You definatly need to step back and stop taking everything to heart, life will eat you up and spit you out, and not feel a thing.
You can maintain what you call your core beliefs, and still be able to look at life with out a jaundiced eye. This world would be a very dull place if everything was always in harmony. God intended man to learn, and grow, and as you get older, you actually learn more, and hopefully are able to teach more. You're tired of the constant turmoil, and views that are express opposite of your own, and so are we. My views and beliefs come not from a book, they are from 60+ years of experinceing ups and downs, and making many mistakes. Don't think you are compromising your beliefs, be turning the other cheek, you're not, you'll find as I have that the play ground is not equal, and I will determine when and where to best present my beliefs, and have them understood, and listened to. Constant attacks, will only entrench the opposition, and you are just finding out how that works.
I have a bunch of worthless letters after my name saying I have succeeded in learning something, and gaining a level of intelligence, But I have worked harder gaining the wisdom of making that intelligence worthwhile. And wisdom isn't learned, it's acquired, and not easily.......Gary