Happy Hangover!!!
(Brink mo dreer.)




In a box from a garage sale, they said anything that will fit in that box....You don't tell ME that! If it looks it might be interesting I pack rat it!:laughing7:

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I once was at an Estate sale of a "distinguished individual," back in the 80's? :icon_scratch:
And had found my way to the upper floor that had already been pretty much picked over....
In one bedroom I found a small access door, almost hidden, that led to a crawl space.

Yeah, "I'm goin' in, over!"

I grabbed a box of old letters and other ephemera and casually walked downstairs to the cashier for the sale.

I see old stamps on some of the envelopes and think that there might be something good in the box....

I show up to the cashier and say,
"I saw this box in the corner upstairs and I might could use a coupla stamps for my collection that I saw. I didn't see a price on the box. Will you take a dollar to see it be gone?"
SOLD! $1.

I got home and in one letter,
is a $1 silver certificate from the 50's!
I've just now broke even...or Better!

Searching through, I was to be overwhelmed with what I found next.....

A document, hand signed by Abraham Lincoln, granting land to a Civil War vet, wounded and discharged. 1863.

Digging deeper into the box, is a similar document, signed by James Monroe, granting land to a vet. 1834?

I contacted a high falutin' dealer in New York, and, we'll just say that we agreed upon a price! 8-)

Not bad for a buck, huh?



PS. Yes, I was very happy with the stamps! :thumbsup:
And you know I got pics of the signatures, right?

As my Profile says,


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Sorry bout that dram, lol. I've got bad teeth problems and gums, too. 4 1/2 yrs of braces, broke teeth, capped, Last dental surgery was 6 bone grafts in one quadrant. When they took all the packing off and I realized how messed up my mouth was, I passed out in the dentists chair! LOL.
I LOVE NITROUS! lol. They could drive a dump truck through my mouth, wouldn't care! Sober, yeah, no, we don't do sober at the dentist office! Easier on them...... and me.
As a child, I always wanted teeth like my grandparents and Scott, LOL. Perfect and I can take them out anytime I want! :BangHead: :laughing7:

Relchair, it only hurts if I get sunburned or jellyfished. I had to wear the catsuit yesterday, We got Man-o-wars coming in. That was that pic some guy took last summer, the other one is here (in an obscure place, most will never see, lol)

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I fell out last night before I could reply, lol. I made a conscious decision in my teens, freezing to death in SW Georgia,
I was moving to where it was warm all the time. I wanted to do perpetual summer, but it's just too rough, Florida to Bondi Bch, Bondi to Florida, long flight, expensive, and these hot flashes ain't helping! I'm trying to stay grounded, at least in Fl., for now. 8-)

So, my Friend, it sounds like you fly.....
A Pilot?

Air or water for Scott?

Nah! Neither. I'm an EARTH kinda Guy!

Still, I like the idea of flight.....

"To leave the wordly constraints,
And achieve a new realization of your world and potential!"

And, Georgia ain't so bad...Really.....

Always be ready for the rain to fall....:thumbsup:

My Best Wishes,


Earth. Remember?

Seen enough fire...


At 14, my uncle made me learn to pilot a single prop Cessna....
I landed...Was NEVER more afraid of flying....EVER! Dig?

Words and such, Please....

For My Friends~

"Ready For The Rain"

Early in the morning, before the daylight
I hear the sound of thunder, comin' through in the night
I lie awake and I wonder , where my life is goin'
Am I on a road leadin' nowhere, there's no way of knowin'
'Cause I've seen the lightning
And I'm ready for the rain to fall

Now I'm standin' on a mountain, lookin' into the sky
I see the clouds come rollin' in, water fills my eyes
I don't know what's in the future, no one can say
Don't wanna think about the past, I've gotta live for today
'Cause I've seen the lightnin' now
I need to find my own way, while I've still got time

And I'm ready for the rain to fall
'Cause I've heard the thunder
And I'm ready for the rain to fall
I'm ready, ready for the rain
I've got to rise above it all
And get ready for the rain to fall

Did you ever know someone, who had lost their way
Built their own little kingdom, and just blew it all away
I'm not ashamed to admit it, that someone was me
I'm gonna look to the future now, 'cause I've set myself free
And I've seen the lightnin'
I'm gonna set myself free, while I've still got time

Get ready for the rain to fall
'Cause I've heard the thunder
And I'm ready for the rain to fall
I'm ready, ready for the rain
I've got to rise above it all
And get ready for the rain to fall, while I've still got time....
[Repeat chorus]

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Them puppies are re-key-able!

45's, eh?

A list of your purchases, please!

I'll provide info including value!

If you wish to send the locks to me, I'll PM you my address.



Well that will take a bit Scott. A shoe box full!
I can look a lot of them up...Sold eBay listings. It would be easier to know what to look for!
This one I can not find any info on, that's either bad news or really good news. Some are in ruff...or is it rough? shape, I know with records that's a no-no...




Reminds me of one of two stories I got about dead people.

Let's see..cadaver.....

Let's roll with this one.....

I was working one night at Kansas University Medical Center, a College affiliated Hospital,
in KC Kansas.

It was second shift. I'm a maintenance "Specialist." In all aspects of medical equipment and such....

I get a call, in the morgue, that a "bed" has come off of the rail.

I go down to the morgue and sure enough, the bed is off the rail.

With a dead guy on the bed.

I had to lean over the dead guy to grasp both sides of the bed to align it back to the rails of the cooler.

If buddy would have even moved.....My pants would have been ruined!

Yeah, just thought of yet another story....

But not tonight, K?




One more tidbit...

During the time that I worked for the University of Kansas Medical center, my Dad had died and my Sister was in charge of arrangements, being the oldest.
She had him donated to the university and it's most likely that I was close without knowing it.

It's all good now, though.

They sent the cremated remains to my sister and she gave them to me.

I have my Pop close now always within my reach.
Even to just talk with and remember that catfish hole on the Wakarusa River.........

I stopped into my favorite cheese and wine shop a week or so ago and purchased this.

Now seems to be a good time to taste this.....Don't you think?

View attachment 1248315




Upon popping the cork, I search for the bouquet.....

View attachment 1248324

I pour a glass...

View attachment 1248325


The flavor is perfect!
A smooth, sweet mixture sure to please all palates!

And, I got a whole bottle!


Big locksmith job tomorrow at a lumber plant?


I already keyed up 9 commercial lever handle lock-sets to 4 levels of a master keying system that I generated.......

Guess I gotta get SOME sleep tonight, right?



An I still got an open bottle of wine,....
Though contents are being disposed of. One sip at a time....8-)




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I'm suddenly reminded of this, for some yet unknown reason......:icon_scratch:

{You probably know why......}

Any ideas why?

Many facets in play here, kids.

There are 56 facets in a "Brilliant" cut gemstone.

How many facets do you have?



A Post Script.....

I worked for a jeweler and watchmaker once.
Was paid in loose diamonds....

Ah! Good times!


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In the land of blind giants,
One who has vision will lead......

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Thanks Scott, right back at ya, bud!
Dram, it only hurts if you stop taking the dope! :laughing7: They pump me full of enough novacaine, even my eyeballs and ears go numb. You feel a pushing, when they stobbing that stuffs in there. (yes, I went human bone, this round). When that novacaine wears off, be prepared and pre-medicated with the hydrocodeine and anti-inflammatory, ice on, ice off, lather, rinse, repeat....... for a few days. 8-)
The WORST part, is when they take that packing off, was for me anyway.
NO, we don't do dentists without nitrous, NO, I just don't do it, NOT gonna happen! :laughing7:

Oh, and Scott, yes no I fly. I just hate flying by airplane! :laughing7:


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Wine swillin ,nitrous huffin, mary jane chattin.. Dang ,hook me up ya'll. Cept the nitrous. Risk of further subliminal input while under ya know?
Hey Scott, your attachments seem to usually/always ring up invalid.
Not because of you being behind them I'm sure ,but rather how they get squeezed into those mysterious signals to mail them.

Old dad is in the big city hospital .
One of my sisters called.
He refuses open heart surgery,(seen to many dressed deer maybe) so they're looking for a surgeon to work through starting in a femoral artery maybe.
Dads at peace with life/death.
We're not so much with his reluctance to persevere, but accept his terms and choices and decisions best we can .
I been lookin at routes to get to the hospital and will be having my own chest pains just drivin in the city..l.o.l..
Ah well. On we go.
Need to prep for if a call says it's go time for me.

Okay, Suzy Blue (my blue Suzuki) is at the car doctor. Sounds like brake caliper thingy won't let go of the roto drum thingy. Almost sounds like I'm dragging a sewing machine under the frame. :laughing7: I added a little brake fluid, didn't do it on the way there..... :BangHead: meh, she needs an oil change and whatever else they discover, probably. :laughing7:
Round-up time, little light dusting of weed killer before the rain, it'll dry, sink in. Laundry and housecleaning while it's raining. Cain't tekker in the rain. No car, just another tricky day...... ya'll's have funs! :laughing7:


Alright, coffee brewin for a road trip. Run the dogs once more..
An aeortic valve TAVR would be my vote...first have to do an angioplasty to determine if a catheter will work, but they'll do what they can.

Damn I hate city traffics. Probably be on the news for playin bumper cars.


Well relchair, that puts a new spin and perspective on stuffs.
You check in with us as soon as you're able, blessings. :notworthy:

RC sorry to hear that crap prayers are with you lord knows you have been in my corner plenty of times. Like the rest of the Critters, I'm here for you brother !!!!!

Been a while since I checked in. Sincerest apologies to all...

None of you have ever been forgotten. Duty calls and life demands its toll...
Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any
nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great
battle-field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a
final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might
live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.

But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate -- we can not consecrate -- we can not
hallow -- this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have
consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will
little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what
they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the
unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It
is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us --
that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for
which they gave the last full measure of devotion -- that we here highly resolve
that these dead shall not have died in vain -- that this nation, under God, shall
have a new birth of freedom -- and that government of the people, by the people,
for the people, shall not perish from the earth.


I'm glad you are still doing well grasshopper and yes we are going through some difficult times.

Regards + HH


RC, I'll keep you and your dad in my thoughts tonight. Try not to do to much bumper car action on the way.

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

Good post Crispin! Good to hear from you!

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

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