Don't be surprised if one day I may take you up on that offer. Sounds like we may both have some of the same type of appreciation for fine food and drink. I'm sure between the two of us we could put out a 5 star feast (I'll bring fresh ingredients from up here) of sorts for the crew? Ahem.... At this time I would like to nominate GMD52 as Co-Chef for the Critters. Will someone second this motion? By the way, no more dust ups while I'm gone people? :tongue3: I tell ya, head out of town and keep busy for a few days.... 8-) Take 2 of GMD's drink recipes and call Crispin in the morning. Mr. DJ, how aboot Bono singing "I Am The Walrus" Eh? He preforms the tune in the movie "Across The Universe", which is a must see musical for any Beatles fan. I hope everyone is doing well.

Nomination seconded and accepted. Will post new list.

Backbacon aka Chris,

Here's the Bono version of I am the Walrus....


Scott, 4 Damn Yankees vids, and 3 Ted Nuggent, and I.m almost ready to have a Rum Runner, and collapse! Thanks Bud.

Congrats to GMD52 on his new appointment as Co-Chief chef and culinary adviser! I can't wait for the group reunion and the feast. I'll bring Eva, the Guinness, and whatever insanity is deemed necessary for the event.

Updated list:

Crispin (President)
Rebel -KGC (Co-mystic)
Bill from Lachine (Vice President, Zen Master of Music)
JerseyBen (Secretary of State)
1/2 of RelevantChair (NRA member, Ambassador to the NRA)
Barb alias Squiggy (Minister of Equality)
0121StockPicker (Minister of Skepticism)
BBcamay (Admiral of Models, Minister of Sass)
Davest (Secretary of the Interior)
G.I.B. (Secretary of War, Ambassador to Zombies)
Pat-tekker-cat (Co-mystic)
BackBacon (Co-Chief Chef and culinary adviser)
KevinInColorado (Provisioner of Libations)
Dejapooh (Minister of Commerce)
Hvacker (Chief of Civil Service)
Au24K (Ambassador to the Wolf Pack, Asst. Minister of Music)
Dano Sverige (Black-Ops Coordinator)
Ammonhotep (Captain of the Homeguard)
ReconDigger (Antiquities Recovery Specialist)
LordDean13 (Ambassador to Robot Citizens)
IvanSalis (Head of ex-military C&R Firearms Dept.)
Bum Luck (Ambassador to AARP)
MoonRover (Director of Space Exploration)
1/3 of Kayden
Mav (Minister of Manipulation)
DieselRam94 (Director of Fossil Fuels)
Spartacus53 (Grand High Exalted Mystic Ruler, Minister of Mischief and Magic)
Capt-zero (Minister of Practical Solipsism and Lavatorium Grand Admiral)
Greengold (Diplomat to Aliens)
GMD52 (Director of Fish and Wildlife, Co-Chief chef and culinary adivser)
Swamp Yankee

Mascot List: Eva, Squiggy, Wasaya, Abby, Clop-eye, Norman the SpongeMonkey, My Sweet Honey Badger, Bella, Otis (in memory,) Tig, Pookie, and Lulu.

Who is next? We paid the Iron Price!


anyone want to hear the story?

It's a lesson that I learned the "hard way."



Scott, 4 Damn Yankees vids, and 3 Ted Nuggent, and I.m almost ready to have a Rum Runner, and collapse! Thanks Bud.

How 'bout some Skid Row?



Backbacon, etal...........I am honored and humbled to except this appointment, and promise to not disappoint. Back, your flag states your not that far away?, and would relish getting out my fryers, and smokers, and a haunch of venison and having a grand gathering! Bill, now back to the music, the evening is just picking up......Gary


Welcome aboard....unfortunately life gives us all a kick in the teeth at times.....listen to the words of the song....pretty appropriate for us all.....

Frank Sinatra - That's life...

see...we all have more in common than not....
which is the only point I have ever had in second amendment...

I lovst everything in one divorce..again in a uninsured fire...antique car junkyard...

both times I walked away in t-shirt an
good thing it is the desert...


Here you go....a bunch of crazy Canucks from Winnipeg, Canada.....

BTO - You ain't seen nothing yet...

Backbacon, etal...........I am honored and humbled to except this appointment, and promise to not disappoint. Back, your flag states your not that far away?, and would relish getting out my fryers, and smokers, and a haunch of venison and having a grand gathering! Bill, now back to the music, the evening is just picking up......Gary

Ah, my Friend,

I'm sure that we both walked away from the experiences with what is more valuable than material objects.

I walked away being rid of.... well, the biggest mistake of my life, with my life.
(she shot me and I thought, "Hmmm, this ain't gonna work..." But, that's a whole 'nother story.....)

My Best,


It's kind of a long story, and, I'll need more than just a couple to request the narrative...

I'll post the story depending on how many "like" this post.
(won't take many....I'll consider it a "teaching" opportunity....)




The following is an open invitation to all TNet members, never to be rescinded or compromised. If your heart is heavy or your body is worn with strife; regardless of if you are worried of a government takeover or not, you are always welcome here for a night of solace to soothe your troubles. This includes some whom I have clashed heavily with: RJC and Chadeux to name a couple. Here is a place of healing and understanding. No need to apply for a day are always welcome.


damn Yankees? a yankee is from up north...a damn yankee moves in....

hummm? so where you from you use the term, but don't know the difference?
the band is from Canada...they aren't Yankees...


Here you go some damn yankee music.....

damn Yankees? a yankee is from up north...a damn yankee moves in....

hummm? so where you from you use the term, but don't know the difference?
the band is from Canada...they aren't Yankees...

Backbacon, etal...........I am honored and humbled to except this appointment, and promise to not disappoint. Back, your flag states your not that far away?, and would relish getting out my fryers, and smokers, and a haunch of venison and having a grand gathering! Bill, now back to the music, the evening is just picking up......Gary

Gary, I'll bring my marinade injectors and some Ontario Apple wood chips.... Have you ever deep fried a injected/par smoked roast then lathered it with a Bourbon Maple Syrup Glaze after it has rested? Bill and I will supply some Fiddle-heads for the veggie tempura with candied ginger cranberries, and a wild Blueberry balsamic reduction...

Secret, Ted Nuggent and the Damn Yankees are , I thought a band from the Motorcity, Detroit, Thus Nuggy is called the MotorCity Madman!

Hell, I'm a life-long resident of the North Country, and one of the nicest things I've been called is a Damn Yankee!:laughing7:

Chris, No I haven't injected anything like you're talking about, but am always experimenting with new techniques. I am quite familiar with fiddleheads, and ramps, as they are a major springtime quest........And I need to resupply the pantry with pickled selections if you guys are headed this way. Have you tried smoking a rear quarter if venison, an then just before serving heating it on the grill, with your favorite BBQ sauce? Sliced to your liking, and now you know why I need 2-3 deer a year!

Ah, I see that there are those who want to hear the story....

I was in my late 30's, just moved to Wichita, Kansas to accept a
management position at a "long-term" care facility.
I was the Maintenance Director, and a resident had in their employ
a "personal nurse."

The "personal nurse" and I soon became fast friends, and more.....

Within a couple of months, we got married.
(Mistake #1)

It was decided that I would move in with her in her mobile home, in a trailer park in Park City, North of Wichita.

Perhaps Park City might sound familiar to you....
It is where BTK was located...

This woman was a pro at manipulating my behavior.
She always made me feel inferior and was always accusing me of flirting.
It was so bad that when we'd go to the grocery store, she would accuse me of flirting
with the cashiers and strangers in the aisle.

Then it progressed...
When we would argue, she had pre-arranged for the neighbors to call the police.

I soon became well known to the local law enforcement officials.

Now, mind you, this was all gradual...

Then, it became aware to me that she smoked crack.

One night, about 2 am, she wanted me to go to "the hood" and get a $100 "front."

I said, "Bit**, you're crazy!"

I turned away and she picked up MY gun, a TEC-22, and fired.

The bullet passed through my shirt in the chest area, missed me and lodged in my right arm.

I immediately wrested the gun from her and went to the
bathroom where I tore a towel into strips and bandaged my wound.

I then got in my car and drove to a parking lot about 5 miles away to spend the night in safety.

She had before had me arrested for DV, and her niece
was a bondswoman that she would use to get me out of jail.
She once told me, "I can put you in jail, and I can get you out."

Well, from then on, I stayed with a Friend and,
early one morning, before work, I decided to go and get some of my belongings.

The neighbors, in her "employ" called the law and I was again arrested.

This time, I spent over 60 days in jail because through her niece, no other bondsman would touch my bail.

During my time in jail, that's when I was "cleaned out."

When I finally was released, after her not showing up for court 3 times,
and threatening to have a lawyer disbarred,
I had lost everything; My job, my collections,
alienation of some of my friends and family and respect in the community.

I pushed on!

I got 3 jobs, paid the fines, did probation, and last that I saw of her, she was a passenger, in her car, with a dude cruising in a "drug neighborhood."
How do I know that it was a "drug neighborhood?"
Because I was the Maintenance Supervisor in the neighborhood.

To the best of my knowledge today, she is either flopped out in a crack house, in prison or dead.

Y'all know what has "become" of Scott.....

There are many details that I've left out to make this story less confusing, but,
Y'all get my message...

A lesson learned the hard way without the cost being my life....

Don't get much more personal, does it?



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Secret, Ted Nuggent and the Damn Yankees are , I thought a band from the Motorcity, Detroit, Thus Nuggy is called the MotorCity Madman!

Hell, I'm a life-long resident of the North Country, and one of the nicest things I've been called is a Damn Yankee!:laughing7:

Guess that I'm a "Damn Yankee"...
I'm from Kansas, moved to Georgia and I'm never going to live anywhere else!

Someone say Teddy?

"Motor City (Yankee) Mayhem!"




Now I see your affinity for camping and being alone in the outdoors. That's a therapy that I've used for years, and as I posted recently on another thread, you and your personality are molded by your surrounding environment, whether it be the Mountains, river, swamp, lake or are your best when you are comfortable in your locale. Sometimes I find being in the underwater world is the most satisfying and relaxing because I am only a temporary visitor there, and can bring myself back simply by surfacing. I'm also a firm believer the past is history, and the futures a mystery, so let's relish the Present we live in!:icon_thumright:

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