"Verrrrrry interesting. You vill tell me more, yes?"
Here's another story from your crazy uncle Scott.
I was sitting in a local "Gasthaus," in "civvies," drinking beer and schnapps,
back in the Army, I'm guessing about spring of '78 in Dallau, West Germany.
At "Maurita's."
Known at the post as "Mom's."
So I'm sitting there, slowly(?) getting plastered, next to a kid about 12 trying to keep up.
I know, strange culture. Maybe....
About that time a group of GI's come in from my barracks and, Lo and behold! With a "Newbie!"
Do I need to define "newbie" to anyone here? A show of hands? No?
So, I'm sitting at the "counter" and the recent attendees all sit at a table,
whereupon they ply the "newbie" with local strength beer, (Mosbacher)
probably 12%-14%, served at about room temperature,
And pulling the old, "Pfennig Check!" on him for about an hour....
I know what lies are in the hearts of men!
They play upon his "manliness."
His Strength.
His dedication.
Yep, here it comes....
Somebody gonna make a bet to run a foot race around Mom's for the next round.
The action, now having moved outside, to the front of Mom's,
the two contestants are now poised in a "testosterone fueled" (alcohol) determination of strength. (alcohol)
Someone from the side counts down, "Three, Two, One, GO!"
The "well-plyed newbie" is allowed to be in the lead to the end of the block,
and coming down the alley, is a 3 foot block wall to jump over.
The "newbie" is in the lead, but the "old guard" is catching up!
So the "newbie" just vaults the 3 foot wall, unknown that it is 6 feet to the ground on the other side.
Oh, did I mention this occurred at night?
I guess it's sort of an initiation, but,
when I first went to "Mom's" upon arriving at my private duty Station, I
explored the area alone.
To form my own opinions and observe without any influence.
In other words, when this was pulled on me, it didn't work.
I milked it real good for "free shots for the newbie" my first night out with "the guys" that night.
Funny thing, nobody wanted to mess with me after that.
That and I could quote "chapter and verse" from the Uniform Code of Military Justice.
'Nuff said....