Dram, I'm still using a 10 yr old flippy tracphone, lol. I really need to step into the 20th, 21st,
what century we in now, LOL. :icon_scratch: :laughing7:

You'll be glad to hear, I get to get a new cap tomorrow. Yep, then dang coffee Nips caramels, broke off that 25 yr old cap
I coulda lived with this, but there is the start of a small cavity at the top of it, so the dentists wants to fix that, so it don't turn into a root canal later. OH and here's the BEST part of it (no, not that she'll make over $ :BangHead:
She's giving me my nitrous at 1/2 price! :notworthy: Can you believe it! Hey, you don't get, if you don't ask :laughing7:
I did mention her nitrous was too expensive....... :laughing7: Hope they don't give me the cheap stuffs. :laughing7:

Scott, not sure what to tell ya on your stones. Was it US purchase or from overseas? You said the shipping was killer. Let us know what happens.

Dram, I'm still using a 10 yr old flippy tracphone, lol. I really need to step into the 20th, 21st,
what century we in now, LOL. :icon_scratch: :laughing7:

You'll be glad to hear, I get to get a new cap tomorrow. Yep, then dang coffee Nips caramels, broke off that 25 yr old cap
I coulda lived with this, but there is the start of a small cavity at the top of it, so the dentists wants to fix that, so it don't turn into a root canal later. OH and here's the BEST part of it (no, not that she'll make over $ :BangHead:
She's giving me my nitrous at 1/2 price! :notworthy: Can you believe it! Hey, you don't get, if you don't ask :laughing7:
I did mention her nitrous was too expensive....... :laughing7: Hope they don't give me the cheap stuffs. :laughing7:

Scott, not sure what to tell ya on your stones. Was it US purchase or from overseas? You said the shipping was killer. Let us know what happens.

Sounds like one of my moves! Lol! I love the art of getting s discount!!! Yeah I worked over Verizon a bit as well...
That's to bad you need to deal with the cavity but at least it's not a root canal. I'm going to see a oral surgeon soon to get ready to deal with this front tooth.

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!
Dram, I tried to listen...... really I did...... :icon_pale: :-\

I'mma gonna hafta save that one until after the dentists appt tomorrow,
well, maybe day after that! :laughing7:

Yup, understandable! Lol!
In that case here is a completely tasteless video! Lol

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

I can't do that to my dentists! :laughing7: Well..... my chiropractor tells me, it happens, idk? :dontknow:
Not with me! Ya'll know us womens don't do dem things. :laughing7:
Oh great, gonna have me all psyched out..... just stop, lol, no more dentists videos, LOL! :laughing7:

I bet, "The Dentist" with Corbin Bernsen, is playing somewhere tonight! :BangHead: :laughing7:
Ya'll have fun, food and kitchen, don't cook and clean themselves. :notworthy:

I can't do that to my dentists! :laughing7: Well..... my chiropractor tells me, it happens, idk? :dontknow:
Not with me! Ya'll know us womens don't do dem things. :laughing7:
Oh great, gonna have me all psyched out..... just stop, lol, no more dentists videos, LOL! :laughing7:

I bet, "The Dentist" with Corbin Bernsen, is playing somewhere tonight! :BangHead: :laughing7:
Ya'll have fun, food and kitchen, don't cook and clean themselves. :notworthy:

Lol! Seriously though good luck tomorrow! I fully understand getting the gas, I'm the biggest wimp with medical things ever! I don't know about you but I'm always relieved when it's over.

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!


Enjoy the cheap drugs and good luck with the dentist visit.

Regards + HH


Dram, I'm still using a 10 yr old flippy tracphone, lol. I really need to step into the 20th, 21st,
what century we in now, LOL. :icon_scratch: :laughing7:

You'll be glad to hear, I get to get a new cap tomorrow. Yep, then dang coffee Nips caramels, broke off that 25 yr old cap
I coulda lived with this, but there is the start of a small cavity at the top of it, so the dentists wants to fix that, so it don't turn into a root canal later. OH and here's the BEST part of it (no, not that she'll make over $ :BangHead:
She's giving me my nitrous at 1/2 price! :notworthy: Can you believe it! Hey, you don't get, if you don't ask :laughing7:
I did mention her nitrous was too expensive....... :laughing7: Hope they don't give me the cheap stuffs. :laughing7:

Scott, not sure what to tell ya on your stones. Was it US purchase or from overseas? You said the shipping was killer. Let us know what happens.

did you ever see the dentist clip from the movie 'marathon man'?

Scott, Any resolution to your stones?

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

Is it safe? Is it safe? Is it safe?

Please pray for me......Ive been up for 3 days. Arguing with the spousal unit. Seems she's been giving a lot of money to our son, a lot......and now that she is stopping........he has threatened to come take my grandson, you know the 9 year old IVE RAISED since birth.m y best friend...........he says his family isnt complete, well well well......he wouldnt have the 2 kids he has if we didnt pay $8000.00 for attorneys, now he's broke cant afford rent, the car payment and my wife says you are on your he says hes coming to take my best friend.........if he cant pay what he has, why torture the 9 year old why torture me? Cant pay day care, cant do this oh but can go to basketball games, watch the Magic........................and now his new wife, found out this weekend SHES PREGNANT!!!!!!!!!! I dont want my grandson doing without................PRAY FOR ME PLEASE this is killing me...........this just might be the straw that breaks the camels back............

Is it safe? Is it safe? Is it safe?

Please pray for me......Ive been up for 3 days. Arguing with the spousal unit. Seems she's been giving a lot of money to our son, a lot......and now that she is stopping........he has threatened to come take my grandson, you know the 9 year old IVE RAISED since birth.m y best friend...........he says his family isnt complete, well well well......he wouldnt have the 2 kids he has if we didnt pay $8000.00 for attorneys, now he's broke cant afford rent, the car payment and my wife says you are on your he says hes coming to take my best friend.........if he cant pay what he has, why torture the 9 year old why torture me? Cant pay day care, cant do this oh but can go to basketball games, watch the Magic........................and now his new wife, found out this weekend SHES PREGNANT!!!!!!!!!! I dont want my grandson doing without................PRAY FOR ME PLEASE this is killing me...........this just might be the straw that breaks the camels back............

Stand your ground!

Tgf, I'm not a attorney and not familiar with family law. But it seems to me you've had him this long and that should amount to something. Kind of like adverse possession. Maybe some sort of grandparents rights? Stand your ground, seems like you could prove to the court it would be detrimental to the grandsons welfare to be placed in that environment.

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

TGF, stay strong, as you are. Stable home vs unstable home/caretaker, don't take a brain surgeon/rocket scientist......
My neighbor just finally got the adoption hearing and legal award for her g-son. I think the mom didn't even show for hearing.
You know and recognize empty threats and posturing, play your hands smart, make sure you got your aces up the sleeves, document, document, document......
In the meantime, you and your buddy, just carry on as normal and has lotsa funs! prayers and blessings......

Dang it 2 G.F..
I wrote a long post and then cancelled it...My Irish was pokin out.

Legal custody usually goes to parents unless they are proven unfit.
My friend has his grandchildren back again but who knows for how long.
I did not ask if legal custody changed but heard no mention of it. Their dad changed his mind after a week or two having them outside of my friends home where he had lived too awhile. An in and out thing a couple times with the grandkids staying at my friends throughout if recalled correctly.
My friends daughter died a day or two after getting out of incarceration and her husband took the kids and split.

For that possibility.. and who knows what if any changes that occur , you need to stay stable. And you can.
The same caring, capable, and concerned grandfather you have always been. Action controlled as well as reaction , however difficult inaction and waiting can be at times... precision and timing count!
You may have already consulted with a legal representative to discuss what if any options you have , and what conditions would persuade a court to deem a parent unfit.
If not , putting out some carefully constructed recon type feelers might gain some knowledge of any possible options.
Florida is not , surprisingly for all it's seniors in it's population, very supportive of grandparents rights in visitation or custody if the children's parents are stable.
Some slight gains , but won through court.

You are being thought of from here.
Keep it steady , and take a catnap now and then. You want a clear mind when decision making if possible..
Ain't nothin for a big stepper.
Just an ulcer no one see's maybe from not yelling :BangHead:.

Last edited:
did you ever see the dentist clip from the movie 'marathon man'?

Thanks man.
My teeth hurt now.
I get to pick a fake eye/canine tooth.
Debating about a gold one.

Skip to 4:35 if you are pressed for time.


It's pretty obvious from where I sit that your son is unstable and an irresponsible person so you have a stronger hand then him.

Most attorneys will give a quick summary of what the options are pro bono....take it slow and easy and get your ducks in a row to give you the upper hand.

Regards + HH


We're all pullin for you

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!


I'll send you a link via pm which might help.

Regards + HH


Here's a video to get everyone smiling...

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

I'm in it to win it!

Drawing tonight and now it's over 500 million!


Good luck to all who have their numbers!



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