So yesterday my entire family convinced me to go to the beach. No big deal lets have some what do I do, I bring my fins and mask and I'm going to go for a long swim. I play with ALL the grand kids for awhile, then decide ok now it's time for myself. I grab my gear, walk south on the beach about a 1/4 mile, suit up, swim out beyond the waves breaking, about 150 yards off shore......and start heading north. Visibility was about 20 feet. Pretty good for the Atlantic Ocean. So I'm swimming north towards my family really enjoying I'm passing my family I saw a long flash to my left between me and land. Out of the corner of my eye when I roll over to take a breath, I see my ENTIRE family is standing up waving and screaming at me. So I stop. I'm treading water. What have I done now? Dang it I can't even go for swim.......about the same time I heard the word, I saw it "SHARK" between me and land was a 8-10 foot Bull Shark. I know, I saw her head!!!!!! They are as wicked as Great Whites! So the family is screaming for me to get out of the water. My son said later he saw it then showed my wife and it had circled me twice before they got my attention. I saw it once but I'm not really bothered by sharks. But when my family got my started out to open water circling me again...... I saw my chance.....I was the second man to walk on water! Haha. I swam very hard and fast to get to the beach I was thinking hell no, if today's my day, I'm not going in front of my whole family! She eventually got bored and went to open water. We alerted all others on the beach. What a great day!!!!!!!

Swimmin with the fishies. How stimulating.
Ever wonder about a bass grabbing a frog vs a shark grabbing a human?

Yes sir! My military career I've been bumped at night open ocean, had my mask knocked off my face open ocean at's been fun!


I've had a few waterborne incidents. You just press on and enjoy!!!!!!! But I'll never forget helo casting out of a helicopter in Korea and getting hit by a tail or something so hard in the chest it knocked the breath out of me......I still had a 3 mile surface swim to do, that was wicked.......oh well I loved it, miss it!

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The bullhead probably thought you were to tough to

Regards + HH


Yes sir! My military career I've been bumped at night open ocean, had my mask knocked off my face open ocean at's been fun!

Ain't that what we all were trained for?
The "Unexpected?"



"And now, as a diversion, we have...."

HA, HA....
I really meant this....

Are you "diversioned" enough yet?
(I got more. Many more. Don't make me do it...Please....)

My favorite duress code was about a blue Unicorn.



Having nearly drowned as a youth, twice, I sought military training in water.....
To overcome my fear.....
Among my many fears.....


You WILL Win!

I certainly did!

(A few more fears left to go....)

I have 3 fears left: Rabid animals, uncontrolled fire and crazy people.

Fear of dying is not one left to overcome.



"Cause anyone can do a "Cover,"
But this is off the chain!

The true talent of Bobby.....


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Tonight's Dinner is yesterday's still fresh sushi and shashimi....
Along with "Hot and Sour Soup."
With Tofu.
And "Wood ear mushroom!"

Made by me.

Special recipe learned years ago.

Much I have learned by being present, yet silent....

Come enjoy my creations!

I got your wasabi.....

And Ramen.....

Nom, Nom, Nom!

We enjoy and share our humanity and diversity through our meals.....

Many dishes I've still yet to try....Chitterlings? Umm...Maybe....

Shall we enjoy our Friendship over a meal?

And hot tea?

More Saki, Friend?

I shall pour for my Friends.....

Perhaps Mid-Eastern fare?

I love tandoori....

Your choice.....

What have you tonight to share?



An Ovation Triple-Neck!?
Unique? Only one ever made?
(Full Screen? Please!.....)

I think so! A Triple-Neck Ovation!!


And Jon is Playin' an Ovation 12-string also!
What is the Bass?

Perhaps now,
You understand my search for an Ovation....

All is right in my world.....:notworthy:

Hope so that Yours is too!


You want words?


"Wanted Dead Or Alive"

It's all the same, only the names will change
Everyday it seems we're wasting away
Another place where the faces are so cold
I'd drive all night just to get back home

I'm a cowboy, on a steel horse I ride
I'm wanted dead or alive
Wanted dead or alive

Sometimes I sleep, sometimes it's not for days
And the people I meet always go their separate ways
Sometimes you tell the day
By the bottle that you drink
And times when you're alone all you do is think

[Chorus 2x]

And I walk these streets, a loaded six string on my back
I play for keeps, 'cause I might not make it back
I've been everywhere, and still I'm standing tall
I've seen a million faces and I've rocked them all

'Cause I'm a cowboy, on a steel horse I ride
I'm wanted dead or alive
'Cause I'm a cowboy, I got the night on my side
I'm wanted dead or alive
And I ride dead or alive
I still drive, dead or alive
Dead or alive [4x]

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Tonight's early dinner or late lunch was sizzler steaks marinated since yesterday, grilled. Baked taters and carrots.
Mini Hershey bar and the last Klondike bar for desert. A granola bar for a topper off-er followed later.
Ordered an oven igniter hoping to fend off a bigger ka-boom when it fires up.
Don't do it for me when testing it, but does for the girlfriend. Suspect igniter is just not hot enough.

Rain day. Need them,but can get restless.

Tonight's early dinner or late lunch was sizzler steaks marinated since yesterday, grilled. Baked taters and carrots.
Mini Hershey bar and the last Klondike bar for desert. A granola bar for a topper off-er followed later.
Ordered an oven igniter hoping to fend off a bigger ka-boom when it fires up.
Don't do it for me when testing it, but does for the girlfriend. Suspect igniter is just not hot enough.

Rain day. Need them,but can get restless.

I got a grill. Charcoal or an un-tapped propane tank, waiting for use....
Your choice.

Oh, I got hickory smoking chips, too!

Next time, come on over, Brother!

And bring them Klondike Bars!



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Beats the alternative, I guess.

By how much?.....

Let's see...




My mind is being warped by my College Class!

Life Insurance actuaries need not contact me for a potential sale....:laughing7:

Once, a traveling Life insurance salesman had the misfortune of knocking upon my door.

After listening to his spiel, I offered to purchase a policy on HIS life.

He quickly gathered up his pamphlets, graphs and charts and left quite hastily.

I wonder why? :dontknow:

Perhaps because I was cleaning and oiling my weaponry while I listened? :laughing7:

And, "Where do we go from here?"



"Games People Play"

Where do we go from here
now that all other children are growin' up
And how do we spend our lives if there's no-one to lend us a hand

I don't wanna live here no more, I don't wanna stay
Ain't gonna spend the rest of my life, Quietly fading away

Games people play, You take it or you leave it
Things that they say, Honor Brite
If I promise you the Moon and the Stars, Would you believe it
Games people play in the middle of the night

Where do we go from here now that all of the children have grown up
And how do we spend our time knowin' nobody gives us a damn

I don't wanna live here no more, I don't wanna stay
Ain't gonna spend the rest of my life, Quietly fading away

Games people play, You take it or leave it
Things that they say, Just don't make it right
If I'm tellin' you the truth right now, do you believe it
Games people play in the middle of the night

Games people play, You take it or you leave it
Things that they say, Honor Brite
If I promise you the Moon and the Stars, Would you believe it
Games people play in the middle of the night

Games people play, You take it or leave it
Things that they say, Just don't make it right
If I'm tellin' you the truth right now, do you believe it
Games people play in the middle of the night


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Wanted dead or alive was our theme song when we snatched the prey from the mouth of the beast during Desert Storm.......we freaking did it man we did it!

Wanted dead or alive was our theme song when we snatched the prey from the mouth of the beast during Desert Storm.......we freaking did it man we did it!

Yes, I know. :notworthy:

Your service, Patriotism and Love of America is also a part of my life.
In ways that you may never understand....
Once Military, ALWAYS Military.....

Share a bunker, Friend?

I still got my P-38....

Dang! Just showed my age, didn't I?

(DO NOT be fooled by my age.....)

We still got the power!

"Break it down, Boss!"

Be Safe and always vigilant!

My Best,


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Well, here I am, negotiating swaps with over 30 members worldwide for coins on Numista.

Just sent off a packet of coins to Belgium.....

Some swaps I'm keen on completion, others can wait....

Such is one of my many diversions...

Hope all find their "Diversion."



Yeah buddy but to some a P38 is an airplane...... Let's keep em guessing hahaha! I'll never tell you don't either hahaha!

Are you the kind of guy that most people don't get? Why are so many of our veterans committing suicide? Why are they so overwhelmed with depression? Simple... people don't understand them and it makes them crazy.

Do you have the ability to wade through huge amounts of stress, trauma and conflict and still be standing at the end of it? If so you are someone who should be put in a glass case and sedated, then when a violent confrontation happens to those that do not enjoy your company they can simply break the glass and let you out.

This is the perspective that many of my "friends" have exhibited over the years verbally and non-verbally when reviewing my personal life, career,or activities. Some of these activities I have chosen while others have selected me. Some of these people have even after a short contact left without a word. Why?

In a perfect world wouldn't it be nice if you could have constant protection and security as well as a cuddly and sensitive man who would tend to your every need, be domestic and attend every concert, recital and activity where the family is involved?

How does one break from the conflict of daily life or war where threats are numerated by the minute, and then fit into the seemingly calm non-threatening world that others see and feel? I submit that there is no such thing as a calm serene world, only the facade of the condition "I just don't see the threat." In my opinion the real world wants to eat you for dinner and barf up your bones.

For years I and men like me have tried to reconcile with not only God, but our fellow men on how to coexist with those around us who "just don't get it." Well... what don't they get and why?

First of all they don't understand the cost of providing not only the safety and freedoms they enjoy, but they often do not desire to interface with the genuine evil that exists in the world around them. They are the bystanders, that do not "want to interfere." They may catch a glimpse of world events on the news, or perhaps watch a TV show that has a challenging theme and think they have been made aware. While these examples may portray violence or even act out traumatic events, they are without the taste, touch or smell that is so prevalent in a real world encounter.

While we may want our families to be safe and to some degree immune to the harsh realities of this outside world where the kill-or-be-killed theme is the motto of the day, we also want them to appreciate that there is a breed of men that run towards the fight without acknowledging the risks. A group of folks that act upon injustice, or pull broken bodies out of rubble even though we may never have met them in person. We do this to not only shelter or protect our own children, but as a way to make the world a better place... to make a difference.

When we the warrior breed decide to act and the courage is mustered up to leave the safety of home. The preparation alone can be gruesome and life changing. Sometimes it takes years to prepare to meet the foe on the field of battle. The term "field of battle" is a metaphor for all of us who work in the military, police or rescue communities.

After initial training has been completed the warrior then enters the unforgiving world where the quick and the dead litter the landscape. Sometimes these events will be frequent and intense, other times they will be gaped and measured. Regardless of the frequency or the intensity of these events they tear at the very fabric of every soft and cuddly thing you have ever known. They create a sense of vulnerability and insecurity that only veterans of these scenes can appreciate completely. This is not to say that others do not experience traumas in life, in fact it is the opposite, because those who go into harm's way for others ALSO have personal traumas in the course of their lives. Compound these personal traumas with the conflicts in other lands, or the other events that are out of the realm of rational family topics, and you have the picture. In other words, you - the warrior - get the hard life experiences like everyone else... and those thrust upon you by your chosen profession or service.

Why do these experiences make you feel like you are an apple in a field of oranges? Simple... you withdraw from the world everyone else is living in because you simply can't understand it. You know it exists because you once lived there, you even felt safety and the joy of moving freely in a world where someone else was on guard and watching as a protector and a guardian. As you yourself become that very guardian things change... you can NEVER return to the safe place and must not only be on guard, but be prepared in every way to win the fight should it come... again.

This is a lot of information to absorb, and if you don't get it, or think I should be a "referral" to your local clinic, then just put me back in the glass case and "break it in time of conflict."

Something told to me, by a friend of mine, a long time ago...............then he handed me a picture of a frame.....surrounded by glass......

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I had to read your post more than once to fully comprehend it all.

When I was ETD'd, (discharged),
For a long time I could only find sleep by drinking to the point of passing out.
Thoughts of suicide were a daily visitor....

Sure, I had Family and Friends, but none really understood....

But, I pushed on.
Alone. As a single tree in a vast forest.
I was bent, but never broken....
Every day was a new success.

I finally decided to return to College to acquire the necessary credentials and knowledge still lacking to be able to help my Fellow Brother and Sister Vets.

It certainly has been a struggle for one my age, but I'm sure that I can make a difference.
I surely understand the needs, having myself lived with "monsters."

Hope you are well, my Friend.

My Best Wishes,


Thank you for posting that...It has given me renewed strength!

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Well thought out post and yes I do get it even though I didn't go through the trauma you and other veterans had to endure in the theaters of war.

You and others who have lived through those traumas have my highest respect.

Regards + HH



Thanks was a gift given to me a long time ago from a Vietnam Vet who saw me struggling within.

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A tune for you....Until it's time for you to go - Buffy Ste Marie.


Kris Kristofferson wrote and sang it. Sure others sang it. Ray did real well with it....


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