Curse Of Oak Island aired 12/27(spoilers)-rant


Hero Member
Aug 27, 2011
Detector(s) used
ctx 3030 nokta impact Equinox 800
First, I am a big fan of the show and I am excited to see if they will find anything.

Second, I know that it could all be staged, so no need to bring that up.

Lastly, if we all can keep this related to metal detecting in the above mentioned episode, I would greatly appreciate it!

Spoilers below!

They have Jack with a CTX 3030, which is a machine I used since it was released and I own two of them. So suffice it to say, I know this machine.

So I watch Jack get a hit in the mud pit about 3 feet down, then the dig another foot or so and no hit.

It didn't even occur to anyone that the hit he got may have been from the bucket of the digger(which was too close to where Jack was swinging).

So they fill the hole in and, bring in Gary Drayton(metal detecting "expert"(subjective term IMO)) with the same CTX machine. He finds an iron spike just a few inches??? I dont' see how that can be, seeing that when he found it, he nearly sank up to his waist. It really feels like a plant job.

That 300 year old spike in fluid mud should have been a lot deeper. In a recent dig of mine in a muddy area coins were a foot deep and they were dropped in the forties(the only reason I found them was because there were dozens of coins in lump clusters).

It just seems fishy to me.

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The "money pit" in my humble opinion is the hole in the ground people keep throwing good money into and if there was ever anything there it was found and removed many years ago. What they are finding these days is nothing more than junk left behind by prior searches.. Just my 2 cents worth

Well said

I think the same thing that's why I no longer watch the show.

Sorry if this is the 300 year old Spike

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someone needs to tell them it is a 19th / 20th century
Railroad Spike.
before they destroy their credability even more.

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My thoughts exactly!!! Googled up galleon deck spikes, and compared. Close on some of them, but RR spikes have a higher head. It's getting to be more fun watching for the hoaxed stuff than the show itself! :laughing7:

My thoughts exactly!!! Googled up galleon deck spikes, and compared. Close on some of them, but RR spikes have a higher head. It's getting to be more fun watching for the hoaxed stuff than the show itself! :laughing7:

From another Site


I'll give them a Plug since I borrowed their Pic.
& they do not appear to be a Competitor

Notice ship Spikes have a point so they go into the wood,
not Split it like a chisel

I agree I have many railroad spikes some old some newer and I gotta call KAKA on this one. Hey its TV just like Gold Rush I laugh at what goes on with this show and what people think a real mine site operates like.

If I had buried treasure, would I need a carved stone to tell me to dig a few more feet buried 90 feet down?
Nothing on the show makes sense

Also, deck/planking spikes had symmetrical heads. Railroad spikes had offset heads (flange to one side) because they served a different purpose.

They found a railroad spike. I have dozens kicking around

I have a Narrow Gauge, RR spike I recovered,.........looks different next to a regular spike, or could it be from a ships deck?:laughing7:

Bottom- Standard guage (5 1/2" - 9/16" shank)
Center- Narrow gauge (4 1/2" - 1/2" shank)
Upper- Narrow gauge (2 1/2" - 5/16" shank)


I don't know how standard sizes are World wide.

but 2 things that tell me Rail Road spikes are the off set Head to Grip
the Rail while being up against it.


and the Chisel type Point.


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I recovered these from dredgings that were deposited on a lake Huron beach. I showed them to a friend, who is a former Museum Curator, and he said they were hand forged ship spikes, used during the building prossess. From an old documented wreck in the area where they were dredging 0101170550.jpg0101170551.jpg0101170552.jpg

Did you miss the story they told of the runaway slave who settled on Oak Island. He bought a piece of property and the neighbors knew him as a poor cabbage farmer; Yet when he died it was revealed he owned several properties on the Island and was wealthier than they knew. My spidey sense seems to figure that he found some treasure while digging on his first property and kept it a secret wisely. As a Bible story goes: "A man found a great treasure buried in a field, and went back, sold everything he had and bought that field"

all I know is as long as they stick to the story that was a ships Nail,
And don't admit the error on the Show.

I'm not going to believe anything they
claim to find from here on out will be I.D.'d correctly.

if they say the sun was shining, I'll guess it rained

all I know is as long as they stick to the story that was a ships Nail,
And don't admit the error on the Show.

I'm not going to believe anything they
claim to find from here on out will be I.D.'d correctly.

if they say the sun was shining, I'll guess it rained

It's no different than that stupid fake "roman sword" they put on the show last year. They think the audience is too stupid to catch them in the lie, and sadly it's true for most of the audience.

The only reason I watch the show is combination of being bored and waiting to see what other BS they try to pass off as legitimate finds .

It's no different than that stupid fake "roman sword" they put on the show last year. They think the audience is too stupid to catch them in the lie, and sadly it's true for most of the audience.

The only reason I watch the show is combination of being bored and waiting to see what other BS they try to pass off as legitimate finds .

Yea I watch The Detectorists from England too Knowing it is essentially fake.
but it does Irritate me when I feel they are playing me for a fool.

If they come back claiming it was examined and found to be 300 to 600 years old,
or they bring on, and try to switch it for a Real Ships nail..
that would only prove more they are lying to us, the investors,
or the producers.

Yea I watch The Detectorists from England too Knowing it is essentially fake.

OMG, PLEASE PLEASE tell me you are joking!!! That show is a British comedy. It's 100% fake (just like Oak Island). The only difference is that Detectorists doesnt pretend to be real.

yea Maybe I have to look for something like this,
Next time I watch Oak Island


Don't know if i really want to wade into this pool, but I used to work on the RR and that sure looks like a RR spike. Come on, man! Why would they pull that crap? I mean you could tell that guy was lying through his teeth. Probably the producer put him up to that.

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