2 GF,
Take a breath...
Think of what you can say.
What you should say.
What tomorrow you will be glad to have said. And DIDN"T say!

You know that when one speaks, others listen.
Be sure that what you say is what you want to be repeated....
Choose your words carefully.
If you cannot think of appropriate words, be silent.
But, give"The Look!"
You know what I'm talking about!


Choose wisely, my Friend!


Which reminds me....
About time to throw some lead from my weapons again.
Perhaps an AK is in my future.....:hello2:
Reminds me of a story some years ago when I was.....

Oh, Seems like y'all don't like me and my stories.

OK. Later.

Your loss, Losers.


You wrote AK....
Grit your teeth while I hold forth.

Having attended a couple but too many AR builds ,it is hard to ignore the price and caliber options of them ....Unless you like the robustness of an AK.
Their is a bridge to cross in the limitations of an AK , they are what they are and what they were designed for.
Then there is history of cost, vs today's market prices for a good one. The domestic mass produced (not domestic builds from overseas parts) popular listings have a ways to go yet in my experience. Beauty means little if bones are weak. Cast vs forged metals is only one area ,but their heat treatment has been a point of contention.

After much digging a couple Veterans stand out. I check their site time to time ,and have seem "blemished" builds of theirs elsewhere.
Debate about having them put me on a list for a particular build with a blemish.
I'm not looking for a closet/gunsafe queen but rather an upgrade , and an AK in my hands will only see more blemishes. Though treated with care.

Offering build classes or simply shipping a built rifle they build makes these guys more interesting. With custom arms builds available.
Seating rivets is just one area I would want supervision ,experience , and dedicated equipment available. Building one ups the intimacy of knowledge that can be learned through repeated disassembly and reassembly , (an intimacy you well know) but more it installs confidence in knowing a builds integrity , vs faith in some one else building it. Unless some one you have much faith in builds it. (?)

Advanced Weapon Systems

Worth a browse if you are still researching AK's.

You wrote AK....
Grit your teeth while I hold forth.

Having attended a couple but too many AR builds ,it is hard to ignore the price and caliber options of them ....Unless you like the robustness of an AK.
Their is a bridge to cross in the limitations of an AK , they are what they are and what they were designed for.
Then there is history of cost, vs today's market prices for a good one. The domestic mass produced (not domestic builds from overseas parts) popular listings have a ways to go yet in my experience. Beauty means little if bones are weak. Cast vs forged metals is only one area ,but their heat treatment has been a point of contention.

After much digging a couple Veterans stand out. I check their site time to time ,and have seem "blemished" builds of theirs elsewhere.
Debate about having them put me on a list for a particular build with a blemish.
I'm not looking for a closet/gunsafe queen but rather an upgrade , and an AK in my hands will only see more blemishes. Though treated with care.

Offering build classes or simply shipping a built rifle they build makes these guys more interesting. With custom arms builds available.
Seating rivets is just one area I would want supervision ,experience , and dedicated equipment available. Building one ups the intimacy of knowledge that can be learned through repeated disassembly and reassembly , (an intimacy you well know) but more it installs confidence in knowing a builds integrity , vs faith in some one else building it. Unless some one you have much faith in builds it. (?)

Advanced Weapon Systems

Worth a browse if you are still researching AK's.

What I have heard is the AK is more reliable in rough conditions. I found a site selling Czech military surplus AKs. And from others. Legitimate sales delivered to local firearms dealers. What do you think of military surplus AKs?

What I have heard is the AK is more reliable in rough conditions. I found a site selling Czech military surplus AKs. And from others. Legitimate sales delivered to local firearms dealers. What do you think of military surplus AKs?

Most are parts kits with a minimum of U.S. made parts added in country to meet requirements of importation. Avoiding bans so to speak.

Complete ones from pre-ban exist but are pricey.

Not sure if VEPR's are subject to the same importation rules or not.

Surplus AK's? If certain ones were available at reasonable costs I'd get excited.

Reliability can be argued , but an AK can tolerate abuse and foul bores , actions, and elements just fine usually.
Teardown and repair suits me too ,but that is not meant to be an insult against AR's. More a tribute to my pounder,squeezer, cutter , type skills in finesse work. (Not too great usually).

I can't print what a very patient friend said to a very small part that did not want to "go home" during it's installation. He asked it "what did you say little fella?" When the piece jumped out. And the part answered him (with his own voice , but a much higher pitch ) with a statement of unprintable defiance , before being put in it's place.
Or what barrels being removed twice on two subsequent rifles when AR's were being assembled stimulated for dialog..

What I have heard is the AK is more reliable in rough conditions. I found a site selling Czech military surplus AKs. And from others. Legitimate sales delivered to local firearms dealers. What do you think of military surplus AKs?

I hate any and all AKs cause the *******s were shooting at us with them!!!!!!

Joke of the day — a new school principal, Mr. Mitchell was checking over his school on the first day. Passing the stockroom, he was startled to see the door wide open and teachers bustling in and out, carrying off books and supplies in preparation for the arrival of students the next day.

The school where he had been a principal the previous year had used a checkout system only slightly less elaborate than that at Fort Knox.

Cautiously, he asked the school's long-time custodian, "Do you think it's wise to keep the stockroom unlocked and to let the teachers take things without requisitions?"

The custodian looked at him gravely. "We trust them with the children, don't we?" he said.

I’m either a darn funny man, or a complete arsehole. I just got back from picking up the 16 y/o from school. Of course I had my dog with me. So she climbs up on my chest. Her back feet are on my chest and her front feet are on the steering wheel. She’s facing forward. I stop at a red light and this guy in a Dodge truck beside me says “ hey if I wasn’t off duty, I’d give you a ticket” I said for what? He points at my dog. I said “ no you won’t” she’s my seeing eye dog. We have a great working relationship. She leans left, I turn left. She leans right, I turn right. Besides I have these roads memorized.” He says “ well I’ll be, that’s the damnest thing I’ve ever heard of” then the light changed and I went on my merry way! Hehe I’m so full of ****, but I think quickly, on my feet!!!!!! You know it’s all part of that R- 13 project! Hahahehe hoohoo......,

I’m either a darn funny man, or a complete arsehole. I just got back from picking up the 16 y/o from school. Of course I had my dog with me. So she climbs up on my chest. Her back feet are on my chest and her front feet are on the steering wheel. She’s facing forward. I stop at a red light and this guy in a Dodge truck beside me says “ hey if I wasn’t off duty, I’d give you a ticket” I said for what? He points at my dog. I said “ no you won’t” she’s my seeing eye dog. We have a great working relationship. She leans left, I turn left. She leans right, I turn right. Besides I have these roads memorized.” He says “ well I’ll be, that’s the damnest thing I’ve ever heard of” then the light changed and I went on my merry way! Hehe I’m so full of ****, but I think quickly, on my feet!!!!!! You know it’s all part of that R- 13 project! Hahahehe hoohoo......,

He probably got your plate number.
You'll be sitting in the drunk tank tomorrow , with your seeing eye wiener dog playing harmonica beside you.:laughing7:

I’m either a darn funny man, or a complete arsehole. I just got back from picking up the 16 y/o from school. Of course I had my dog with me. So she climbs up on my chest. Her back feet are on my chest and her front feet are on the steering wheel. She’s facing forward. I stop at a red light and this guy in a Dodge truck beside me says “ hey if I wasn’t off duty, I’d give you a ticket” I said for what? He points at my dog. I said “ no you won’t” she’s my seeing eye dog. We have a great working relationship. She leans left, I turn left. She leans right, I turn right. Besides I have these roads memorized.” He says “ well I’ll be, that’s the damnest thing I’ve ever heard of” then the light changed and I went on my merry way! Hehe I’m so full of ****, but I think quickly, on my feet!!!!!! You know it’s all part of that R- 13 project! Hahahehe hoohoo......,

If he believed that we are done :p
I am surprised at the utter gullibility of some humans.

He probably got your plate number.
You'll be sitting in the drunk tank tomorrow , with your seeing eye wiener dog playing harmonica beside you.:laughing7:

I would love to see the faces of his friends at work when he told them about the amazing dog;)


Thanks for the chuckles....:laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:

Here's a real life story that should give you and others a few chuckles. One of my brothers had a coworker who was a compulsive thief. They worked the night shift at a major newspaper when they were making tons of money back in the day.

In any event one winter evening one of the guys said he needed a new battery for his car because his was pretty much finished. So the compulsive thief asked what type of car he drove, he had an idea of the type of battery was required and told him he would have one for him the next night.

Well these guys finished their shift about 5 in the morning and this guy was cruising up and down the streets looking for the appropriate car type. He stopped at a likely car got out of his car and popped the hood he had a flashlight and was struggling with the connectors on the battery. Just then a cop car pulled up and he started cussing and they cop asked what the problem was, he said because of the cold he wanted to take the battery inside to keep warm.

The cop feeling sorry for him held the flashlight while the guy casually undid the battery. Thanked him and walked off with the battery.....:laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:

Uncle Bill that’s funny........ life is good!

Ok one more

As you guys may know my dogs name is Daisy.......... so I gave her a new middle name....... Duke!

Ok that was too risqué. Imagine Daisy Duke!!

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I’m watching one of my all time favorite movies The Deep. They were just talking about the 1715 Fleet. Movie made in 1977!

Thanks Uncle Bill. Oh I forgot they are diving the old Jackson Browne masks. They are still talking about the 1715 Fleet and it was hit by a hurricane off Florida. He did say “11 ships”

I’m watching one of my all time favorite movies The Deep. They were just talking about the 1715 Fleet. Movie made in 1977!

Don't recall ever watching it.
I do recall the book. Glass vials of morphine one or more of the divers had too much interest in.

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