Folks, I want to bring everyone's attention to a thread called Chicago Cop. It contains what I feel is extremely racist/sexist views and language. I would encourage everyone to check it out and to voice any opinions that they might have on the thread.

We had a post concerning Jews lining up for the ovens yesterday that another member alerted me to. That one was taken down after it was called out.

Regardless of religion or political views I would hope everyone would find this type of language reprehensible. If course the fist amendment protects bigoted speech but it also protects our right to respond. Best

I agree and thanks for your post..These kind of disgusting people need to spew their venom elsewhere and be permanently locked out!

I would encourage everyone interested to post their views on the Chicago cops thread. In my opinion, this is the type of garbage one just can't ignore or let slide. Never mind the fact that you have children on this potentially reading this stuff. Just my 2 cents.

I want to say something else:

I do not care if you weren't the author of the hateful speech - but you are just posting it...

It doesn't matter. If you post a link to an article and the article is surrounded by disguting filth - you are just a responsible for the content as the author.

If you don't have a problem with such peripheral content then you should be ashamed and embarassed enough by it and have enough integrity to either avoid those types of sites or more importantly to avoid spreading such filth around here.

If you browse bigoted websites and share articles from such websites, do not be surprised when people call you a bigot!

As they say - "time to stand up and be counted".

Good Morning. Unfortunately, we have no new members to add to the list at this time. I want to congratulate Au24K on his appointment of Ambassador to the Wolf Pack. The floor is still open to suggestions on an additional position for BBCamay.

Updated list:

Crispin (President)
Rebel -KGC (Co-mystic)
Bill from Lachine (Vice President, Zen Master of Music)
Jeff-Gordon's anonymous friend (Ambassador to NASCAR)
JerseyBen (Secretary of State)
1/2 of RelevantChair
Barb alias Squiggy (Minister of Equality)
0121StockPicker (Minister of Skepticism)
BBcamay (Admiral of Models)
Davest (Secretary of the Interior)
G.I.B. (Secretary of War)
Pat-tekker-cat (Co-mystic)
BackBacon (Chief Chef and culinary advisor)
KevinInColorado (Provisioner of Libations)
Dejapooh (Minister of Commerce)
Au24K (Ambassador to the Wolf Pack)
Big Bird (the yellow one)

Who is next? The more the merrier.


I think we got a good number of members now. I think the best way to get knew ones, if we want them, is to get on some threads and stand up for what's right.

I think we got a good number of members now. I think the best way to get knew ones, if we want them, is to get on some threads and stand up for what's right.


Gold Maven said:
Take over? They're already in control !

Gold, I don't think we know what your post is referring to ?

A few observations

I'm fairly new to this board and especially the everything else part of it. I'm not sure if this is an accurate observation or not but I will toss it out there for comment. It seems that the board has been dominated by a handful of like minded folks who berate and/or shout down anyone with a different opinion. Basically bullying people off the site or making them afraid to post. Throughout history a vocal very small minority has often highjacked a movement or an entire country just by being louder and more aggressive. These tactics are generally employed when people do not have reason or logic on their side - and hence why they result to these tactics as opposed to normal discussion : debate. As most of you realize some of these folks will likely never change their views and will likely just get more intolerant and grumpy as time goes on. My suggestion would be to stand up for what you believe and get vocal. You are not the minority but the majority. The problem is that the majority is too often silent. So speak up for what you think and believe. And yes I realize this is just a little chat board and not some big social cause. But it's always best to stand up for what is right no matter when and where you are. Just my 2 cents.

How about a list of said bullies?

For evil to flourish all it takes is good men to do nothing. GodBless Chris

A few observations

I'm fairly new to this board and especially the everything else part of it. I'm not sure if this is an accurate observation or not but I will toss it out there for comment. It seems that the board has been dominated by a handful of like minded folks who berate and/or shout down anyone with a different opinion. Basically bullying people off the site or making them afraid to post. Throughout history a vocal very small minority has often highjacked a movement or an entire country just by being louder and more aggressive. These tactics are generally employed when people do not have reason or logic on their side - and hence why they result to these tactics as opposed to normal discussion : debate. As most of you realize some of these folks will likely never change their views and will likely just get more intolerant and grumpy as time goes on. My suggestion would be to stand up for what you believe and get vocal. You are not the minority but the majority. The problem is that the majority is too often silent. So speak up for what you think and believe. And yes I realize this is just a little chat board and not some big social cause. But it's always best to stand up for what is right no matter when and where you are. Just my 2 cents.

I agree with you 100%..I realize that sometimes there are people who do not agree but I for one will never allow anyone to silence me...If you don't have yourself and your integrity you have nothing..

A few observations

I'm fairly new to this board and especially the everything else part of it. I'm not sure if this is an accurate observation or not but I will toss it out there for comment. It seems that the board has been dominated by a handful of like minded folks who berate and/or shout down anyone with a different opinion. Basically bullying people off the site or making them afraid to post. Throughout history a vocal very small minority has often highjacked a movement or an entire country just by being louder and more aggressive. These tactics are generally employed when people do not have reason or logic on their side - and hence why they result to these tactics as opposed to normal discussion : debate. As most of you realize some of these folks will likely never change their views and will likely just get more intolerant and grumpy as time goes on. My suggestion would be to stand up for what you believe and get vocal. You are not the minority but the majority. The problem is that the majority is too often silent. So speak up for what you think and believe. And yes I realize this is just a little chat board and not some big social cause. But it's always best to stand up for what is right no matter when and where you are. Just my 2 cents.

People like that feed off of each other. All groups, sects, governments and societies that practice democracy are not in fact ruled by the majority. They are ruled by the majority who participate.

Folks, I want to bring everyone's attention to a thread called Chicago Cop. It contains what I feel is extremely racist/sexist views and language. I would encourage everyone to check it out and to voice any opinions that they might have on the thread.

We had a post concerning Jews lining up for the ovens yesterday that another member alerted me to. That one was taken down after it was called out.

Regardless of religion or political views I would hope everyone would find this type of language reprehensible. If course the fist amendment protects bigoted speech but it also protects our right to respond. Best


So true 302. History is filled with despotic regimes because the majority stood by and watched.

BTW - 302 your fav ford engine?

Me - "Black-ops coordinator"! :censored::headbang::occasion14:

Cop thread's gone...there's a shock eh?

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