Joke of the day - -

Mrs. Smith, an elderly woman, went into the doctor's office. When the doctor asked why she was there, she replied, "I'd like to have some birth control pills."

Quite surprised, the doctor thought for a minute and then said, "Excuse me, Mrs. Smith, but you're 75 years old. What possible use could you have for birth control pills?"

The woman responded, "They help me sleep better."

The doctor thought some more and continued, "How in the world do birth control pills help you to sleep?"

The woman said, "I put them in my granddaughter's orange juice and I sleep better at night."


Really? Love it!

I have some jokes that I can't post.

Rules and such nonsense.....


It was worth a few laughs

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Now there is a new show on the History Channel called Alone. They are in the Great Northwest on an island. 10 men, very little survival tools. I mean sleeping bags, tarps , knife ax........ Last man standing gets $500,000.00! The first guy left the first night he heard wolves howling. There are bears, wolves, cougars and such. The men have a Sat Phone to call for rescue..... By day 3 I think it was a guy lost his fire starter he less than 2 weeks, 6 "survivalists" have quit? Geeeeshhhhh at 14 I ran away from home for 7 days and didn't give up until I got bit by a copperhead!!!!!! Where do they get these people? Give me a chance!!!! My military SERE schools were harder than that!!!!!!!!! 4 survivors left for the big prize.... I think GMD and I would have built a log cabin by now! Scott and I would have built a drive thru restaurant off of Bills cooking!!!!

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Now there is a new show on the History Channel called Alone. They are in the Great Northwest on an island. 10 men, very little survival tools. I mean sleeping bags, tarps , knife ax........ Last man standing gets $500,000.00! The first guy left the first night he heard wolves howling. There are bears, wolves, cougars and such. The men have a Sat Phone to call for rescue..... By day 3 I think it was a guy lost his fire starter he less than 2 weeks, 6 "survivalists" have quit? Geeeeshhhhh at 14 I ran away from home for 7 days and didn't give up until I got bit by a copperhead!!!!!! Where do they get these people? Give me a chance!!!! My military SERE schools were harder than that!!!!!!!!! 4 survivors left for the big prize.... I think GMD and I would have built a log cabin by now! Scott and I would have built a drive thru restaurant off of Bills cooking!!!!



I agree......maybe the show is on a time limit. We could establish a community there right RC? Last man standing me arse.......Hey Treasure Quest the series tonight on Discovery channel at 10:00 pm EST. Oh let me apologize if I didn't mention any of the other Critters about the "alone" show by name cause I know any of us ( even the ladies that seem to have disappeared) could whoop butt in a survival situation. Just pray we don't have to use that knowledge. Ladies?ladies? Please come back and talk to us...... Thumbs up;

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Ladies? Heck 2 G.F. , just pull out that deck of cards out in the remote location of your choosing and start playing a game of solitaire.
One should be along directly to lean over your shoulder and show you where you did something wrong...L.o.l..

Now there is a new show on the History Channel called Alone. They are in the Great Northwest on an island. 10 men, very little survival tools. I mean sleeping bags, tarps , knife ax........ Last man standing gets $500,000.00! The first guy left the first night he heard wolves howling. There are bears, wolves, cougars and such. The men have a Sat Phone to call for rescue..... By day 3 I think it was a guy lost his fire starter he less than 2 weeks, 6 "survivalists" have quit? Geeeeshhhhh at 14 I ran away from home for 7 days and didn't give up until I got bit by a copperhead!!!!!! Where do they get these people? Give me a chance!!!! My military SERE schools were harder than that!!!!!!!!! 4 survivors left for the big prize.... I think GMD and I would have built a log cabin by now! Scott and I would have built a drive thru restaurant off of Bills cooking!!!!

This is the first "reality" show I like. :icon_thumright:
Vancouver island. Over 7,000 black bears. 100's of wolves. Highest population of cougars in North America. 12.5 feet ...yes feet of annual rainfall.
You are allowed 10 items, from a selection of 40...Mystery, I can't find the list.:icon_scratch:
You can watch it online, but the new episodes I will be watchin' live.
No beer....that would get me first...:laughing7:

This is the first "reality" show I like. :icon_thumright:
Vancouver island. Over 7,000 black bears. 100's of wolves. Highest population of cougars in North America. 12.5 feet ...yes feet of annual rainfall.
You are allowed 10 items, from a selection of 40...Mystery, I can't find the list.:icon_scratch:
You can watch it online, but the new episodes I will be watchin' live.
No beer....that would get me first...:laughing7:

I have been watching show as well. I enjoy it too....

You aren't going to believe this, but my Landlord just knocked on my door to tell me that he talked to his Brother, and his Brother is willing to assist me in an introduction to Judge Roberts!!! :headbang:

He wants me to call him at his office and have an opportunity to discuss with me exactly what the
" Veterans Court" is, how I feel I might be of help, etc, first.

I'll try to schedule this Saturday, at his Farm, hoping he has chores that I might help with as we talk.
I've rekeyed his house before.......

Ain't life strange? Or is it just me?




"Veterans Court" is a completely different "Project" than the Military Mental Health First Aid "Project"
That I'm currently involved in.

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I must be cautious that "projects" don't interfere with my class this fall semester; MATH! (Statistics) :BangHead:

I have regained "Honors" status.....perhaps that is the reason for my current, "Supplemental Scholarship Award" for the upcoming semester....:icon_scratch:
I hope it covers the cost of the textbook.....:tongue3:

My Best,


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I'm unsure of what music to play right now....:icon_scratch:

or "saying" to use...:dontknow:

"Talk to the Hand!"


(Full Screen? Absolutely!)

Either way,

View attachment 1192235
(Perhaps an album cover photo?)
{Your future is in your hands....}

SOMEONE always sees your efforts and deeds....

I feel truly alive and happy when I can help others! :thumbsup:

Sure, I've always felt that way, even when taken advantage of.....
Everyone who has aspired to help others know exactly what I'm talking about....

Yet, that has not deterred me in the least:
It has committed my resolution of my passion,
I'm just a bit smarter now, that's all....

I can now see who is truly needy and who just wants a hand-out....
having myself lived on some "mean-streets..."

And, I can help both who need....

I'm sorry...

I thought this was philosophy Sunday. :icon_scratch:

My mistake. Carry on, Critters!



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Just don't talk with him about about "recent" decisions they have made. You know those 5-4 ones.......haha I met the gubner once from an 11th grade class I was taking. High grades, great attitude in school, had lunch with the gubner...... That was cool. Have a great " learning experience my friend!"


Seems like that mess haul would be right up our

Regards + HH


You hooligans have made me want to post a military story.

One cleared to post...

So, Here goes....

When I was a Senior in High School,
I consulted many opinions of my anticipated service as a Military Policeman.

The advice that was most common:

"If you have only one Friend, it had better be the cook."

Yes. That proved so true at my Duty Station.

A "Kitchen Manager," who liked to also sip a German diet Supplement that was pure caffeine, that we called "rocket fuel,"
Who bunked in the room next to me at the Kaserne, a cook, was my Friend.....

We would have all night monopoly tournaments and take breaks to raid the mess hall in the middle of the night.

"Wanna Pizza, Bro?"

I can just hear "Fast Eddie" from Chicago offering up the goods....:occasion14:

Memories of those whom we served with......



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Oh ya. As if one cat caught in a tree ain't enough noise. But we could collaborate anyway.

#1 on my b-day.

Kids, Sheesh...

#1 for a mere 2 weeks in late May and early June, 1961,
Yes, I was there, also,


Ricky Nelson was on the hot 100 for 16 weeks with this song,
the top 40 for 15 weeks, top 10 for 8 weeks and,
Gave up ....

#1 to this song.....

My Best,


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Kids, Sheesh...

My Best,


What year were you born? 1832, like me or more recently?

Say what....the "do-wop" era?

Something like this song?

Good night, my Friends.

I'll soon be with you again....

I'm still here yet, my Friends.....

In the still of the night....


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Sometimes you must remove your glasses to see....


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I read the local paper via my cell phone. I wish I could cut and paste an article for everybody...... Here's the highlights though . It seems las month a family ( surname the Scmitts I think) found 1 million dollars in treasure off the east coast of Florida. Down near Ft Pierce. Going to keep that a secret of course. It is called the 1715 fleet. Of the 11 ships in that fleet they have identified 6! They claim there is $400 million dollars worth of gold to be found on those ships! Oh my I would LOVE to be a diver on that operation! Ok I'm going to try something here.........
51 gold coins
40 feet of ornate gold chain

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