Good Evening, All!
I had toyed with the idea of camping a couple of nights this Holiday weekend, but
true to form, my Professors dropped a load of work due on Tuesday.
In Psych, I've got two assignments and in Phil I have two papers due.
I chose to do this to myself....
I suppose I can wait until Fall Break,
at Thanksgiving to go camping. Maybe.....
So, I have planned some study break diversions.
I've passed a school with a large, grassy playground area a few times lately
that just SCREAMS of the need to swing one of my zincoln finders.
I stopped after classes yesterday and picked up a bottle
of rice vinegar from my Friends at the Vietnamese market.
And, stopping by the post office to check my box,
and see if they have any current photos posted of me,
I got the rolling mat from China!
(ain't these internets great or what?)
For a lunchtime study break, I'll be off to a seafood market that my
Friends at the Vietnamese market uses and
I've gotten seafood from there myself, before I connected the relationships.
Then, to the market for the FRESHEST veggies they have.
Pictures of the first time with a guy who has two left hands?
I'm still thinking about it.....
I've completed the photo "montage" for my video,
but I'm having a bit of trouble with synching the song.
Don't worry.
I'll figure it out.
Hope All have a SAFE and Happy Labor Day.
My Best Wishes,