Ah, I see that there are those who want to hear the story....
I was in my late 30's, just moved to Wichita, Kansas to accept a
management position at a "long-term" care facility.
I was the Maintenance Director, and a resident had in their employ
a "personal nurse."
The "personal nurse" and I soon became fast friends, and more.....
Within a couple of months, we got married.
(Mistake #1)
It was decided that I would move in with her in her mobile home, in a trailer park in Park City, North of Wichita.
Perhaps Park City might sound familiar to you....
It is where BTK was located...
This woman was a pro at manipulating my behavior.
She always made me feel inferior and was always accusing me of flirting.
It was so bad that when we'd go to the grocery store, she would accuse me of flirting
with the cashiers and strangers in the aisle.
Then it progressed...
When we would argue, she had pre-arranged for the neighbors to call the police.
I soon became well known to the local law enforcement officials.
Now, mind you, this was all gradual...
Then, it became aware to me that she smoked crack.
One night, about 2 am, she wanted me to go to "the hood" and get a $100 "front."
I said, "Bit**, you're crazy!"
I turned away and she picked up MY gun, a TEC-22, and fired.
The bullet passed through my shirt in the chest area, missed me and lodged in my right arm.
I immediately wrested the gun from her and went to the
bathroom where I tore a towel into strips and bandaged my wound.
I then got in my car and drove to a parking lot about 5 miles away to spend the night in safety.
She had before had me arrested for DV, and her niece
was a bondswoman that she would use to get me out of jail.
She once told me, "I can put you in jail, and I can get you out."
Well, from then on, I stayed with a Friend and,
early one morning, before work, I decided to go and get some of my belongings.
The neighbors, in her "employ" called the law and I was again arrested.
This time, I spent over 60 days in jail because through her niece, no other bondsman would touch my bail.
During my time in jail, that's when I was "cleaned out."
When I finally was released, after her not showing up for court 3 times,
and threatening to have a lawyer disbarred,
I had lost everything; My job, my collections,
alienation of some of my friends and family and respect in the community.
I pushed on!
I got 3 jobs, paid the fines, did probation, and last that I saw of her, she was a passenger, in her car, with a dude cruising in a "drug neighborhood."
How do I know that it was a "drug neighborhood?"
Because I was the Maintenance Supervisor in the neighborhood.
To the best of my knowledge today, she is either flopped out in a crack house, in prison or dead.
Y'all know what has "become" of Scott.....
There are many details that I've left out to make this story less confusing, but,
Y'all get my message...
A lesson learned the hard way without the cost being my life....
Don't get much more personal, does it?