I'am sorry to here that Scott. eBay can be a PIA at times. I hope the seller resolves the problem.
You are a jeweler? I have a necklace I really needs to be modified to fit me. I want it so it wont break/fall off when I'm ocean fishing, riding dirt bikes...prospecting fighting etc. :laughing7:I can build a house but "extending" the length of a necklace......

Of course click once, click twice pic goes super size!! You know... three clicks....whoa!!!
At least with a PC.

View attachment 1256339

Based upon the picture,
As best as I can tell, it is strung with "tiger tail."

To make it more durable, I would use 2 "clamp" beads per end and use a heavier duty clasp and ring. Some might suggest a "barrel" clasp, but they can easily come unscrewed....Yours is called a "Lobster Claw" clasp.

Which means that it would have to be restrung.
A fairly simple job and should cost under $40.

Of course, I'm years off on service pricing....
If I did it, for a friend, I'd charge the cost of the tiger tail, the clamp beads, the heavy duty clasp and a 6 pack of Guinness!


Best Wishes,


By the way, Very nice shark tooth!

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Lol! Seriously though good luck tomorrow! I fully understand getting the gas, I'm the biggest wimp with medical things ever! I don't know about you but I'm always relieved when it's over.

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

Who you tellin?

I HATE shots or giving blood but have no trouble sewing my own wounds, when necessary.

I got a couple of #2 curved needle suture packs in my First Aid kit.

Fortunately, I haven't had to use them for a few years.

I got them from a Veterinarian Friend over 10 years ago.

Of course, I require anesthesia, 80 proof, administered orally....



Scott, Any resolution to your stones?

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

I contacted the seller and they appeared to be eager to resolve the issue.

I suggested a 50% refund and am awaiting their action.



For my Friend, Pat Cat!



I contacted the seller and they appeared to be eager to resolve the issue.

I suggested a 50% refund and am awaiting their action.



I'm sure they'll agree to this

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

For my Friend, Pat Cat!



DAMN!!! I barely could watch that Scott!!
Holy crap!!!

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

I contacted the seller and they appeared to be eager to resolve the issue.

I suggested a 50% refund and am awaiting their action.



I once made and sold earrings, on consignment at beauty shops over 10 years ago.
I had to make my own display cases.

So, using walnut, I made display cases...

Picture 143.webp



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Just in case you missed it, A "BANNER" for you!

Always keep your coil close to the ground and don't swing too fast!



Got an 1898 $5 gold piece in a bezel for a necklace but I'm too afraid to wear it 'cause it will kill me to lose it....

Sentimental reasons, Dig?


View attachment 1257017 I compile my list of treasures for the PVC "TUBE." 8-)
I see 3-4 items to include here.....



"Yeah, I heerd sumthin' 'bout a treasure buried in some mountains,
but not around here, I reckon.
Best cipher your clues again, Son.
I heerd ole Scott was gettin' clever wit clues due to some feller named RC...."



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Based upon the picture,
As best as I can tell, it is strung with "tiger tail."

To make it more durable, I would use 2 "clamp" beads per end and use a heavier duty clasp and ring. Some might suggest a "barrel" clasp, but they can easily come unscrewed....Yours is called a "Lobster Claw" clasp.

Which means that it would have to be restrung.
A fairly simple job and should cost under $40.

Of course, I'm years off on service pricing....
If I did it, for a friend, I'd charge the cost of the tiger tail, the clamp beads, the heavy duty clasp and a 6 pack of Guinness!


Best Wishes,


By the way, Very nice shark tooth!

I would really like the necklace it to be a bit longer. It is 18" now, a choker.. Guess I have a thick neck? Fire Mountain Gems, an Oregon company... has thee best selection of beads, gems etc. I have ever seen!

Wholesale Beads and Jewelry Making Supplies - Fire Mountain Gems and Beads

Six pack of Guinness you say? Sure. I think it would be easier to mail you cash, then stout. My grandparents had the last name of Feeney and Keenan so I get it.

As a note to the dialects and spelling that I use sometimes....

I have studied linguistics in college using the "Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language" as the textbook.
I keep very few college textbooks. This one I kept. From the '80's....
I still refer to it often.

linguistic textbook.webp
The analogies, though sometimes subtle must always be analyzed.....
Yeah...I see it!

Seems that to appear stupid, you really have to be smart? :icon_scratch:

View attachment 1257056
"Dude, I can help you look stupid. It's easy.....Wow!
You're in college, too? I've been in for maybe 10 years? i';M SURE TO GET PAROLE THIS TIME....."



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I would really like the necklace it to be a bit longer. It is 18" now, a choker.. Guess I have a thick neck? Fire Mountain Gems, an Oregon company... has thee best selection of beads, gems etc. I have ever seen!

Wholesale Beads and Jewelry Making Supplies - Fire Mountain Gems and Beads

Six pack of Guinness you say? Sure. I think it would be easier to mail you cash, then stout. My grandparents had the last name of Feeney and Keenan so I get it.

I've done business with Fire Mountain and still get an occasional catalog. They are good Folks....
Probably whom I would get the supplies from to do the work.

Something that would irritate me, maybe not you,
But, say it was a heavy duty clasp, which way would you want the tooth to point?
Feng Shui and such....
Which hand would work the clasp?

Is it OK the way it is or would you want it opposite?

Not just any jeweler would ask such a question, but.....

joe psci2.webp
"Who love's ya, Brother?"

We can work out particulars in PM's if you wish....




I'm of German Heritage.....even my last name, from WWI proves it....

Wanna talk beer?

Heh, heh....Sure, I got some steins you can fill for me....PROST!



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I would really like the necklace it to be a bit longer. It is 18" now, a choker.. Guess I have a thick neck? Fire Mountain Gems, an Oregon company... has thee best selection of beads, gems etc. I have ever seen!

Wholesale Beads and Jewelry Making Supplies - Fire Mountain Gems and Beads

Six pack of Guinness you say? Sure. I think it would be easier to mail you cash, then stout. My grandparents had the last name of Feeney and Keenan so I get it.

Oh my. Fire Mountain has lots of pretty chevrons...pretty beads. Pretty shiny beads.
If my kid ever gets a gambling bug it started at blackpowder shoots after dark playing put take game till quite late with chevrons when rather young.:laughing7:

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DAMN!!! I barely could watch that Scott!!
Holy crap!!!

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

You do know who played in the original version, right?
His first motion picture appearance, I believe....

Ah! No lookie on Google!

Just like we playin' Trivial pursuit and throwin' down some cold ones.....



Here's a clue.....

"Sure, Scott. Give away the ranch, why not?"

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For Pat-Cat.

Damn! How did I miss that?

Well played, my Friend!

When I got out of the Army, I had 90 days to take care of any medical issues, including dental.

So I had my wisdom teeth yanked....
(Been stupid ever since.....)

I chose a civilian dentist in my hometown, and I won't say a name, but,
I got the gas AND blue Valiums! (10 mg., Dig!)
Paid for by our citizens who appreciate the Vets! Yep. Fellow Americans! :notworthy:

It took several visits and after each visit, I would stop at my favorite record store and buy a new or used album....

Pink Floyd was always high on my list of albums I didn't have....Yet.....

The record store was called, "Love Records" in Lawrence, Kansas, and I'd dare say that they are still in business on Massachusetts Street, Downtown.

It was such a cool site; 2-3 "store cats" purring for your attention while you browsed....

But, I haven't been home in over 10 years.....

Now I'm melancholy....Dang!

It's OK.

I can carry memories with me without having to find room in my wallet....

My Best Wishes,



Ah! I now see that they have another name.....

How 'bout these interwebs, huh?

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After searching for nearly an hour,
(and sometimes forgetting what I'm searching for....)
I found my notebook of original songs from nearly 20 years ago!

Surely you know what that means....


Scott gonna tune the box tonight!



Oh my. Fire Mountain has lots of pretty chevrons...pretty beads. Pretty shiny beads.
If my kid ever gets a gambling bug it started at blackpowder shoots after dark playing put take game till quite late with chevrons when rather young.:laughing7:

Certainly you need a catalog if you are a jeweler. Or novice. Or somewhere between....

Shall I sign you up as a Friend for a 2016 catalog when I request mine?



Or, here's the link, guess you don't need me.....

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