Being ready for a sojourn to the mountains for a brief respite with Nature this Christmas, before the aggravations of the coming Spring Semester, I was disappointed by the rain and flooding in North Georgia....
I reluctantly stayed home....
Feeling melancholy and sorry for myself,
I attempted, casually, to find out about my 1st wife.....
Haven't seen her for near better'n 25 years or so....
Last I heard, she was workin' for the Augusta Chronicle Newspaper in Georgia.
As the Assistant Manager or something....
I got her a job there....
As a "Paste-up" copy editor.
Back in the late 70's....
What I found, well....
We were both in Georgia for a couple of years recently....,Then She moved back to our Home town, married a guy who has had a heart transplant, is heavily involved with animals at shelters and still is Beautiful!
She's only 6 months younger than me,
and I struggle to remember why I gave up on us....
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(STILL has them cute dimples....)
Her Birthday is this Thursday.
Yeah, I still remember....
Should I send her Birthday wishes?
Or, just leave it all alone?
Surely, If I could find her, she could have found me....
PS. She was my Wife when I worked on motorcycles in the back bedroom....
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(circa 1978)
She took that photo....!
She couldn't sing, nor play an instrument....
I still love her and often dream of us....
Her Brothers...
Whom I have stories including metal detecting...
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Johnny and Terry.....
My "Brothers-in-law" once....
and outlaws- a few times, too, I guess....
I feel so old and defeated.....
The question...
Her name?
You tell me and win an additional "Secret clue!"
For you only!
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"Sorry, Mac, Can't help ya.....
I'm busy putting together the contents of a PVC tube...."