We ate at Perkins this afternoon but it will be sonic tonight, unless plans change as far as I know we don't have a sonic in maine

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

As predicted I made it to sonic, just ordered a second round of cheeseburgers!

So much for my high cholesterol!!!

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

What city are you in? PM me

They checked my cholesterol ..........and pulled out a strip of bacon! Haha

And I now can claim "Senior Discount!"

I have my list of places.....



If you are as old as dirt, like me,
Here's a good place to start for Senior Discounts!

2015 Best List Of Senior Discounts - The Senior List

I'm so old I'll tell y'all what happened to them dinosaurs.

I taught the caveman fire.

Boy, Howdy!
From then on, it was grill anything that you could catch....

You would have thought I had learned my lesson.
But, Nooo... I had to show them a wheel and how to combust coal.....


I may never learn.....:laughing7:

My thoughts of cold fusion?

Nah. I'll keep them to myself....

Perhaps I AM learning....



And perhaps you live in the past. As I.



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And yet, when tomorrow's daylight breaks, I will seek a Sunday Newspaper, for the comics and puzzles.
While pajama clad....Enjoying the morning's coffee....

Remembering when she left. My Sweet America....

My Best to All,



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And yet, when tomorrow's daylight breaks, I will seek a Sunday Newspaper, for the comics and puzzles.
While pajama clad....

My Best to All!


Pajamas??? Heck I only bother to put a hat on!!! Just kidding!

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

This past week,
I cut my finger badly while slicing an orange.

I immediately applied primary first aid and waited until I got home to assess the injury.

My! It's grisly! A serrated knife. DEEP!


Yeah, I should have sewed it up, at least 6 stitches, but
I applied anti-biotic meds and change dressings daily.

Sure, I'll have a scar, but I've saved silk and a #2 curved needle.

Perhaps for more serious wounds later!



It seems to be healing nicely.
Thank goodness for my health!

Obamacare? Really?

How 'bout Scott Care?


My bad....
No "politics."

Carry on, Crispers!

Doesn't PC SUCK!?

(Don't ask where I got my supplies!)

Picture 110.webp
Otis approves....


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Pajamas??? Heck I only bother to put a hat on!!! Just kidding!

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

Best Wishes, my Friend!


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Thanks Scott!

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

And now, closing in on a Saturday night, when it gets dark, when strange noises shake your confidence......

Time to bake a pizza and find a late-night horror show on TV!

With no lights....


Do you want anchovies on your pizza?
I got pepperoni, pineapple, mushrooms and whatever else is in the fridge....

I know how to cook.

I got a job at 14 as a dishwasher and busboy....
On Monday at a restaurant.
By Wednesday, I prepared desserts.

By Sunday, I was the lead chef, preparing Sunday Breakfasts.....

A "quick learner?"

At 14 years old.


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Well I have my civic duty tomorrow ...... Jury duty- hang the *******! See how far that gets me!!!!


Good luck with the jury duty....let's hope it's not a long drawn out affair.

Regards + HH


Well I have my civic duty tomorrow ...... Jury duty- hang the *******! See how far that gets me!!!!

Try these ideas!

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!


This video shows the mentality of many people around where I live...

This happened a while ago but in my county.
Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

Well I have my civic duty tomorrow ...... Jury duty- hang the *******! See how far that gets me!!!!

I had jury duty once...

I sat near the bailiff and when the prosecutor walked in, I leaned over to the bailiff and said,
"Yeah, he looks guilty. We shouldn't have trouble convicting him!"

Like I said, I ONCE had jury duty. :laughing7:



Tomorrow is my first day of classes and I've already got my plate full.

In addition to getting my parking permit, changing my adviser, seeing a past Anthropology Professor who has several of my ancient coins for identification, and several other details to attend to, including actually going to class,
I noticed a news item.

Senator Isakson to hold veterans' affairs hearing in Oa... |

Looks like I may see my Friend, Representative Collins AND Senator Isakson on Friday about my project.

Funny how this project has new life breathed into it when I feel discouraged....

I think that it's called "serendipity...."

When I leave the Campus tomorrow afternoon,
I'll stop by and see my Friends at DRC!
(Got my tools ready!)

Yep. Plate's full!

Hope all had a great weekend!



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