into a delusion

Why would Mcginnes STOP after that attempt? Reality set in

Someone said there was a logical reason for coconut fibers to be found on the island and in the pit, HUNDREDS of miles away from the nearest coconut tree. What is the reason? Prolly the same reason Japanese tsunami debris keeps washing up on Oregon beaches, hundreds of miles away from the nearest Japan.

Why would they make up such an elaborate description of what they found: flag stones in a circle, wood with putty, coconut fibers, etc. Delusions and later elaborations to delusions

My theory states that the treasure was already recovered by Mcginnes the second time he tried. And died a wealthy man?

As for the show, it's obviously a money mill. But I want to have closure with the money pit. For me, that's what it is about, getting the Oak Island monkey off my back once and for all.

b, what are you thoughts on the crypto-stone, gold links, and parchment piece that were found?

b, what are you thoughts on the crypto-stone, gold links, and parchment piece that were found?

You mean all those imaginary items? Not a single piece is available for inspection. All just recreations of what was claimed to have been found and false claims to keep driving investor $$$$ into operations over the years.

Oh boy, new episode tonight..

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