Why haven't aliens visited our solar system?

They looked at the reviews and we only have one star.

My thought on that questions is:
An advanced entity, capable of advanced space travel, would likely be interested in intelligent life perhaps on par or greater than theirs.
I don't think that Earth would qualify.
Haven't you noticed that SETI has all of their equipment pointed AWAY from earth?




A song you may not have heard about someone who travelled with "Aliens."


Late last night
While wishing on a star
Down from the sky
Came a man in a car
He said "Get in Jackson
Come on, let's go for a ride"
Outta sight

Sitting in a cockpit
Strapped down in a chair
I said "Hey, tell me
What's that over there?"
He said "Meet my computer
He's a friendly son-of-a-gun"
And we're having fun

Playing cards on Venus
In a cloudy room
Pass a glass of ammonia
I've got to get off soon
Sunbathing on Mercury
Or jamming on Jupiter
Which do you prefer?

It's getting pretty late
I got to go home
Nice to have met you
What's your telephone?
Maybe soon I'll call you
If I can afford the fare
It's long distance out there

Anus of Uranus
He's a friend of mine
He's a first rate party
And a real fine time

Came out in early 70's.
Yes, I have the album.....


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Dang ... Uncle Bill is making me hungry.
2G.F. making me want to pillage.
Must be a way to combine the two.....

Been cleaning a well used 1977 Coleman 220 J lantern.
Picked it up for a pittance after passing a worse one a while back.
A very devout model 200 A fan but.....Happened upon a handled reflector and it needed a home. (Tricky huh?)

A 1958 200A has a long history with me and many ,many ,many, hours of use for many reasons. From deer camps ,to fishing many places ,spearing suckers , camping in Florida and Canada and other states, lighting a former pole-barn by means of a rope reel rigged to a big reflector near the roof , decades of use ice fishing (and keeping me from freezing while doing so), power outages , and more....

Near becoming a teenager , I asked what is it (that old 200A) sitting on a beam in the garage? Stepdad said "if you fix it ,you can have it." And I did! Still do. (have it ,and fix it).

Have four other 200's now. Two running condition and parts on order to fix one or more of the other two. Though one has a corroded fount. It may remain a parts lantern.

A 425E stove still remains and earned it's keep long ago. Besides adventures away from home (whatever home is , in this case houses), it served duty in my first homestead for weeks before a "real" stove was acquired.

The stuff a guy drags around in life huh? l.o.l..
Gotta have some things , I guess.
Got an older Coleman 2 burner stove in the garage.
Don't recall where I got it or how long I've had it, but I DO remember that the first time that I filled the tank and tried to light it, the flames went everywhere!
Scared the crap out of me!
Obviously some leaks in the pressurized system....


So, I poured the fuel back into the fuel can, closed up the stove and haven't had any inclination of fooling with it since...

Reminds me of a fellow who went sky-diving.
He jumped from the plane, pulled the rip cord, and nothing happened.
He pulled the reserve and again, nothing happened.
He started to worry when all of a sudden, he saw a guy flying UP through the air!
He hollered, "Say, Buddy, do you know anything about parachutes?"
And the guy flying upwards said,
"No, I don't. Do you know anything about Coleman stoves?"



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On Coast Guard cutters, low-ranking crew members take turns in the galley helping the cooks. One young seaman aboard was always dropping dishes and spilling food. One day, alone in the galley, he noticed an unfrosted yellow sheet cake cooling on the counter. Determined to finally rectify past errors, the seaman made chocolate icing and carefully decorated the cake with it.

Returning later, the cook began frantically looking around the galley, then shouted out, "Where did my cornbread go?"




Yep pretty much every day when watching the news at least one story comes on that makes me question why or how some people manage to make it through the day let alone life.....:laughing9::laughing9::laughing9:

And the scary part is they're allowed to vote and procreate....:BangHead::BangHead::BangHead:

My thought on that questions is:
An advanced entity, capable of advanced space travel, would likely be interested in intelligent life perhaps on par or greater than theirs.
I don't think that Earth would qualify.
Haven't you noticed that SETI has all of their equipment pointed AWAY from earth?



I’m having a really bad day....... I don’t deserve **** like this...... they’ll miss me when I’m gone.....

"When you're gone..."

So, where are you going and can I come along?
A Treasure Hunt?
I got 4-5 metal detectors, some good scotch, a coupla fine cigars, and, I know how to make cornbread!

Don't let them win, Brother.

PM me if you need to. I'm always here for you.




An apt piece of wisdom.


  • bruce lee.webp
    bruce lee.webp
    9.2 KB · Views: 32

Just talked to my oldest and best Friend from Kansas.
He practically begged me to come for a few days.

OK. I got some Vacation time left.
I'll talk to Shannon on Monday and see when I can take a Thursday and Friday off.

Work some Wednesday, have my Landlord give me a ride to Hartsfield-Jackson that night, Fly into KCI where Ken will be waiting to pick me up.

My Friend really needs to see me soon....

And, I will be there for Ken, my Friend.
I've known him since I was 25.
Damn near 35 years!
I have always been there to mentor him in life.....

Once, upon our first meeting, his Step-Father was trying to sell me a motorcycle and Ken said, "It leaks a little oil near the pan."
His Step-Father said, "Shut up, Boy. You don't know your ass from a hole in the ground."

Well, I looked at Ken's Step-Father, and then at Ken.
I then bent over and used my finger to grind a small hole in the ground.
I looked at Ken and said, "What is that?"
He said, "A hole in the ground."

I then looked at his Step-Father and said, "Perhaps the boy is smarter than you give him credit for."

I bought the motorcycle, for a reduced price, and Ken has been my Brother since.


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Yep pretty much every day when watching the news at least one story comes on that makes me question why or how some people manage to make it through the day let alone life.....:laughing9::laughing9::laughing9:

And the scary part is they're allowed to vote and procreate....:BangHead::BangHead::BangHead:

Uncle Bill, my Friend,
Are you trying to bait me into a debate?

Definition: Debate. What Scotty uses to catch De Fish.
Catfish bite on chicken livers and...What?

OH. My bad....
Really, though, Politics are a no-no here. Right?
I rarely discuss politics because those I encounter are, well, I'll say it: IGNORANT!

If I told you all how and what I think of Life and Humanity,
Certainly there would be some a**h***bleeding heart Liberals who would be "Butt-Hurt."
So, I won't say......Dig?


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Got an older Coleman 2 burner stove in the garage.
Don't recall where I got it or how long I've had it, but I DO remember that the first time that I filled the tank and tried to light it, the flames went everywhere!
Scared the crap out of me!
Obviously some leaks in the pressurized system....


So, I poured the fuel back into the fuel can, closed up the stove and haven't had any inclination of fooling with it since...

Reminds me of a fellow who went sky-diving.
He jumped from the plane, pulled the rip cord, and nothing happened.
He pulled the reserve and again, nothing happened.
He started to worry when all of a sudden, he saw a guy flying UP through the air!
He hollered, "Say, Buddy, do you know anything about parachutes?"
And the guy flying upwards said,
"No, I don't. Do you know anything about Coleman stoves?"



May well be a 425E.

Where was your fire?
The long piece from fuel tank into , ummm ,the thigy that goes to supply burner(s) is the most common leak site.
First the part that feeds the burner has to be clean of spiders and webs ,rolled up 100 dollar bills ect.
A common problem is at the tip of the generator (that pipe thing sticking out of tank that fits in the hole to hook up to burner) .
The tip can be loose. Or fuel leaking through threads.
A good cure is to unscrew it ,then coat the pipes threads with copper anti-seize and then replace the tip and snug it down.

Shouldn't leak anywhere else.
Tank cap might not be sealing good ,but if that was the case you would not be able to pump up the tanks pressure enough to work. (In theory).

There are other fittings that could be checked though......
If no fuel in the tank ,but tank pressure can be built up , you can use soapy water in a squirt bottle to find bubbles where leaks are.

There are instructions on the stoves inside cover visible in your picture.
Flipping that little lever by your turn wheel (on /off fuel to burner knob at tank) to proper position at proper time has good purpose... (Up to light ,turn down after X amount of seconds maybe type)
We are making vapor from liquid fuel via that generator. Kind of a venturie ,but there is some rough transition before heated fuel begins to vaporize. Raw burning fuel vs fuel vapor...
But that should be happening at the far end of the generator briefly ,if at all.

Sometimes the "suitcase stove"'s carry handle can be in a position that keeps the fuel tank from touching the stove where it should ,and the handle needs to be moved.
Then too ,the tabs that support the tank where it mounts on the stove need to be positioned forward to ensure generator is seated far enough into piece it goes into. (Your picture is suspect ,but I can't see the fit of tank to stove wall. Both your latch and handle look like the are shimming the tank away from stove wall.)

Heck of a stove though. Will do some work. Stove tops melted on electric ranges from canning operations ,(pot bigger than burner causing stove top surface to overheat during extended usage) can be avoided by using a stove like yours.
One drawback is the left side burner.
The flat tab attached to a rod on the left opens the fuel to that burner. Counter clockwise to open ,clockwise to close. (I think,l.o.l.)
A bit lower b.t.u. than the right/main burner though.

1400 b.t.u. using the right burner only.
7500 on the main and 6500 on the left (aux.) when running/using both.
I have not measured them but find the 6500 on the aux. burner an optimistic estimate. Seems less.

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I just got another bill in the mail.

How many remember, "MAIL CALL!"


And tomorrow I will hunt an elusive $500 bill. And a $1000 bill.
I have CASH in hand....


A Friday night, I'm tuning up and no one offers me a shot?

Guess I'll start tonight with....

Cause I've never been able to connect.....
AH! New strings are the best!"

And a BIG shot of George Dickle.....

And, when I go back to Kansas, I must see my first wife.
Surely for grins and giggles....

But, you must remember that Kansas was a place that I left to pursue my potential....

My return after 10+ years will be bittersweet....

And, a look into the statutes of limitations....
I know how to avoid those who are looking for me, dig?

Yeah, my life has been difficult.
And many times it nearly ended...
But, I'm here strong to help my Friends and you!


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