2 GF,
Take a breath...
Think of what you can say.
What you should say.
What tomorrow you will be glad to have said. And DIDN"T say!
You know that when one speaks, others listen.
Be sure that what you say is what you want to be repeated....
Choose your words carefully.
If you cannot think of appropriate words, be silent.
But, give"The Look!"
You know what I'm talking about!
Choose wisely, my Friend!
Which reminds me....
About time to throw some lead from my weapons again.
Perhaps an AK is in my future.....
Reminds me of a story some years ago when I was.....
Oh, Seems like y'all don't like me and my stories.
OK. Later.
Your loss, Losers.
You wrote AK....
Grit your teeth while I hold forth.
Having attended a couple but too many AR builds ,it is hard to ignore the price and caliber options of them ....Unless you like the robustness of an AK.
Their is a bridge to cross in the limitations of an AK , they are what they are and what they were designed for.
Then there is history of cost, vs today's market prices for a good one. The domestic mass produced (not domestic builds from overseas parts) popular listings have a ways to go yet in my experience. Beauty means little if bones are weak. Cast vs forged metals is only one area ,but their heat treatment has been a point of contention.
After much digging a couple Veterans stand out. I check their site time to time ,and have seem "blemished" builds of theirs elsewhere.
Debate about having them put me on a list for a particular build with a blemish.
I'm not looking for a closet/gunsafe queen but rather an upgrade , and an AK in my hands will only see more blemishes. Though treated with care.
Offering build classes or simply shipping a built rifle they build makes these guys more interesting. With custom arms builds available.
Seating rivets is just one area I would want supervision ,experience , and dedicated equipment available. Building one ups the intimacy of knowledge that can be learned through repeated disassembly and reassembly , (an intimacy you well know) but more it installs confidence in knowing a builds integrity , vs faith in some one else building it. Unless some one you have much faith in builds it. (?)
Advanced Weapon Systems
Worth a browse if you are still researching AK's.