whoops my phone skipped around..sorry!

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In the grand scheme of life, what do you wish to accomplish?
What is your desire?
Have you been slighted?
How do you plan on overcoming the difficulties that life throws at you?

How about being strong! Throwing difficulties to the wind!

I have considered suicide many times in the past and have even attempted it more than once.
almost succeeding....

I realized that I wasn't a quitter.
Nothing can be worse.
Close, but not really!
I'm a winner and I'm gonna make my life count!

Who can I help?
Who can I show that life is the most precious gift?
How can I be remembered?

The .38 did not speak for me that night.....



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i do like the reading glasses! Up to 2.5 and alls well.:thumbsup:
Crispin ,nice to see a post from you!.

That is one of the coolest things I have ever seen. It deserves a thousand likes.

Cousin Scott,Get up. Fight and struggle and learn new limits every day.There are people,friends i watch do the same much worse off, and one at least who worries me a little but his choices are his.
A line ahead of me looking for a way out,but they don,t quit, so as a miserable friend says all most like a mantra,"Oh well , on we go".

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I guess I am further out there than I thought...cant even follow a conversation anymore.

allow me to add...
I lost my mother seven years casket, no headstone, no family, nothing nada
she donated her body to science...not even ash returned.

A most noble act. I learned sooooooo much from gross lab. Her body was loved and appreciated more then you can ever know. The good she did could be the pebble that falls from the top of a mountain...

I was asking to rate my sand shark medal detector sir Crispin. But I do feel I belong here

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Had a funny delivery on Sunday,..I have a lone baby Western gray squirrel, so was needing more.
A rehab in San Francisco sent three down to me via a black Lincoln towncar, and a wonderful driver who greeted me with the squirrels and a loaf if sourdough bread! lol!
I love these people! :)

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sounds like supper was decided for you, squirrel sammies

"But, Andy..."


"Now, Barney, calm down. Scott's OK.
He got a haircut today from Floyd and Floyd said Scott's just a bit worried about gettin' old.
It ain't nothin' to worry 'bout."


"Oh, yeah. I remember cuttin' Scott's hair....well, not really...
Why, he's got hair almost to his belt!
He just wanted ONE hair cut.....
good lookin' young man, full of ideas.
He's gonna help ALL of humanity. Or something like that.
Pays cash. Yes. Ooh, and he tips well...."

Say, Whut?



I'm with you Squiggy............

Ahhh! Mr Jeffers is back!

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For Scott

Ah, Friend,
Would you like to share "das Deutshe Musik?"

Here's one from my memory of military service in Germany
circa late 70's?........
Finally made the charts in '83 in America...



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