
Yeah it would be a tough call....if you're a music lover like me, Scott, you and some extent it's a mood thing....sometimes, bluesy, soul, R+B, Country Rock, etc....not a cut and dried list, ever changing in my case.

Regards + HH


Just to change the flow tonight, Our fine DJ's play us the best of what we request each night, But my question to you is who are your favorite 5 musical groups?

I'll start:
1. Jimmy Buffett
2. Lynard Skynard
3. Eagles/Rush
4. Heart/Moody Blues
5. Billy Joal/Queen

Please note that this is not that easy, and the slash denotes a tie, and could go either way!

Mr. DJ, if you please......"Barracuda" by Heart....................Gary

Bluesy soul...
Bluesy soul...
{scratches head...}

Here's one that reflects Stevie Ray Vaughn...

My favorite performer....



I take Heart and Moody Blues!

Sent from my VS920 4G using Tapatalk 4 Beta

Stevie Ray...



Final Update: Done with the bathroom! I am completely exhausted. I ran into a couple snags but an extra trip to Lowe's sorted everything out. After getting suckered into this project I finally figured out what the MD behind my name stands for...Mostly Dense. My grandfather was an electrical engineer who graduated from RPI in NY by trade and a carpenter for a hobby. This may be one of my last projects, lol. I don't use these skills enough to be good at it. Somebody else probably could have done a better job in a third of the time. O well, perhaps I will enjoy seeing patients a little bit more tomorrow once the soreness goes away. ;)



Most likely the MD stands for .......Must Do........:laughing7: Your done, sit back relax, and have a cold one on me....and may our wife's never meet. LOL....Gary

Here's one for you, Barb...

Hope that you enjoy it...
One of my favorites....
(from the first album)

My Best Wishes,


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Final Update: Done with the bathroom! I am completely exhausted. I ran into a couple snags but an extra trip to Lowe's sorted everything out. After getting suckered into this project I finally figured out what the MD behind my name stands for...Mostly Dense. My grandfather was an electrical engineer who graduated from RPI in NY by trade and a carpenter for a hobby. This may be one of my last projects, lol. I don't use these skills enough to be good at it. Somebody else probably could have done a better job in a third of the time. O well, perhaps I will enjoy seeing patients a little bit more tomorrow once the soreness goes away. ;)


Perhaps my friend, you will realize that "MD" means "Might Do."

And your reward for such endeavors?

If it were my request, it would be a steady supply of Guinness and no more remodeling projects....
Also, when laundry is done, the smell of lilacs and by the way, what's for dinner, woman?

My Best,


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Stick with the stuff you're good at and let others do the stuff that drives you

You're still learning grasshopper.

Regards + HH


Final Update: Done with the bathroom! I am completely exhausted. I ran into a couple snags but an extra trip to Lowe's sorted everything out. After getting suckered into this project I finally figured out what the MD behind my name stands for...Mostly Dense. My grandfather was an electrical engineer who graduated from RPI in NY by trade and a carpenter for a hobby. This may be one of my last projects, lol. I don't use these skills enough to be good at it. Somebody else probably could have done a better job in a third of the time. O well, perhaps I will enjoy seeing patients a little bit more tomorrow once the soreness goes away. ;)


Crispin, you did it. vendi vedi vici or however it goes. Like many things around a homestead if you did it often the time required would be much less,but when you do it right it does not need doing again for a long time if ever. Having proven your ability, whats next?. l.o.l..


Most likely the MD stands for .......Must Do........:laughing7: Your done, sit back relax, and have a cold one on me....and may our wife's never meet. LOL....Gary

Having no wife at present, I curse the maid who has yet to show up....

So, I perform all tasks to my satisfaction....

My Best,



who likes sushi?

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I,ll pass on the raw fish bait,till very hungry.

first off, anytime the wife wants something done, say I'll put it on my list. ( probably a couple weeks)
that way there's time for mind changing or forgetting ( if she forgets, she didn't want it very bad anyway)

second, eagles, beatles

For you, Jeff, My Friend,




I think the time is right for a little sushi, and sasimi.....Wasabi and soy dipping sauce, and warmed saki in bamboo cups....What you say? My favorite fare....Gary

yep Scott, take it easy is all time best song, closely followed by sweet home alabama

Alabama sucks, saying from a Georgia boy,
But, here ya go, Friend....




Thought I'd sneak this one in......Live from Lisbon, Portugal....

Bryan Adams - It's only love.


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How 'bout this from Led Zep?

My Best Wishes,


I'm a firm believer in paying a professional to do the work that I cannot achieve to a state of perfection by myself.... I usually put in a few hours of overtime to pay for a project and catch up on the pile of paperwork that seems to manifest itself on my desk in droves at times. How about a little Icelandic lady named Bjork who's voice I fell in love with during a Sugar Cubes concert many years ago for our next tune? "Oh So Quiet" is one of her tunes that I feel would be appreciated by everyone.

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