The triumph of evil is assured by the silence of good men.

...move along folks- nothing to see here- no secret coded message.

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LOL...Crispin is speaking in tongues again.....just kidding he likes to play with our heads....I think it's about time you two get our detecting or trying to break the casino whichever comes first.

Regards + HH



Such choices-

The Casino,

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Or the beach,

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I'm at a loss- hard to pick one over the other.

There comes a point in every man's life when they must stand up and be counted for. Their is no escape from this expectation...nay, this burden. The questions are... When will you stand up? What will you be counted for?



I think you already do more than your fair share of standing up for what you believe in....and have paid the price in many ways.

I'm proud to consider you a friend....and keep being true to who and what you believe in.

I've got your back buddy.

Regards + HH


There comes a point in every man's life when they must stand up and be counted for. Their is no escape from this expectation...nay, this burden. The questions are... When will you stand up? What will you be counted for?


There comes a point in every man's life when they must stand up and be counted for. Their is no escape from this expectation...nay, this burden. The questions are... When will you stand up? What will you be counted for?


I've learned that treating these 'burdens' is best by treating them as being challenges--each with an assortment of solutions--many areas of grey between 'black' and 'white' wherein more than one solution exists. I don't seek out the burdens, but i accept the challenges as a part of life--and that attitude makes life easier for me to cope.


There comes a point in every man's life when they must stand up and be counted for. Their is no escape from this expectation...nay, this burden. The questions are... When will you stand up? What will you be counted for?


I stand up every day....... for what's RIGHT!

Hey Chris! How are you? Haven't seen much from you lately.

Had a short seeming weekend,
as usual.

Today presented a "Challenge" early on.....

Guy brings in an ignition and the gas tank for a '91 Yamaha Seca 600.
Needs keys.

yamaha seca 600.png
(helpful pic of a Seca 600)

Says that it has been sitting for a few years.

That means that it's got that white, crusty corrosion on the gas tank lock.
Been here before....

I shoot some cleaner and lube to free up the wafers so I can pick the tank lock,
disassemble and cut a key on the code machine using a micrometer card.
Calibrated in .001 of an inch increments.

As I'm trying to pick the tank lock,
something doesn't feel right....
Feels like a wafer or two (out of 5)
are "hanging up."

I clean and lube again.

And again....

after a good 45 minutes,
I got it to turn.

Part way.

I put another tension wrench to it and it finally turned and opened.

I disassembled the lock to begin to make a key.

To do this,
I have to remove the wafers,
being careful to keep them in order.

The very first wafer was TRASHED!


If you notice the bottom, inside,
it looks like someone jammed an icepick in and bent and damaged the wafer.
No Wonder It Was Hard To Pick!

By all rights,
I really shouldn't have been able to pick that lock with the wafer so damaged.

Challenge accepted and overcome!

I found a replacement wafer, continued making the key and reassembled the lock.

Oh, yeah...

It fit the ignition perfectly!

I duped up the key that I had made and Buddy will be in tomorrow morning to pick it up. :thumbsup:

During all of this time,
another guy comes in with an OLD Yale deadbolt.

Now Folks,

When I say old,

Needed keys.

I got this.

I disassembled the lock, shimmed the shear plane, pulled the core,
and it was all fun and games after that.

Had him done in about 10 minutes.
Oh, and he wanted a total of 4 keys....

As I was doing this work, I was listening to the radio and heard Al Stewart, "On The Border."
I immediately thought of this song and my critter Friends!


(notice the shirt the piano player is wearing....)

My Best Wishes,
As Always,



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I'd kinda like to hear, "On The Border" again....

(Al is playing a sweet Ovation. Close your eyes and hear it sing in it's unique voice.)


Anyone tell me who wore #28 on KU Football during Del's tenure?
{they had a crappy season in '79-only winnling 3 games....}

I can't remember and google has folded their hand--no help....




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Last week,
my Landlord brought me another bag of 5000 cents to search.

He said that when I get them wrapped and exchanged at my usual locations,
to apply it to donation at the Animal Shelter.

I had given him one of the "Wish List" flyers that I had picked up from Julie.

He likes the idea of cat beds.
We discussed all options,
such as supplies for vaccinations, etc.
And I'll see Julie again this week with his donation!


"Lucid Moments!"




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