For anyone not familiar with Minelabs, Auto Sensitivity when selected, uses the highest sense setting the machine can run at and remain stable! 3 would be 3 levels above that! So I don't see where this comparison was unfair to the BMW when being compared to the lowly Kia.....
I told you because manual is deeper than auto, only use auto if you can't get it stable in manual... I am very familiar with Minelabs , I have owned 3 Excals, 2 sovereign GTs, a Safari, an ETrac and a 3030..., I still own a Sov GT, 2 Excals, ETrac and the 3030....
Like I said if your happy with the ATPro that is good, but that video comparison is BS...I have no problem running in manual and it sees targets over 12 inches....It also sees and displays multiple targets at the same time telling which are good and which are bad...
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