Well on my way to pickup my 13 y/ o today, I round the curve and the police have blocked off the road.....again! Oh god not again....I parked and jumped out and walked up to the officer. Police officers, K-9, from several different agencies as far as you can see..... For the second time in 2 1/2 months a bomb threat caused the evacuation of his school. Let that sink in what I saw. Imagine with the way the world is today, how fast my mind was wife lost it again......I hope they find this punk and a public hanging is in store!!!!!!!! I 'll bring the rope!!!

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Well on my way to pickup my 13 y/ o today, I round the curve and the police have blocked off the road.....again! Oh god not again....I parked and jumped out and walked up to the officer. Police officers, K-9, from several different agencies as far as you can see..... For the second time in 2 1/2 months a bomb scare caused the evacuation of his school. Let that sink in what I saw. Imagine with the way the world is today, how fast my mind was wife lost it again......I hope they find this punk and a public hanging is in store!!!!!!!! I 'll bring the rope!!!

Yup, this world is out of control...

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

Few worries here. I'm about durable as a well armed cockroach. Long as coffee or a substitute exists.
There are a quiet bunch lookin out too. Going about their business long as they don't get crossed big time.
Just get me to or near the woods.
There may not be Elven voices and song, but there will be a fire when threats are least and one can replace a cold camp.

Keep your situational awareness sharp.

Well on my way to pickup my 13 y/ o today, I round the curve and the police have blocked off the road.....again! Oh god not again....I parked and jumped out and walked up to the officer. Police officers, K-9, from several different agencies as far as you can see..... For the second time in 2 1/2 months a bomb threat caused the evacuation of his school. Let that sink in what I saw. Imagine with the way the world is today, how fast my mind was wife lost it again......I hope they find this punk and a public hanging is in store!!!!!!!! I 'll bring the rope!!!

This just happened near my home on a foot bridge in a town park! Lol!

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

All: thanks for caring.
Things secured and Dad is stable.
No surgery beyond exploratory happened or scheduled till after more tests.
A tired heart that shows a previous attack it seems , and a reduced valve flow in the aortic.
Not uncommon in old age.
Other conditions are being treated and he is gaining some relief.

Not my city anymore though....places I been before and now I'm driving in circles confused.
To think I survived living there a year before and drove it like it was nothing.
What could inspire such foolishness in a off road vagabond? Ahh yeaaah...I remember now.


This just happened near my home on a foot bridge in a town park! Lol!
UPDATED: Bomb-sniffing dog, police determine device hanging from Warren footbridge as safe | PenBay Pilot

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

Should be interesting to see a follow up.
D.E.Q. might be testing something... If a drink can was painted why not the wire ties and the tether? Fuse not visible but why run it from base?:dontknow:
Always something weird somewhere...good eye though whoever reported it.

Hey relchair, I figured I'd put this out there, so everyone will maybe laugh too, LOL. and know how crazy the cat is..... :laughing7:

I read the story you told, of getting in arguements with members, about names and such, that's the only reason I know how you picked your name.

Before that, my mind always figured you were a retired judge. :dontknow:
I've evidently seen too many "13 1/2" tattoos, in my life, LOL. :icon_scratch:
12 jurymen, 1 judge, and a 1/2 azz chance of getting out clean...... Sooooo,
I figure, one of the most important times in ones life, is when they have to stand in front of a judge.
That's really the person that sits in the "relevent chair"! :laughing7:

Hope you and Dad have a great day! All you critters, too! :notworthy:

Should be interesting to see a follow up.
D.E.Q. might be testing something... If a drink can was painted why not the wire ties and the tether? Fuse not visible but why run it from base?:dontknow:
Always something weird somewhere...good eye though whoever reported it.

Hard telling, interestingly though that bridge leads to old locks and gun powder mills. Snowmobiles use it in the winter as well.

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

Hey relchair, I figured I'd put this out there, so everyone will maybe laugh too, LOL. and know how crazy the cat is..... :laughing7:

I read the story you told, of getting in arguements with members, about names and such, that's the only reason I know how you picked your name.

Before that, my mind always figured you were a retired judge. :dontknow:
I've evidently seen too many "13 1/2" tattoos, in my life, LOL. :icon_scratch:
12 jurymen, 1 judge, and a 1/2 azz chance of getting out clean...... Sooooo,
I figure, one of the most important times in ones life, is when they have to stand in front of a judge.
That's really the person that sits in the "relevent chair"! :laughing7:

Hope you and Dad have a great day! All you critters, too! :notworthy:

Not me! Just not cut out for a robe... yet.

RC that's my. 9 y/o favorite song! Dram I went back and read that post about the bridge. To me, it reminded me of a geocache . That's something the boys and I do a lot. Google that if you don't know what it is. I would have picked it up. They are usually OD in color.... but this world has gone insane......totally insane.......

RC what kind of judge would you be ? Remember that boxing judge what was his name ????? Oh yeah Joe Cortez " I'm fair but I 'm firm " he use to say. That's RC !!!! Haha


You have to keep the faith grasshopper....

This song reminds me of good winning over evil....

Regards + HH


Been a while since I checked in. Sincerest apologies to all...

None of you have ever been forgotten. Duty calls and life demands its toll...
Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any
nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great
battle-field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a
final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might
live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.

But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate -- we can not consecrate -- we can not
hallow -- this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have
consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will
little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what
they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the
unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It
is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us --
that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for
which they gave the last full measure of devotion -- that we here highly resolve
that these dead shall not have died in vain -- that this nation, under God, shall
have a new birth of freedom -- and that government of the people, by the people,
for the people, shall not perish from the earth.

Just popping in to see who's around.





Just the usual gang of rabble

Regards + HH



Your cat looks like it's from the hood with those

Regards + HH


Well that will take a bit Scott. A shoe box full!
I can look a lot of them up...Sold eBay listings. It would be easier to know what to look for!
This one I can not find any info on, that's either bad news or really good news. Some are in ruff...or is it rough? shape, I know with records that's a no-no...

View attachment 1248277

View attachment 1248278

It depends on what value you have in mind as to whether it is valuable.

Most common 45's are not worth much...
When I was a kid, we'd use 45's for bases and albums for home plate.

Mostly, those with what is known as "Picture Sleeves" command a higher premium.

(The middle right is not a picture sleeve. It's not even in it's correct "Label" sleeve. It is exactly how I purchased it in a stack of 20-30 for $5 a few years ago. Notice the artist....)

Of course, condition is everything.

It's very hard to find pristine 45's OR albums because of "automatic" record changers which would drop one record on top of another...~SHUDDER!~

Genre would be early label Beatles like Swan, other Rock groups like Stones, Early country like Hank, Elvis, etc.


Early Blues is especially hot, due to the fact of how race played into things.
Many poor black blues men could not find a record company that would record them.
Most of those who did record became big.

I could find nothing about Sue Reno nor Sure Shot records.

In the 60's and 70's there were many recording studios opened that were local to a small area. They would cater to anyone who would pay by the hour to record. I've even recorded in a studio with a band back in the 80's.

The record pictured would be a good candidate for second base. Unless you like the music! Or maybe you wanted to try and track down the person, Sue Reno, and learn a story of how that record made it's way to you....

Let me know if you have any other questions about any! :thumbsup:

Best Wishes,


Just noticed that the composer of both songs is JS Reano.
Perhaps Sue's husband? Perhaps "Reno" is a modification of "Reano" for a recording pseudonym purpose? :dontknow:


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It depends on what value you have in mind as to whether it is valuable.

Most common 45's are not worth much...
When I was a kid, we'd use 45's for bases and albums for home plate.

Mostly, those with what is known as "Picture Sleeves" command a higher premium.

View attachment 1249372
(The middle right is not a picture sleeve. It's not even in it's correct "Label" sleeve. It is exactly how I purchased it in a stack of 20-30 for $5 a few years ago. Notice the artist....)

Of course, condition is everything.

It's very hard to find pristine 45's OR albums because of "automatic" record changers which would drop one record on top of another...~SHUDDER!~

Genre would be early label Beatles like Swan, other Rock groups like Stones, Early country like Hank, Elvis, etc.

Early Blues is especially hot, due to the fact of how race played into things.
Many poor black blues men could not find a record company that would record them.
Most of those who did record became big.

I could find nothing about Sue Reno nor Sure Shot records.

In the 60's and 70's there were many recording studios opened that were local to a small area. They would cater to anyone who would pay by the hour to record. I've even recorded in a studio with a band back in the 90's.

The record pictured would be a good candidate for second base. Unless you like the music! Or maybe you wanted to try and track down the person, Sue Reno, and learn a story of how that record made it's way to you....

Let me know if you have any other questions about any! :thumbsup:

Best Wishes,


Just noticed that the composer of both songs is JS Reano.
Perhaps Sue's husband? Perhaps "Reno" is a modification of "Reano" for a recording pseudonym purpose? :dontknow:

View attachment 1249394

45cat - Sue Reno - Trucker's Holiday / My Favorite Waitress - Sureshot - USA - SS-0627

A couple Polish guys wern't gun shy.

The first release on Chess was the 78 RPM single "My Foolish Heart" b/w "Bless You" by Gene Ammons, which was released as Chess 1425 in June 1950, and became the label's biggest hit of the year.


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