It's true and you know it!


Bro I'd endure anything better than the hell I'm going through right now!!! Hey Mr President send me to Syria/Iraq I'll put an end to ISIS single handed..... Better than living in this hell...

I was just trying to catch up on recent posts and noticed much talk of tools....

I wish that I could reply to many....However, my time this afternoon is limited due to some serious studying.

I had to stop and reply to my Brother, 2GF.

You would NEVER have to go alone. I'm by your side.
I often think back to some of the worse hell I've been through in my life whenever I'm facing difficult times. And, ya know, what I'm going through now seems smaller than what I would never want to live again from the past.

When I find the way hard or full of obstacles, I rely on my Friends for advice.

As we all know, EVERYBODY is willing to give advice! :laughing7:

Stay Strong, Brother and never hesitate to PM me! :thumbsup:

Always my Best Wishes,


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I received a "My Face" (or whatever) notice of a message....:icon_scratch:


A message from my first Wife about the Birthday message that I had sent on New Year's Eve.

The message was somewhat to the effect of:

"Thanks for the BD message. Thanks for the memories."

Gonna play aloof...Got too much going on right now. 8-)

As a bonus thought,

"Here in the South, 'phonics' are used effectively!"

phonics in the south.webp

Hope all are well.



"MY Friends!
Do you hate your job?

Do you as-pire to greater heights?
Well, hurry your a$$ to 'Scott's College of Seldom Sought After Careers.'

Right now, I'm offering a 2 for 1 Special!

Bring your most 'brain-dead' friend,
you both sign indemnity waivers and you soon will be on top of the world!!!"

(For a limited time only...until the Feds show up....)

My Best,


What's it pay?

All I need is a 'chute that I packed myself....

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Tonights mood......turn up the speakers

My favorite Chili Peppers song...

Reminds me of my Pap,
And how I can be a better Man from what he taught me....

Thanks 2GF!



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Well I couldn't take it anymore. I went to the doctor today. After a thorough exam he said "I'm afraid I have some bad news" I said " it can't get any worse what is it? " he said " I'm afraid you have optical rectitis" I said " Doc I've been in the medical field for a long time, I've never heard of that. What exactly does it mean?" He said " Son I'm afraid you've been going thru so much that your optical nerve has wrapped around your rectal nerves and now you have a real sh@tty outlook on life!" :)


Thanks for the

Regards + HH



Better Man - Playing for change....a song to cheer you up!

Regards + HH



Well I couldn't take it anymore. I went to the doctor today. After a thorough exam he said "I'm afraid I have some bad news" I said " it can't get any worse what is it? " he said " I'm afraid you have optical rectitis" I said " Doc I've been in the medical field for a long time, I've never heard of that. What exactly does it mean?" He said " Son I'm afraid you've been going thru so much that your optical nerve has wrapped around your rectal nerves and now you have a real sh@tty outlook on life!" :)

Here's a video, another one to soon follow!

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

Now that's funny!

One more Chili Peppers?


You asked for it....





"Give It Away"

What I've got you've got to give it to your mamma
What I've got you've got to give it to your pappa
What I've got you've got to give it to your daughter
You do a little dance and then you drink a little water

What I've got you've got to get it put it in you
What I've got you've got to get it put it in you
What I've got you've got to get it put it in you
Reeling with the feeling don't stop continue

Realize I don't want to be a miser
Confide w/sly you'll be the wiser
Young blood is the lovin' upriser
How come everybody wanna keep it like the kaiser

Give it away give it away give it away give it away now
Give it away give it away give it away give it away now
Give it away give it away give it away give it away now
I can't tell if I'm a kingpin or a pauper

Greedy little people in a sea of distress
Keep your more to receive your less
Unimpressed by material excess
Love is free love me say hell yes

I'm a low brow but I rock a little know how
No time for the piggies or the hoosegow
Get smart get down with the pow wow
Never been a better time than right now

Bob Marley poet and a prophet
Bob Marley taught me how to off it
Bob Marley walkin' like he talk it
Goodness me can't you see I'm gonna cough it


Lucky me swimmin' in my ability
Dancin' down on life with agility
Come and drink it up from my fertility
Blessed with a bucket of lucky mobility

My mom I love her 'cause she love me
Long gone are the times when she scrub me
Feelin' good my brother gonna hug me
Drink my juice young love chug-a-lug me

There's a river born to be a giver
Keep you warm won't let you shiver
His heart is never gonna wither
Come on everybody time to deliver


What I've got you've got to give it to your mamma
What I've got you've got to give it to your pappa
What I've got you've got to give it to your daughter
You do a little dance and then you drink a little water

What I've got you've got to get it put it in you
What I've got you've got to get it put it in you
What I've got you've got to get it put it in you
Reeling with the feeling don't stop continue

Realize I don't want to be a miser
Confide w/sly you'll be the wiser
Young blood is the lovin' upriser
How come everybody wanna keep it like the kaiser

Give it away give it away give it away give it away now [x3]

Give it away now [x20]
Give it away...

Damn! I see the clues!

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Yesterday, my locksmith Friend and I went to a somewhat rural residence to make a Chip key for a Ford F150.

While waiting for the key to program, the owner offered a free safe.

Scott was like: "Say What?"

It was in the basement.

I had a gander.....
It was;

No Combo.
Did I mention free?

He got it in the house he bought years ago.
It supposedly came from a store in.....,Georgia.

I smell BS.
The safe appears to be only___years old. By my observation and knowledge.

Here's some practice, Folks! Let's see where this plays out, shall we?

I got his phone number and I'll pick it up this weekend! :thumbsup:

Will provide updates with photos as available.....

Did I mention that I have connections to most
Law Enforcement Agencies?


About 10-12 bags of $cheiz on a pallet.....stacked right.....


He's saying that is a coupla hunert pounds and most like cripple him for life trying to pick up a scrap safe worth only about $8. Sheesh.....

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That is a good one Scott!!
That song was my favorite Peppers song until this came out.

The guitar caught my alllllll got my attention!!


I lost a post, due to mod's diligence~!
Was it Politics or a Security breach?
Let's call it politics 'cause I'd never breach security....

i always knew that somebody was watching me.....

Good job, guys~! :thumbsup:


However, being so closely monitored, shouldn't my payment for Bill's Charter Membership be acknowledged? By NOW?
HUH ???

Just sayin'


Ban me or give Bill his Charter Membership!
Guess I'll be going soon....someway here else.....:dontknow:

My Thanks to those who helped to make Uncle Bill's Charter Membership happen! :thumbsup:



Scott etal,

Thanks for the pat on the back it's I'll probably get in trouble in the political section of the

I'll try to restrain myself and keep a level of decorum.

Regards + HH



Y'all bout due fir another story.....

Something about an Alzheimer unit....
When,(if) I remember, I'll post....


Some days just suck all the life outta ya, Huh?

Where my bowl?

Of Ramen? 8-)


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Scott etal,

Thanks for the pat on the back it's I'll probably get in trouble in the political section of the

I'll try to restrain myself and keep a level of decorum.

Regards + HH


The cool thing about the "politics" section is JeffofPA and Treasure Hunter participate but do not... moderate! Admins moderate I believe.
It is a place that you can...voice your opinion a bit more then the regular forums.
More spirited debates.

Thanks Scott! That Oldtimers is funny. That's what I call it. Unfortunately it runs in my family. My wife said what if you get Alzheimer's ? I said I guess I'll forgive ya cause I won't remember......and I'll make new friends everyday ! She slapped me.....

That thanks was for Bills Charter he's needed it many moons ago.......

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