It is all a fake.
There is no "Crispin."
I hate fakes.
"Crispin" would converse my opinions regarding psychology.
Since Bill thinks that he can do so, let him offer discourse of sociological, physiological, and psychological subjects.
Never mind my College Degree or lifetime study of human and animal nature.....
I welcome "in-depth" discussions of all relevant topics.
Bring it!
Well? I'm waiting.......
And, don't play the "Poof! you're gone" post on me again, 'cause I know how to copy and paste, and I'll do so until you reply.....
Sometimes that which was lost is now found.....
Ask me what I mean.....
Crispin exists.
At least the Crispin I've communicated with.
If you've followed his for lack of better term ," conductive angst" of those he works with he has a full plate.
His best recourse is the ones he chooses. That being perhaps changing hats and not running at full power diagnostic state all day. To decompress. Return to "home"/family.
He has other reason to not haunt a public forum.
It's not an avoidance of you or I though.
Uncle Bill is Uncle Bill.
A pretty steady guy unless you run him up a bush. Crispin he is not. Very different in that while one heats steel to study changing color and quench at the sweet spot for intended purpose , the other has seen the color changes enough to not need to squint at them anymore. Even if not specializing in metallurgy. Or worried about the process as much as the result.
I was reminded of an argument recently between a former national guard member who went to Sauidiville neighbor and a shop owner about book learning vs hands on experience.
Of course that degenerated into "do I deal with you or your professor when things go awry in your work?"
How those two got to where they are today ,and their opinions then is only a sample of two opposing views.
Drawing a conclusion would be hasty.
But it is still a good argument, with restraint of having an educated background for professions directly affecting a clients mental heath vs discussion without pay.