In the grand scheme of life, what do you wish to accomplish?
What is your desire?
Have you been slighted?
How do you plan on overcoming the difficulties that life throws at you?

How about being strong! Throwing difficulties to the wind!

I have considered suicide many times in the past and have even attempted it more than once.
almost succeeding....

I realized that I wasn't a quitter.
Nothing can be worse.
Close, but not really!
I'm a winner and I'm gonna make my life count!

Who can I help?
Who can I show that life is the most precious gift?
How can I be remembered?

The .38 did not speak for me that night.....



Can't let this one just slide by. Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. Everybody contemplates suicide at points in their life. When one develops a plan then call me or someone like me. In then end nobody can prevent suicide from somebody who really wants to die. Three stories...
1. A chronic schizophrenic is seen by a doctor in the hospital. She undergoes ECT treatment and starts to make a remarkable turn around. The young doctor is told by her long term treatment team that this is the best she has every looked. After two weeks of treatments she is ready to try discharge. After being at home for two days her sister gets drunk and picks a fight with her. She is so angry at her sister that she threatens to kill herself. Her sister encourages the thought. The patient walks out of the house with a note strapped on her forearm and jumps off an overhead pass into oncoming freeway traffic. The sister identifies the body. SUICIDE is a violent act against the living.
2. A young physician is called by a colleague for an emergency consult on a long term patient of one of his partners. The consult is for possible suicidal ideation. The young physician meets with the patient after hours and does a one hour thorough interview. The physician looks for any reason to Baker act the patient and put him in the hospital. The patient gives him nothing. The young physician looks the patient straight in the eyes and says, "I believe you will be dead by tomorrow, is there anything I can do to stop you?" the patient says, "No I will not kill myself and no you can't." The next morning the young physician walks into his office. Waiting on his desk is the death certificate of the man he saw the previous night.
3. A young physician is called by for an emergency consult by a VIP. The VIP comes in after hours and it is revealed to the young physician that the VIP had a fully loaded gun in his mouth the night before. The VIP has a CWL, is an NRA member, and owns multiple guns. The young physician calls the police, they go to the VIPs house and seize all the guns. The VIP is held against his will in the physician's office until this is done. The VIP threatens the young physician with a team of lawyers and states he will never practice medicine in the state again. The VIP is released to go home. One week later, the VIP shows back up in the physician's office and says, "Thank you. You saved my life." The physician says he can now have his guns back, the VIP says, "I'm not ready for them, will you take me back as a patient."

There is always hope....

I was asking to rate my sand shark medal detector sir Crispin. But I do feel I belong here

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Well in that case, lol, the sand shark rocks. You made a great purchase. Read some of your previous posts. I used to work at Malcolm-Randall, let me know if you need help picking a name.

One tough squirrel.webp

Can't let this one just slide by. Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. Everybody contemplates suicide at points in their life. When one develops a plan then call me or someone like me. In then end nobody can prevent suicide from somebody who really wants to die. Three stories...
1. A chronic schizophrenic is seen by a doctor in the hospital. She undergoes ECT treatment and starts to make a remarkable turn around. The young doctor is told by her long term treatment team that this is the best she has every looked. After two weeks of treatments she is ready to try discharge. After being at home for two days her sister gets drunk and picks a fight with her. She is so angry at her sister that she threatens to kill herself. Her sister encourages the thought. The patient walks out of the house with a note strapped on her forearm and jumps off an overhead pass into oncoming freeway traffic. The sister identifies the body. SUICIDE is a violent act against the living.
2. A young physician is called by a colleague for an emergency consult on a long term patient of one of his partners. The consult is for possible suicidal ideation. The young physician meets with the patient after hours and does a one hour thorough interview. The physician looks for any reason to Baker act the patient and put him in the hospital. The patient gives him nothing. The young physician looks the patient straight in the eyes and says, "I believe you will be dead by tomorrow, is there anything I can do to stop you?" the patient says, "No I will not kill myself and no you can't." The next morning the young physician walks into his office. Waiting on his desk is the death certificate of the man he saw the previous night.
3. A young physician is called by for an emergency consult by a VIP. The VIP comes in after hours and it is revealed to the young physician that the VIP had a fully loaded gun in his mouth the night before. The VIP has a CWL, is an NRA member, and owns multiple guns. The young physician calls the police, they go to the VIPs house and seize all the guns. The VIP is held against his will in the physician's office until this is done. The VIP threatens the young physician with a team of lawyers and states he will never practice medicine in the state again. The VIP is released to go home. One week later, the VIP shows back up in the physician's office and says, "Thank you. You saved my life." The physician says he can now have his guns back, the VIP says, "I'm not ready for them, will you take me back as a patient."

There is always hope....

How do you answer someone when you ask them why that they want to die and they say, "Why not?"

I know the answer.....

Best Wishes, my Friends,


How could I have forgotten Amadeus good catch

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Yes Scott there is always hope.......I'm living proof

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Saw a couple of Bob Marley pics and it made me think of this...

"Yeah, we be jammin' here mon!
Don't bring sadness here, we love happiness!
Get with the program, mon! We all be livin'!"





Saw a couple of Bob Marley pics and it made me think of this...

"Yeah, we be jammin' here mon!
Don't bring sadness here, we love happiness!
Get with the program, mon! We all be livin'!"




It's all about laying the past to rest and greet the dawn of a new day with a open heart and mind my friend.

Can't let this one just slide by. Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. Everybody contemplates suicide at points in their life. When one develops a plan then call me or someone like me. In then end nobody can prevent suicide from somebody who really wants to die. Three stories...
1. A chronic schizophrenic is seen by a doctor in the hospital. She undergoes ECT treatment and starts to make a remarkable turn around. The young doctor is told by her long term treatment team that this is the best she has every looked. After two weeks of treatments she is ready to try discharge. After being at home for two days her sister gets drunk and picks a fight with her. She is so angry at her sister that she threatens to kill herself. Her sister encourages the thought. The patient walks out of the house with a note strapped on her forearm and jumps off an overhead pass into oncoming freeway traffic. The sister identifies the body. SUICIDE is a violent act against the living.
2. A young physician is called by a colleague for an emergency consult on a long term patient of one of his partners. The consult is for possible suicidal ideation. The young physician meets with the patient after hours and does a one hour thorough interview. The physician looks for any reason to Baker act the patient and put him in the hospital. The patient gives him nothing. The young physician looks the patient straight in the eyes and says, "I believe you will be dead by tomorrow, is there anything I can do to stop you?" the patient says, "No I will not kill myself and no you can't." The next morning the young physician walks into his office. Waiting on his desk is the death certificate of the man he saw the previous night.
3. A young physician is called by for an emergency consult by a VIP. The VIP comes in after hours and it is revealed to the young physician that the VIP had a fully loaded gun in his mouth the night before. The VIP has a CWL, is an NRA member, and owns multiple guns. The young physician calls the police, they go to the VIPs house and seize all the guns. The VIP is held against his will in the physician's office until this is done. The VIP threatens the young physician with a team of lawyers and states he will never practice medicine in the state again. The VIP is released to go home. One week later, the VIP shows back up in the physician's office and says, "Thank you. You saved my life." The physician says he can now have his guns back, the VIP says, "I'm not ready for them, will you take me back as a patient."

There is always hope....

It's good to hear from you bud, hope all is well.

Amen.....speaking of time to give my boys a bath, some pirate stories until they fall asleep and prepare for tomorrow. Good night all

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Hey Folks,

Can I get a song request "Light em up" by Fallout Boys?


Ps. I can't possibly go back and read the last 2000 posts, so if I've missed anything really important then somebody let me know.


In my opinion, one of the more important "news updates" is the new Charter Members!

#10- Dave 44
#11-Jersey Ben

I have requested opinions concerning others' suggestions for the remaining payment left
of funds available for Charter status, but,



Seems I've missed someone in my list...:icon_scratch:
Any help, here?

OH! And I learned how to make sushi to supplement my ramen meals!
Speaking of ramen, did I mention that I received a book in the mail from a Friend here?

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For some reason or other that young doctor sounds familiar......

If you're going through a rough patch here's a song worth listening to....he's from Montreal where I live btw.

Corey Hart - Never surrender.

Can't let this one just slide by. Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. Everybody contemplates suicide at points in their life. When one develops a plan then call me or someone like me. In then end nobody can prevent suicide from somebody who really wants to die. Three stories...
1. A chronic schizophrenic is seen by a doctor in the hospital. She undergoes ECT treatment and starts to make a remarkable turn around. The young doctor is told by her long term treatment team that this is the best she has every looked. After two weeks of treatments she is ready to try discharge. After being at home for two days her sister gets drunk and picks a fight with her. She is so angry at her sister that she threatens to kill herself. Her sister encourages the thought. The patient walks out of the house with a note strapped on her forearm and jumps off an overhead pass into oncoming freeway traffic. The sister identifies the body. SUICIDE is a violent act against the living.
2. A young physician is called by a colleague for an emergency consult on a long term patient of one of his partners. The consult is for possible suicidal ideation. The young physician meets with the patient after hours and does a one hour thorough interview. The physician looks for any reason to Baker act the patient and put him in the hospital. The patient gives him nothing. The young physician looks the patient straight in the eyes and says, "I believe you will be dead by tomorrow, is there anything I can do to stop you?" the patient says, "No I will not kill myself and no you can't." The next morning the young physician walks into his office. Waiting on his desk is the death certificate of the man he saw the previous night.
3. A young physician is called by for an emergency consult by a VIP. The VIP comes in after hours and it is revealed to the young physician that the VIP had a fully loaded gun in his mouth the night before. The VIP has a CWL, is an NRA member, and owns multiple guns. The young physician calls the police, they go to the VIPs house and seize all the guns. The VIP is held against his will in the physician's office until this is done. The VIP threatens the young physician with a team of lawyers and states he will never practice medicine in the state again. The VIP is released to go home. One week later, the VIP shows back up in the physician's office and says, "Thank you. You saved my life." The physician says he can now have his guns back, the VIP says, "I'm not ready for them, will you take me back as a patient."

There is always hope....


In my opinion, one of the more important "news updates" is the new Charter Members!

#10- Dave 44
#11-Jersey Ben

I have requested opinions concerning others' suggestions for the remaining payment left
of funds available for Charter status, but,



I'm 100% with Don as the next recipient. :icon_thumleft:

Amen.....speaking of time to give my boys a bath, some pirate stories until they fall asleep and prepare for tomorrow. Good night all

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What a Treasure that you already have!

Love your Children, protect them from harm but allow them freedom to live.
Be "Authoritive" not "Authoritarian." Be the rock that can be accessed for guidance.
Guide their ideas, help them to realize their goals, be the Father that children need to grow into adults!

My Best Wishes,


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