I've walked away 3 times.
No more.

Once, I was justified in killing due to "self-defense."

But I managed without pursuing that extreme,
as I tended to my gunshot wound...
No police. No hospital or doctor.....

I still, to this day, "carry lead...."

"Though you may walk away,
NEVER turn your back...."



Wait ,I hear music...

DR I dropped you a descriptive PM buddy

Anybody ever watch that tv show " The Legend of Mick Dodge?" It's about a mountain man I believe in Washington state. Sometimes he's funny. Scott I think he reminds me of you and I someday!! Anyway my grandson the 8 year old loves the show. Anyway the boys and I went to the beach this weekend. We got " cold, wet and sandy." As my Seal Team friend David Rutherford loves to say ( google him, he's awesome) so the 8 year old says "Poppa we're cold, wet and sandy and we love it" I said" drop and give me 10" which he did. " I said well it's official, you are now Tadpoles from this day forward" he says " what's that mean?" "I said you are a Seal in training" everything about you will change, yes sirs, no sirs, respect, picking up after yourself, get along with others, trust me, your swim buddy and I will teach you how to be a great young man with goals...... One push up at a time!!!!! He yells Yeah I'm a Tadpole!!!!!!! I was so happy......... All 3 of us were cold........wet.........and sandy.......together! Maybe some won't get this post, but it's all about teaching team work at a very young boys get it!

A13 year old boy who is living with grandparents, really numb unfortunately and a 1 year old also living with grandparents but the father, when he's home makes the kids stay with him and his new "girlfriend". Keeping the children from their mom who is in the hospital........

That is wrong in so many ways. Put your ego aside, think of the kids. I was a "menace to society" in my younger years....kinda. I still fought for people who could not fight for themselves, stand by and watch a women get hit ? Nope. I still, to this day go to the senior center and volunteer my time and services, because that's the way I was raised. Think of the kids! I hope everything turns out OK for the mom and children.
Sounds like the guy needs an attitude adjustment.

Yeah Big "O" you ready to help me! He sure does need an attitude adjustment......I won't say anymore. Makes me angry. When him and my niece use to fight, I told the 13 year old call me with a code word and no matter where I am I will get to you and rescue you....... He had been crying he sat there for a long time and finally he said ...... Promise? I said I promise. So I made a big deal out of it. Did SERE training had him hiding a fort we all built. He called me. It was a "snatch and grab " we got him out of there to safety.............he's one of our swim buddies hasn't made it to tadpole yet, but he's trying so hard. I bought him a back pack for Christmas. He was so happy. I'm always teaching life lessons thru the military journeys I have taken before them . The kids love it!!!! And I'm a proud poppa!!!!

Yeah Big "O" you ready to help me! He sure does need an attitude adjustment......I won't say anymore. Makes me angry. When him and my niece use to fight, I told the 13 year old call me with a code word and no matter where I am I will get to you and rescue you....... He had been crying he sat there for a long time and finally he said ...... Promise? I said I promise. So I made a big deal out of it. Did SERE training had him hiding a fort we all built. He called me. It was a "snatch and grab " we got him out of there to safety.............he's one of our swim buddies hasn't made it to tadpole yet, but he's trying so hard. I bought him a back pack for Christmas. He was so happy. I'm always teaching life lessons thru the military journeys I have taken before them . The kids love it!!!! And I'm a proud poppa!!!!


It sounds like you're having the time of your life!

Personally, I have no children.....Or Grandchildren.

Perhaps I was afraid that they would turn out like me.....:icon_scratch:


Treasure these moments.

Teach during these moments.
Show Love and Guidance during these moments.....

And always remember....

Who is the adult in the room.

Your Friend,



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Sometimes it's hard to remember who the adult is! Haha. Yesterday we hit the woods to find what the USAF use to call a SAFE place. Selected Area For Evasion. Instead not 150 yards from my house we found where the "homeless" have made camp. They panhandle across the street, get their money then according to their trash, hit 7-11 for beer and cigarettes and an occasional McDonalds. So with our trusted Red Ryder BB gun, we tracked them to 2 camps and thru to another neighborhood. The scary part was at one camp someone had a rope and had left it behind. On the 7 mm rope, cut thru quite easily (sharp knife) was three hangmans nooses. The rope had been cut three times. So we learned a lot tracking and sifting thru haphazardly covered trash yesterday! I'm glad I own dogs of prey, with what goes on so close to my house. Rather worried about those 3 hangmans nooses, might be someone just goofing off. What do you guys and gals think?

I think you found me a place to stay in Florida.
I would be aware of traffic I guess. Other kids could be froggin back there and I don't claim all homeless are involved in nefarious deeds but sometimes their haunts can become those of others. As to the rope . Hmm. was it set to snare,(a poor choice of slide if so) or left coiled or strung out. Miniature sized or suitable for humans.
Some people are ummm, "off the traveled path of others" and play choking games too.
I'm not up to date on sign's of the wanderers. Could mean something to them though. Not the same as old hobo sign but a language of sorts among who ever is there and others like them that know the same signs. Only guessing. And all over the board with it.
While keeping the kids aware of traffic and staying out of arms reach without you I would not have them fear as much as be aware of the use of property behind you.
Nooses too could have been a warning to disband and move on. A more possible explanation if camp was abandon and rope,(valuable cordage) was left.

Here's one mention of a noose. Mind you one reference to that group claimed a homeless man had an ear tasered off.
In addition, the agreement calls for the Albuquerque police to disband the troubled Repeat Offender Project unit. Federal officials said the group had morphed into its own tactical unit and had little supervision. The unit drew fire in 2012 after it became public that it used a hangman's noose as its symbol.

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Wow thanks buddy. You are a wealth of knowledge. It sure could be a sign, but also could have been dropped as they hastily left the area. Not much was there, but the trash I spoke of in my previous post and a fire pit. I am always on my toes but wondering about my neighbors you know if that person out there was a criminal planning a horrible crime from our own back yard! The panhandlers are gone right now. Yeah probably a sign. Thanks

I use to live in Albuquerque way back in the day. I liked it there.

Where is everybody?



We're all just stuck in the winter

A song to cheer people up...

Regards + HH


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Aha I never thought of that. I'm blessed! I won't say how warm it was today and yes I'm wearing a tank top! Ah yes there is a reason to dodging hurricanes!! Haha I read today a Great White attacked a fishing boat's trolling motor in the panhandle!

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