
Yeah, I love to create beauty!

Here's inspiration from my Mom's rings....
We always agreed upon aesthetics....

I appraised each ring to my Mom, before purchase.
(Still have specs on each)

I still believe we did "OK"....8-)

My favorite?
The middle....
Multi-Contrast of colors....So Beautiful....



Ah, Damn! Now I'm cryin'....

Full Screen?

Mr. T.webp
"Don't be a FOOL.....Do it!"

"Crying In The Rain"

A black cat moans
When he's burning with the fever
A stray dog howls
When he's lonely in the night
A woman goes crazy
With the though of retribution
But, a man starts weeping
When he's sick and tired of life

I keep on dreaming dreams of tomorrow
Feel I'm wasting my time
Lighting candles in the wind,
Always taking my chances
On the promise of the future
But, a heart full of sorrow
Paints a lonely tapestry

The sun is shining
But, it's raining in my heart

No one understands the heartache,
No one feels the pain,
'Cos no one ever sees the tears
When you're crying in the rain,
When you're crying in the rain,
Crying in the rain...

I can never deny
All the sweet things I have tasted
Tho' I've been mistreated,

I keep coming back for more,

I know where I'm going
There's no hope of absolution
I can't seem to separate
The good times from the bad

The sun is shining
But, it's raining in my heart

No one understands the heartache,
No one feels the pain,
'Cos no one ever sees the tears
When you're crying in the rain,
When you're crying in the rain,
When you're crying in the rain,
When you're crying in the rain

The sun is shining
But, it's raining in my heart

No one understands the heartache,
No one feels the pain,
'Cos no one ever sees the tears
When you're crying in the rain,
When you're crying in the rain,
When you're crying in the rain,
When you're crying in the rain

Crying in the rain...

Heh, Heh....See how clues may lead?

Find the right words; find the right clues.....Make the connection...Dig?
Maybe find a treasure....

Best to all,


Can't wait to travel after my graduation this Spring.........

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My, it's quiet on a Saturday Night!

View attachment 1263917
"Let's Rock!"
"You kids just best sit back and watch, K?"
(Take notes, Dig? Pop quiz is likely....)
"Oh Scott! Gimme your paycheck!"


A bad dream I've had.
Yeah, I learned something or two along the way.
How 'bout you?....





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Looks like you survived the storm!

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

Where? Lecompton?
First Capitol of Kansas?
Somewhere along the Kansas river?

Jefferson County, where I was a guest overnight in jail for reasons I shant discus?

Hustlin' pool? Really? That's illegal? Maybe 'cause a few hunnert dollars was on the line.....When I won. Then it got ugly.....

Douglas County?
Never caught there.....

Yeah, got my finger on that pulse...

Named after the Native Americans indigenous to the area.....

Follow the clues, my Friends....



Am I ready for the Politics thread?

"Are You ready for me?"

Ummm... A link, Please....'cause I don't know where the politics thing is...

(A virgin, hmm.....)

A new facet of clues...."

"Let's Play"

Hmmm....Banned in 3....2....1.....

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We all been there....right?



Anyone remember this video game?

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

OK, Fellow music affectionados,

30 some years ago, a Saturday night,
I was in Germany.
Yeah, it was cold....In my bunker....

Field service usually sucks....

I was on back-up SAT-BAF team,

(I served at a Nike Nuke Site, before this guy's book....)

And them punks, from the Red Army Faction, had just robbed a nearby polizei station of automatic weapons. Rut Row!
No further details will be released.

I did my job and ate from cold C-Rats that night....Glad that I had my P38....
Sittin' with that M-60 an' a thousand rounds....

Afterwards, I was named to the Company's Special Forces.

To this day, I have no problem eating from a can....

And, I was stayin' alive....

Please Vote.
Your voice matters....

I and my fellow Vets have fought and died for your voice....

Even if I disagree....
Your Voice matters! :notworthy:

And help others to vote.
Those who are home bound. Give them a ride.
Those who are undecided.
Have a discussion.
Invite their Friends!

Have y'all a Town Meeting!

Discuss where America is heading...
Be THE Patriot!

Ah, Crap!

I best stop 'cause politics or such....



There will be no more posts of this nature.
Subject has been conditioned and disciplined. Dig?


I will always remain a Patriot, a Veteran and a Champion of Liberty.

I have sworn, upon my oath,

"I Will Defend, with my Life!"

The Constitution of my beloved country,


And I will always remain,

A Wolf Pack Member, A Veteran,
A Warrior.... and an American!


(So much that I'm not allowed to say.....Ever.)

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Scott can I be your brother and quote you sir for I too am a Patriot, Veteran, and Champion of Liberty in your words sir.....

May the fires of hell crackle and smell
With the flesh of the man
That says I can't
We can SGT
We can!!!!!!!

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My teams war cry!!!!!!

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Music means a lot to me. This tells a story of someone I once loved, cared for and well took a bad path. But here it is in music...........


I've read your post more than a few times and finally decided to post this Story....

Back in the 80's, I had met a girl, a coupla years younger than me, who was a struggling guitarist and thought that she could sing....
I still can't sing. But I can write, compose and play! :thumbsup:

We soon moved in together to work on music and share rent.

She had an ADORABLE 4 year old, named Kenny.

Well, me and Kenny became fast Friends.
I'd walk him to pre-school in the morning and be there when he got out.

He called me, "Daddy."

Then, things changed.

After being on stage a couple of times, the dynamics of the "relationship" changed.

I now can understand, having attended psychology courses....

She felt that she was better than me and one afternoon after the studio, it was over.

That quick.

I sure miss Kenny....

He's probably what? 30 now?


Hope All are Well, Warm and Safe!



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What other tools you get?

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

Just a bunch of misc. sockets, ratchets, wrenches, extensions and misc.
All name brand like Craftsman, Blackhawk, etc.

And a decent jack stand.

I think that I did OK...

Except I don't need more tools! :tongue3:

But, Hey!
A good deal is a deal, right?!



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I'am still interested in those guitar strings bro.
D'Addario is my current fav. My Jackson guitars (Made famous and actually started in part by Randy Rhoads) I have to cut off the ball/ends because of the double locking floyd rose tremolo.

Rhoads Features | Jackson® Guitars

Let's try a picture or two again, shall we?



I have found that when I initially post, my photos are shown.

Later perusal renders the photos to "attachments."


If I edit the post, the photos are once again visible....

I certainly don't like this "On again, off again" display of pics...

How 'bout you?



Sittin' here, thinkin' 'bout you dear, and I got a rush on love.

Some call it a dope deal, all people call it rough I don't think I'll freak out no more, I've tried enough of that stuff Some people tried it one time, second time's high or low The third time it will make you weak, the fourth will make you slow.

Goose Creek has a death grip on reality...

Now, our Friend, UZD's post of a You Tube video appears to me as a link, not a picture to click upon.

What can all of this mean?

Subtle nuances?



This was David Bowie's last live concert....he had a heart attack at this show and packed it in....a very powerful performance.

So many Friends have passed....

So many great voices now silent....

Never fail to show your Love.
Never fail to show your Support.
Never fail to be a Friend.

As if today is your last.
Have no regrets.
Have no unfulfilled promises.
Have no one left to call,




And I may have a cancer....

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Now, our Friend, UZD's post of a You Tube video appears to me as a link, not a picture to click upon.

What can all of this mean?

Subtle nuances?


I'm not sure it was anything other than a link when UZD posted.
An option is to leave a link vs vid..
When something changed in the un-natural chaos of something.....when trying to add URL and thus-ly a vid by copying the URL , I was now leaving a link only.
By going to top of page and clicking on the "tab" then copy , I could again post a vid..

So many Friends have passed....

Never fail to show your Love.
Never fail to show your Support.
Never fail to be a Friend.

As if today is your last.
Have no regrets.
Have no unfulfilled promises.
Have no one left to call,




But what of , or is peace of spirit in this life?

A friend I mended fence with, (A safety issue disputed caused a parting) was told he was no longer eligible for V.A. medical due to his wife working.
A former Nam vet..
So his lump went un-operated on. Of course not being diagnosed was part of the why.
Now it has become more than a knife can cure and chemo and radiation are on deck.
All I could offer was to suggest he seek an advocate to communicate with the V.A. as to how he was not eligible and if it was due to his wifes income.
And to propose some fishing come summer.
Just to have something down the road to consider beyond his family worries.

Let's try a picture or two again, shall we?

View attachment 1264748

View attachment 1264749

I have found that when I initially post, my photos are shown.

Later perusal renders the photos to "attachments."


If I edit the post, the photos are once again visible....

I certainly don't like this "On again, off again" display of pics...

How 'bout you?



Those are "vintage" strings Scott. Are they rusty?

A guy I went to school with asked me the other day....What happened to that '88 Ford?
I scrapped it I told him. To many miles, to many problems.
Did you save any parts he inquired?
Of course I said....They sell great on eBay.
So.....We arranged a trade. Turns out he acquired a guitar and a pedal thing he called it.
I ended up with a BC Rich flying V...needs a complete fret job...and new in the box (dated Jul 02 made in the USA) this!
(click three times for supersize...)




But what of , or is peace of spirit in this life?

A friend I mended fence with, (A safety issue disputed caused a parting) was told he was no longer eligible for V.A. medical due to his wife working.
A former Nam vet..
So his lump went un-operated on. Of course not being diagnosed was part of the why.
Now it has become more than a knife can cure and chemo and radiation are on deck.
All I could offer was to suggest he seek an advocate to communicate with the V.A. as to how he was not eligible and if it was due to his wifes income.
And to propose some fishing come summer.
Just to have something down the road to consider beyond his family worries.

My Spirit is always in Peace.

I wish to lend a hand, not arms.....



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