Lol! I've done that several times. I used to own a 1981 Subaru Bratt with a 1800cc motor. I removed the motor more times than I care to remember. I used to lift it by myself and initially set it down on the core support to rest my back a second and then lift a second time to finally get it set on the ground...Yup it sucked!! Lol

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!


Pullin' is easy.

Lining it all up, with your back puttin' it together is the part that sucks!

Where's yer spline alignment tool, Hoss?

My Best,




Pullin' is easy.

Lining it all up, with your back puttin' it together is the part that sucks!

Where's yer spline alignment tool, Hoss?

My Best,


Lol! Your right, a couple times I made an alignment tool out of a socket extension and wrapped it with black electrical tape to the size of the input shaft spline diameter. Oh yes, I remember the life of desperation quite well! Lol

Sort of like this...

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

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Saw my past Anthropology Professor yesterday,
after my class, about the Ancients I had left with him to help ID.

Yes, I asked...


He said, "Absolutely!"

We discussed some of the coins, I mentioned Numista and offered to do a bit of "local" swapping.

He said that he had been extremely busy of late;
He has a dinosaur mount due by Christmas.
2 of the three businesses he owns requires more attention.

And, yes, he was on a dig somewhere west this summer.

And now has to be back to teach.

[My kinda Guy! Stay Busy! :thumbsup:]

I replied, meekly, "I got a pretty decent metal detector or two, and I'd be honored to go on a search sometime. I hear that ANY Dahlonega minted coin is worth big money....."

He has a display cabinet in the hallway that he likes to display different objects.
I noticed an object when I mentioned it he seemed unaware of it's date or use.

I'll take my camera to school tomorrow and take a picture of the item.

Smell that?

Smells like a.....


We talked briefly for we both had pending appointments,
As I was gathering up my coins and the notes that I had taken,
He swivels to his left, opens a drawer of a desk and hands me a coin in a plastic case.

I pull out my glasses to take a close look and can immediately see that it is old.

Very old!

He told me the Dynasty and as I handed it back, he said,

"No, keep it."


I suppose that this could be a contest also for a prize.....:dontknow:
{Prize NOT this coin!}

Any thoughts?

Hope all are well!




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Very cool on the coin!

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

Good ol Google.

Han Dynasty (206 BC - 220 AD)?
A Wu Zhu but I don't see any distinguishing dots or letters .
Was there something where the corrosion is?
Yours has a horizontal mark below the hole(the character for number one in Chinese) similar to an Eastern Han but a slightly different location and does not appear to protrude...though pic. blurs when enlarged.


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Lol! Your right, a couple times I made an alignment tool out of a socket extension and wrapped it with black electrical tape to the size of the input shaft spline diameter. Oh yes, I remember the life of desperation quite well! Lol

Sort of like this...

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

I think I've got you beat, my Friend....

Ever do a "heli-coil" on a Subaru?

I did.

Broke down after a plug shot out of a cylinder.

In the middle of the night....
Moving back to Kansas FROM Georgia.....:icon_scratch:

"And there you are.
You're stranded, in the "Twilight Zone."

Now, THERE'S a story.....



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Good ol Google.

Han Dynasty (206 BC - 220 AD)?
A Wu Zhu but I don't see any distinguishing dots or letters .
Was there something where the corrosion is?
Yours has a horizontal mark below the hole(the character for number one in Chinese) similar to an Eastern Han but a slightly different location and does not appear to protrude...though pic. blurs when enlarged.

View attachment 1207017


Perhaps I should just hand to you my wallet.

I'm keeping track of your wins.

When I get an address to send to you,
It may be cheaper to come see you with your "Fabulous Prizes."

How's the camping and hiking your way?



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I think I've got you beat, my Friend....

Ever do a "heli-coil on a Subaru?

I did.

Broke down after a plug shot out of a cylinder.

In the middle of....

View attachment 1207045

Now, THERE'S a story.....



Yup, I think I have you beat. That same Bratt when I got it had bad head gaskets and had warped the heads so bad it pulled two head studs out of the aluminum block. Threads were toast. So I ran a 1/2"? Tap into the block and replaced the metric size studs with generic standard size bolts from the hardware store. Lasted that way for years.

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

How's the camping and hiking your way?


Tolerable, depending on the season.
A couple hard frosts, late next month maybe... improve things and add to decorum after a while. Some of the best scents and colors and taste's of the season.
Less bugs also.
A warm stretch around upper eighties and humidity is around 75% at times for this week. Around ten degrees above avg..
More recon/scouting is in order next week towards fall activity.
Getting further out into new terrains, and revisiting an area hit once a couple weeks ago again to be more orientated in the dark.
Hard to predict which ones but there is as always two or three days in Oct. that are truly golden.

And here I sit, pretending to study, fooling myself, with a full bag or two of cookies and a gallon of milk......For Supper....

Sometimes, It's good to be an Adult....

Yeah, I like cookies....

Seems like I can always find diversions....:dontknow:



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Yup, I think I have you beat. That same Bratt when I got it had bad head gaskets and had warped the heads so bad it pulled two head studs out of the aluminum block. Threads were toast. So I ran a 1/2"? Tap into the block and replaced the metric size studs with generic standard size bolts from the hardware store. Lasted that way for years.

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!


I gave credence to the term, "Shade Tree Mechanic" in
Steeleville, MO, that day by using a limb to shade my mechanic prowess.



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Hey Scott, your right. The keys for this Subaru are the chip keys. Bad news is there about $400 each!

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

By hunting buddy just got pressed into the merchant marines. Anybody want to fly down to Florida for a hunt tomorrow morning?

Hey Scott, your right. The keys for this Subaru are the chip keys. Bad news is there about $400 each!

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!​

Dram, I'm sure that you could have them made for under $100 each from a reputable Locksmith.

A "Remote-Head" will be a bit higher...


I find myself thinking of patience,
This day and every day.

Whether it is an idgit driving slow in front of me,
Or perhaps not understanding a math concept.....
Or many other things....

Then I think of this...

The innocence of a child.
The wonderment of Nature.

Being a pain in the.....8-)

ALWAYS show patience!

Hope all had a great week!




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Ya know,

I've got enough cool coins to offer for contests....

Should I start a new thread on my page titled: "Contest!"

Require humor, knowledge and insight.
Perhaps even code breaking.....

Any ideas?



"No comments?"

"Okey-Dokey, then...."
[Bowels in or out? Your choice....]

"Then, perhaps, you "high-flying" Sparrow, *
I shall bury my fortune somewhere in the mountains.
In a LARGE PVC tube."

"And hope to remember to make a map....."

"Time for you to fly now, little Sparrow. Fly, Fly, Fly...."

"I certainly have more to study......"


* See what just happened?
NOT Agent Starling.
And the tie in with the "Sparrow" post previously....
And my "Fortune?"

The "Treasure" is within us all!


I'm Studying Here!
Do you mind?

Thank You!

Have a Beer!





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By hunting buddy just got pressed into the merchant marines. Anybody want to fly down to Florida for a hunt tomorrow morning?


A person who would give their life for their Honor, their Family, their Friends, their Beliefs and their Country, The United States of America, will always have my,




40 some years ago, or better,
I made the Pledge.

Where were you, Friends?

Even born? :laughing7:




Near 40 years ago...
I saw "All-Nighters"
In a bunker.
In Germany.

Below freezing.....


A new motorcycle and discharge papers.... and more women to romance......
Doan cha wish for the past with the knowledge of the present?

Or the Future with the past's knowledge?

Or something...Huh?

That confusion, my Friends is the true meaning of nostalgia.....

(Some studies indicate a progression of Alzheimer's.....)

Yet no one laughs....

What is Alzheimer's?

Can it be cured?

Do I have it?

I'm scared.....


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I'm OK.

Just have to Breath....

View attachment 1207850
(from Scott's personal library.....)

Looking forward to my next "Guilty Pleasure."

In my Mountains...



Cut a Ford key today for old boy.
A $2.00 key.

He pays me $5, 4 tomatoes and 2 peaches!

Gotta love the salt of the earth.

'Cause ain't we all salt of this earth?


[TABLE="width: 100%"]
"Dust In The Wind"

I close my eyes only for a moment, and the moment's gone
All my dreams pass before my eyes, a curiosity

Dust in the wind, all they are is dust in the wind

Same old song, just a drop of water in an endless sea
All we do crumbles to the ground, though we refuse to see

Dust in the wind, all we are is dust in the wind

Now, don't hang on, nothing lasts forever but the earth and sky
It slips away, and all your money won't another minute buy

Dust in the wind, all we are is dust in the wind (all we are is dust in the wind)
Dust in the wind (everything is dust in the wind), everything is dust in the wind (the wind)

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Just as I thought......


"NO Comments or Discussion.....?"

"That saddens me!"

"And when I'm sad..."

"You're gonna pay!"

"Do you like girls, Private Scott?"

"Look, Drill Sargent....
I've read the UCMJ. *
A couple-three times, OK?.....

Even Once?
Didn't think so.

Any other discussion?"

I was immediately promoted to Platoon Leader....


So sharp to be cut and not realize it.....

A well honed survival edge.....

'Course, y'all know Scott.....

I sweated, nearly saying,

"Love your wife's "Cherry Pie."
Or something similar.

THAT would be a violation.....

Though well defended by the presentation of being "Ambiguous,"
I believe that showing contempt and insubordination would have trumped a JAG hearing.

So, I sweated. And said no more....
(And smiled)


* The Military "Bible."

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