Eviction is a civil matter, my brother in law couldn't evict his girlfriend because she got mail there. WTF? Yes it takes a few months.Our property management charges 10%. We had 10-15 people wanting to rent so they were screened. There are very few affordable rentals around here.... none affordable unless you make damn good money. Property and housing is insane around here, $250,000 will get you a plain small place on 1/2 an acre.
River front? or oceanfront? crazy..
I'm thinking about selling everything and heading towards Roseburg. Great prices, older homes though, and an old logging town. The local pizza parlor has "spotted owl pizza"!! We can always go to Eugene if we want the liberal experience.

Keep the cabin in Galice, as it is cheap, solar panels water rights (creek and a well) and gold everywhere. Roseburg area has great gold too. Plus my wife is a pharmacy tech, anywhere outside of Brookings her wages double! Roseburg, Grants Pass...
It sounds like where Scotty wants to live the prices are great.