Oh I forgot something real cool. Sunday my son took his " other family" to the beach. There someone saw about a 4 foot shark struggling in the shallow water. My son and another guy waded out and caught the shark with their bare hands and bring it to shore!!!!!!!! They Facebooked the story and asked me and my. 9 y/ o what type of shark was it. As soon as we saw the picture I knew because we fish and study sharks so much. So I asked the little guy. " what do you think it is?" Like a little Marine Biologist he starts dissecting the face, the pectoral fins, color, the dorsal fins, distance between dorsal fins, he says " well poppa that's a Juvenile Lemon Shark" I smiled so big yes my work is paying off....... I said " post to your crazy dad he just caught a Lemon Shark by hand" which he did....2 nuts haven't fallen far from the tree! And oh yes his dad was amazed he knew it was a Lemon Shark...... Me, I just smiled deeply and remembered when I caught a Black Tip, my first shark by hand.... and bit it's nose and let it go. My girlfriend said " why did you do that?" I said what let it go? She said no bite it's nose. I said I just bit it before it could bite me and it has sensors in its nose so it will be confused like its drunk for a few minutes ! Hahaha