I have a cruise ship story. My family and I were on a Disney cruise ship for a family reunion. I was talking to a female lifeguard from South Africa. I have been to SA and she was gorgeous besides her accent buckles my knees hehe. So we are talking beside a kiddy pool, out of the corner of my eye I see this kid running and disappear and then a scream. We walk over this kid has a nasty compound fracture of his tib-fib. I said we'll aren't you going to do anything? No mate I haven't been trained for this......well call for help. So I take over. Identify myself. First take towels and give the dad something to do , shade the kid from all the looky loos. Tell the lifeguard you got crowd control . Grab towels, roll towels and splint where the leg is in place. Tear 1 towel and use to secure rolled towels. Father screaming louder than kid is crying, kid is calm medical staff enroute. Father threatens lawsuit signs are everywhere do not run. Treat for shock. Medical staff arrives debrief doctor . They praised my packaging of the child with nothing more than towels.....putting kid on gurney, father threatens lawsuit in front of crew I grab him by the arm and pull him aside " sir don't embarrass yourself ......as I point up to the surveillance cameras......I saw your son running ." Pass off patient, wonder why cute lifeguard has no medical training just gets paid to look good I guess then report back to wife by pool......where was I ? oh yeah the lifeguard changed, I guess she had to do some paperwork or something..............
Since you mentioned it Jeff, I'd just like to say that I'll no longer be watching the Food Network due to their continued use of the highly offensive racial slur, 'white bread'.