Ctx pinpoint question

there is a lot of missing data in your post, whats the ground miniralization, what mode are you using, how deep is the target all these and more impact the numbers you see. i would recomend focusing on solid repeatable targets, and dig them all. this will help you build a pattern for your sites and site conditions to help you determin your targets. if you only shoot for 12:46 targets your going to leave a lot more in the ground for me :)

below is an example of an almost passed target but it was repeatable and solid and now its in my collection :) and yes i dig a lot of foil, and can slaw but if you dont then you will pass on the good stuff


also co-located trash and targets will impact your numbers as well think of a nickle and quarter in the same spot, you'll get a solid target but bad or odd number will you dig it.

I don't pay attention to any numbers while pinpointing at all - I always go by the numbers detected before pinpointing - just me

I don't pay attention to any numbers while pinpointing at all - I always go by the numbers detected before pinpointing - just me

Yeah, same here. + why would you look at numbers when you have the PP Target Trace active?

Just wondering why the numbers change when pinpointing trying to determine which one is more accurate I believe I was in relic mode I use a program out of sabisch book ct Todd? S program he does colonial properties it works great finding lots of stuff just wondering why the numbers differ so much I live in ny about 50 miles north of nyc I tested once other my Dfx and got abou 92 -89 on ground mineralization.

the pinpoint mode operates differently than regular hunting mode. Don't worry so much about the numbers, its either a "dig me" or its not. Dig it up and see which one is closest. Dig up any other targets in the hole. Do this over and over and over for hundreds of hours and you'll eventually understand what your detector is telling you about what under the coil.

What Jason said about the hundreds of hours is the ONLY way to TRULY understand what's going on. Getting help and trying different things gleaned from forums is a big help but the real intelligence is gathered when you're out there with the machine. The machine itself is the greatest teacher,as you get to "hear it straight from the horses mouth",so to speak.
Because most of my desirable targets are near or with something else on many occasions,I always use the "wiggle back and forward" method to pinpoint a target. Using the actual pinpoint trigger can be confusing with multiple metallic objects around for sure. This also helps to "size" the target,for me it has to be a coin sized target.
As stated also,the numbers when sweeping in short (4-6") sweeps over the target usually produce the best repeatability and target ID in my experience. There is a perfect swing speed for each and every target,depending on depth of target,orientation,target makeup,surroundings,etc. EVERY targets situation is different,even if they are all silver dimes.
An elite hunter will spend many many many hours in search of what they're looking for. The CTX is the most amazing machine I've used,even though it's just been a few. Being able to find silver just about every hunt is a really good feeling,and gives one a high level of confidence that their machine is up to the task! It is also confirmation that YOU are a huge part of what makes the machine what it is.

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