I have no wish to join this list, but I did want to voice my opinions on this matter...A Government takeover is inevitable. It is time America woke up and sees what is really going on out there...Our freedoms are being stripped from us one by one and we as a whole just sit back and let it happen. There will most likely NEVER be another revolution or Civil War here in America. The Military Forces are the only ones who could overtake the Government now. If they are not on the side of the people, but remain controlled by the Government, then they too would be against us. Do I see a takeover in our lifetimes...not really, but I Do see it coming somewhere within the next few centuries if we last that long.

Hmm...your Government took over in 1776 mate. Where have you been?

Dano, don't feed the troll.

I have no wish to join this list, but I did want to voice my opinions on this matter...A Government takeover is inevitable. It is time America woke up and sees what is really going on out there...Our freedoms are being stripped from us one by one and we as a whole just sit back and let it happen. There will most likely NEVER be another revolution or Civil War here in America. The Military Forces are the only ones who could overtake the Government now. If they are not on the side of the people, but remain controlled by the Government, then they too would be against us. Do I see a takeover in our lifetimes...not really, but I Do see it coming somewhere within the next few centuries if we last that long.

Pretty subjective stuff!

It's "hardball" now between Jeff (of spurious origins) and Scott (all around "good guy")

The Subject is music and our President, Crispin has the final word.

Question: To Jeff... How old are you and can you keep up with Scott and his musical knowledge?
Scott is 53 years old.

"Scott, what do you bring to this competition?"

"I bring a knowledge of recorded music from Edison to today. "
What do you want to hear?

The comments begin....

What I want to hear is that someone Volunteerd at
their local Animal Shelter, Veterans Center, helped to serve a meal to the poor or was just there for a shoulder
as a friend to listen.....

"We are all our brother's keepers....."


Kindness goes a long way...thanks for your thoughts Scott...Oh..and the music of course!

Gopher: "It is time America woke up and sees what is really going on out there..." I'm not sure if the phrasing of this sentence is correct. I may need Scott to help me out here. It appears that you used the past tense of "woke" and then the present tense of "sees." How can one do something in the present if they need to go back in time to do something in the past prior to that? You see, you set up a qualified statement where the second half is dependent of the first half being completed. Or in scholarly language, the later half is qualified and necesitated by the former. If you can reword this sentence so that it makes some kind of logical sense then I will be happy to consider your opinion. Until then...perhaps you are on the wrong thread.


Go Go Gadget Gopher!

Taught a struggling friend to read. Many years later when we crossed trails again he brought it up right away.
Another in high school sustained brain trauma and when all admitted therapy in an institution,(he was hostile to help) was not working,spent a year relearning with him. Directions right and left were still an issue for some reason. He later entered the military.,some how he would drive staff on occasion. Would like to have seen that. must have been a previously driven route?

. Until then...perhaps you are on the wrong thread.


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LOL I see that G.I.B. had to release the Zombies again. I must say our Secretary Of War is quite efficient and very diligent in his duties.:icon_thumleft:

LOL I see that G.I.B. had to release the Zombies again. I must say our Secretary Of War is quite efficient and very diligent in his duties.:icon_thumleft:

You noticed that the gophers brain had been eaten- good eye!

It's "hardball" now between Jeff (of spurious origins) and Scott (all around "good guy")

The Subject is music and our President, Crispin has the final word.

Question: To Jeff... How old are you and can you keep up with Scott and his musical knowledge?
Scott is 53 years old.

"Scott, what do you bring to this competition?"

"I bring a knowledge of recorded music from Edison to today. "
What do you want to hear?

The comments begin....

What I want to hear is that someone Volunteerd at
their local Animal Shelter, Veterans Center, helped to serve a meal to the poor or was just there for a shoulder
as a friend to listen.....

"We are all our brother's keepers....."


oook , not sure I'm the jeff you meant, but I was in bed. was my online light still on?
If it was me I'm wondering if you have a beef with me about something? How am I of spurious origins? My profile names the area I live. Perhaps I wronged you in a previous life?

Digital camera for sale.

Used once on vacation in Europe. Camera shows slight wear and a couple of scratches.


Digital Camera for sale.webp

oook , not sure I'm the jeff you meant, but I was in bed. was my online light still on?
If it was me I'm wondering if you have a beef with me about something? How am I of spurious origins? My profile names the area I live. Perhaps I wronged you in a previous life?

Just having a little fun.
No hard feelings intended.



good. you really worked on bill elliot's house?

he was a good driver

Jeff, the later it gets in the night the less serious you have to take Scott's posts. Methinks he gets a little delirious in the am hours...


This song should do the

Jeff, the later it gets in the night the less serious you have to take Scott's posts. Methinks he gets a little delirious in the am hours...

welcome back from your nap Bill

No worries about a government takeover from me-

I got nothing left~

Screen Shot 2013-03-12 at 7.48.09 PM.webp

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