Culvert Gold


Hero Member
Mar 13, 2012
Northern California
Detector(s) used
SDC 2300
Primary Interest:
So yesterday I was looking around trying to find a new spot to prospect at the creek that I usually pan at when I came to a part where goes under the road and through 2 culvert pipes. Since the creek is dried up right now I decided to go through the pipe and look around. There wasn't any material at all in the pipes and on the other end where the water would normally come out theres a big concrete slab that angles down towards a dip in the creek. I slid down the concrete slab into the creek and tried to find a spot to grab a sample of dirt to take home. I dug out a crevice that I found in the bedrock where the bedrock was angling up on the downsteam side of the hole and threw the dirt in my backpack. There were plenty of other crevices there but I had to walk a few miles to get there so I decided that I'd better not pack too much dirt with me. (Yes I should have just driven there but I was just exploring.. Wasn't sure where I'd end up grabbing some dirt from...) So I headed back towards home with my dirt and stopped by the upper end of the creek where there was some puddles that I could pan the material out in. I thought that I scooped up more dirt than I really did.. I only had about 1/4 of a pan. I was pretty suprised when I saw that I actually got quite a bit of gold from that little amount of material. There was 3 pickers a nugget and a bunch of fines. :hello2: So the reason why I'm posting this is to get some feedback on if you were at this spot where would you dig? I'm not sure how the flow would affect where the gold would be deposited in this situation. I made a crappy illustration for you because I don't have a picture right now.. lol. Hope I can figure out how to post it... I marked the crevice in the illustration where I found the gold. There is also crevices around the same area where I dug that one out and I'm definitely cleaning all of those out. Think I should try in the middle of the dip in the creek? I have no idea how deep the overburden is.


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If I found that much in a quarter of a pan I would be attacking that entire hole and sample downstream to see where and if it stops. :)

Post a pic up of the gold you found if you could please.

Also check the other side where the pipe enters and if there is a lip below the pipe where heavies can be trapped then you should dig that out too.

After you clean that area up follow the creek up and see if you can find other pockets.

Good luck. :)

If I found that much in a quarter of a pan I would be attacking that entire hole and sample downstream to see where and if it stops. :)

Post a pic up of the gold you found if you could please.

Also check the other side where the pipe enters and if there is a lip below the pipe where heavies can be trapped then you should dig that out too.

After you clean that area up follow the creek up and see if you can find other pockets.

Good luck. :)

In the past I've tried on the upstream side of the culvert pipes and there's too deep of overburden to get to the bottom like when they put the road in it backed it up or something. The closest bedrock that I've found was over a mile upstream from where I got this gold. I had to go downsteam and explore this new area because I've cleaned out all the areas where there is bedrock upstream.. I'll post a picture of the gold tomorrow. I might also go to the place tomorrow and get some pics of it and try some more crevices. I'll keep this thread updated. =]

Its possible the construction of the road itself disturbed some pay dirt. And from your drawing, if there is sufficient flow, the gold might have ended up around the hole, not down in it. Flow would have ground it up in the hole with rocks and debri, and then washed it to the perimeter of the fast moving water.

Its possible the construction of the road itself disturbed some pay dirt. And from your drawing, if there is sufficient flow, the gold might have ended up around the hole, not down in it. Flow would have ground it up in the hole with rocks and debri, and then washed it to the perimeter of the fast moving water.

I went there today and dug in several different places and put the dirt in a bucket. I tried to dig down in the hole but the overburden was way too deep to get to the bottom of it. I'm sure its got some nice stuff down in there after seeing the results from todays dig. I'm going to go take some pictures of the gold from the other day and today and post it. Today I got a better nugget than I did before, I still need to weigh it too.

Alright so heres a picture of the gold. This is todays and from the other day the only piece in this picture that was from today is the nugget. It weighs .8 grams. The rest of the stuff that I got today was stuck in the bottle because its still kind of wet.. The gold kind of looks weird in the picture because of the flash.


Wow that's great. I know of about 5 or so culverts I'll be digging under this winter when it's not raining. Thanks that's just what I needed more places to dig.

I would try right at the end of the concrete slab. Also look for cracks in the concrete. Good Luck.

I agree with NeoTokyo, I would clean out that lower bottom... All crack and crevices, concrete or natural... Then hit it hard again wherever the concrete stops.

I agree with NeoTokyo, I would clean out that lower bottom... All crack and crevices, concrete or natural... Then hit it hard again wherever the concrete stops.

I didn't notice any cracks in the concrete when I was there but I'll have to take a closer look. Below the concrete it drops off and theres just a really deep layer of overburden and the bedrock in this area is mostly all mushy clay.

That mushy clay be acting as a false bedrock, you might want to break some of that clay up and process it and see what it holds.

That mushy clay be acting as a false bedrock, you might want to break some of that clay up and process it and see what it holds.

Yeah sometimes there is gold in the clay. In just about all of the crevices I dig out at this place theres a layer of gravel in them and under that is clay then solid bedrock. I just take out as much as I can =]

Here we go said it was going to get stupid when I learned to post. What if I had an extra sluice or some of that 3in corrugated drain pipe and set it up under the down side of a culvert. Of course after I find color there . Then just leave it for the winter and early spring rain. Private property pretty sure it wouldn't be messed with. ?????

Here we go said it was going to get stupid when I learned to post. What if I had an extra sluice or some of that 3in corrugated drain pipe and set it up under the down side of a culvert. Of course after I find color there . Then just leave it for the winter and early spring rain. Private property pretty sure it wouldn't be messed with. ?????

Haha that's not stupid xD I've heard of people doing that actually. Never heard of anyone doing it on one end of a culvert but that actually might be better since everything is channeled into a small area. But what I've heard of is people just leaving their sluice in the middle of a creek. I'm not exactly sure how they set it up because I haven't done it myself but if you decide to try it make sure you tie it down really good so it can't get washed away!

Russau, why before major water movement. No real snow run off in the area talking about 2000ft elevation. Obviously I haven't thought this through very far. No way to control water flow. Maybe just secure large tub under culvert where it create a " glory hole " that could be just picked up and cleaned out Every couple weeks till the weather went dry. It's raining pretty good right now. Don't think it's moving much soil though grounds just soaking it up.

If you are around the Redding area and the creek has enough flow I could help you dig the hole out and we could set up my Bazooka Miner and clean the entire thing out and the sides and downstream a bit.
I have a TeeDee E-Z sluice to run the cons through after that and then it should only a couple cups of material left to pan through.

Any clay that you run by should be collected and worked so you wont lose any gold in that.

I have a culvert that I need to go check on now that its raining again.

get yourself an washing machine drum and place it on the bottom side of the culvert and any material will be caught in the drum and the holes will allow the water to drain out and check it every week or so.

Can you pack water to the culvert to do a bulk sample? It would save you some trips to wherever you're washing the dirt. Moreover, it there's clay in that hole, it's at least slowing down and even grabbing some of that gold--that's what clay does best, but you already know that, so, have fun and keep updating your post. Nice picture of your gold, by the way.

All the best,


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